Message from @NinaShakti - ME

Discord ID: 516289055856525312

2018-11-25 12:03:27 UTC  

@Jacob IMO its all about increasing degrees of “It’s Okay to be White” so in this case we would need to jump to “It’s Okay to be Pro-White”.

2018-11-25 12:19:09 UTC  


2018-11-25 15:11:27 UTC  

Good evening I.E! The Wife and I are celebrating our one year anniversary, I hope you all are having a wonderful time today, and plan to read and lift!

2018-11-25 15:20:49 UTC  

@The Eternal Anglo Congratulations to you both!! 🥂

2018-11-25 15:23:51 UTC  
2018-11-25 15:32:31 UTC  

Welcome to the IE National Server, @Kingfish ! Have you been contacted by your coordinator yet?

2018-11-25 15:34:51 UTC  

Welcome Kingfish 😀

2018-11-25 15:35:16 UTC  
2018-11-25 15:35:58 UTC  

Wow another Maine pledge

2018-11-25 15:39:07 UTC  

@NinaShakti - ME Welcome! Happy to see a quickly growing chapter in Maine

2018-11-25 15:56:30 UTC  

Welcome @NinaShakti - ME <:deye:359010025223618570> !

2018-11-25 15:56:45 UTC  

Welcome Nina 😃

2018-11-25 16:21:06 UTC  
2018-11-25 16:21:09 UTC  

Morning and welcome newbie

2018-11-25 16:21:14 UTC  

Texas gang where you at.

2018-11-25 16:26:13 UTC  

Thanks so much @Asatru Artist - MD @NateDahl76 @Isabella Locke-MT Really glad to find a like-minded community and to hear that the maine chapter is growing

2018-11-25 16:26:37 UTC  

When you gain full membership, you'll gain access to the women's server.

2018-11-25 16:26:40 UTC  

I just did last night 😃

2018-11-25 16:27:03 UTC  

@Isabella Locke-MT congrats on becoming a full time member!

Welcome, @NinaShakti - ME.

2018-11-25 16:28:20 UTC  

Thank you Carleton

2018-11-25 16:28:23 UTC  

@Isabella Locke-MT I'm glad I'm not the only woman here!

2018-11-25 16:28:35 UTC  

We're a growing bunch, Nina

2018-11-25 16:29:04 UTC  

There are a good number of very active women on here actually.

2018-11-25 16:29:31 UTC  

Very whitepilling to see.

2018-11-25 16:30:41 UTC  

I plan on slowly working my girlfriend into this line of thinking, she hates all politics though

2018-11-25 16:31:19 UTC  

Women make up about 10% of the organization @NinaShakti - ME

2018-11-25 16:31:27 UTC  

Apolitical is the best tbh.

2018-11-25 16:31:34 UTC  

You will be in a chapter that is half female

2018-11-25 16:31:48 UTC  

Her mom's side is pretty redpilled

2018-11-25 16:32:38 UTC  

My wife doesn't seem especially happy I'm in IE, but there is nothing she can do about it.

2018-11-25 16:32:48 UTC  

@StevePines -WA Focus on cultural and emotional points rather than politics, that gets most women

2018-11-25 16:33:24 UTC  

I got redpilled with my husband

2018-11-25 16:33:28 UTC  

from browsing /pol/

2018-11-25 16:33:54 UTC  

She's fairly apolitical but sees what we do as extreme, i see it as necessary to our future.

2018-11-25 16:34:25 UTC  

We aren't even that extreme

2018-11-25 16:34:51 UTC  

No, we aren't, but anything out of the establishment seems extreme to her. <:really:453005408064241674>

2018-11-25 16:35:50 UTC  

Most women just want safety and to not have to worry about defending anything, unless there's an imminent threat on the doorstep many women will choose to ignore rather than fight

2018-11-25 16:37:49 UTC  

Goes for betas too. I think the key would be showing that there is a threat, just not an overtly obvious one to her, and what you're doing is to protect her in the long run

2018-11-25 16:38:30 UTC  

Good stuff, glad you’re knowledgeable on this. It’ll be important to get more women into IE as we progress

2018-11-25 16:38:58 UTC  

That's why i do all this. To protect her and my people from a possible negative future.

2018-11-25 16:44:28 UTC  

I feel like having the feminine influence helps broaden the appeal to more people, too many alpha males creates a very specific line of thinking and range of arguments. I do like this organization for that reason, listening to the emotional blabbering from hippies I know is painful sometimes but there's a reason so many support their whole "love and peace" stance.