Message from @Papa Pizzagate
Discord ID: 517920503688724490
I feel like just making Rockwell style paintings is a social statement in and of itself today. Sort of like how I notice with surprise when an ad actually portrays a happy white family
Bierstadt and Moran are great as well.
Thomas Cole👌🏻
My favorite period of art is probably the Romantic era, as cliche as that might be around these parts.
You guys ever seen Charlie Russel paintings? Montana artist
CDF, Karl Friedrich Lessing, etc.
Colorado brag..hiked mt bierstadt this year
Bryan Larsen is a wonderful romantic painter today. Based in Salt Lake.
the reason I like guys like D.G Baker and impressionism in general is because they have the essence of the past while remaining forward looking.
well, not all impressionism lol
*early stuff
Romantic school is great, and yeah cool @Lawrence of Eurabia
Great piece.
@Lawrence of Eurabia Love Russel.
CMR’s painting fill the MT State Capital building
Bryan Larsen. Romantic realism — it’s all just white people with children achieving things.
Will look up higher res stuff
He has incredible work.
Well that settled what I am putting up next. Bryan Larsen. @Alexander Pechorin great stuff.
A piece a friend of mine commissioned
Thomas Eakins was the greatest American painter, thus proving once again Philadelphia to be the greatest place in the country
“Triumph of Icarus”
very tasteful
Wow, his stuff is pretty affordable.
whats the medium Conway?
@Conway - OK Cursed
As far as modern art is concerned, Italian Futurism is cool. It arose in the early 20th century out of a sense that Italian culture was seen as something that happened in the past. Italian Futurism was thus a way for young Italians to shock their country out of what they viewed as deep cultural stagnation.
Vegas for dinner with some manufacturers out here. I reassuring sight.
No, @Wood-Ape - OK/MN was right. the medium is "cursed"
@Reinhard Wolff Futurism is dope