Message from @Flint
Discord ID: 520752746966548490
@Flint JAF is not myself. There's no point in turning him into a martyr.
@Flint Don't be absurd.
@Flint I agree that it's a miscarriage of justice.
However, turning him into a martyr is a bad idea optics wise.
It's a battle that we cannot win.
It matters how trumpers see it
@Papa Pizzagate You'll have to be more specific
Then change how they see it.
JAF is us, lololololol
He is. how do you think Cville sees IE? We're currently wrapped up there legally, btw
>the left see' Fields as they see Trump as they see all white people
Then theymust be unhinged.
@Flint Our enemies can see me however they like.
Not you, they. sry
Neat painting!
Whiteness is violence to them
Only to the most radical.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN fiancée made that
@CarletonJ That's a keeper!!
90% of regular white people are turned off by that kind of rhetoric, including my liberal mother.
@Papa Pizzagate Do they speak differently of us? I see the same language used. Just the other week local police in NY put IE stickers in an *evidence bag*
@Flint While I absolutely agree that the Left is unhinged. It's useless to try and get them.
they are too far lost
@Flint whoa got an article on that?
I didn't mean the left
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN give me a sec
A country where half the citizens believe that sharing Hitler memes justifies the death penalty and the other half are sharing Hitler memes is in for a rough ride.
@Flint I don't think that we should try to include JAF as /our/guy.
@Flint don't be so reactionary, bro. It's all for show. Evidence bag -> calm down the local liberals -> nothing happens.
it's a bad idea
@Rabbidsith You shouldn't because he isn't.
@Sacramento might have been the one the lion king is loosely based on.....just get her camp of the saints lol
@Undercover Academic - IL get innawoods. cities aren't worth the higher wages
We have to make the entire left appear as “whiteness is violence” supporters, and normie whites as cowardly for not standing up for themselves
@CarletonJ it’s not January lol
@Papa Pizzagate Good. However, supporting him as a martyr is a bad idea. We should distance ourselves as much as possible from c'ville.
Our number one priority should be slowing/defeating neoliberalism and globalism. Everything we're experiencing is a result of that ideology.
@Papa Pizzagate I agree.
@Papa Pizzagate how do you do tat?
@Rabbidsith I'm not throwing him under the bus because you don't find him worthy of defense. He was at the same rally as many of us for the same reasons
Do not talk about that California group