Message from @Salo Saloson

Discord ID: 528783164555132929

2018-12-30 03:48:10 UTC  

We didn’t even have Italian language classes but we had Japanese....but we had Russian....

2018-12-30 03:48:23 UTC  

In college, the first class you needed for a Japanese minor had 40 people. The last one started with 6 and finished with 2.

2018-12-30 03:48:44 UTC  

...probably both Japanese

2018-12-30 03:48:49 UTC  

I like the Ben Franklin model of language acquisition

2018-12-30 03:48:51 UTC  

One was

2018-12-30 03:48:56 UTC  

The other was me

2018-12-30 03:48:56 UTC  

pfah. I learned to read plenty of Eurostani languages... granted I did that with the benefit of years of foreign language media sources

2018-12-30 03:49:36 UTC  

We don’t fail out of classes ‘round these parts

2018-12-30 03:49:55 UTC  

so you just stop showing up to class?

2018-12-30 03:49:59 UTC  

Technically the other girl was half Japanese and half Bengali

2018-12-30 03:50:09 UTC  

how'd that happen?

2018-12-30 03:50:17 UTC  

Nah that class started with 6, she and I were the only two that passed.

2018-12-30 03:50:31 UTC  

Idk. Wonder what it’s like being your own ethnic group.

2018-12-30 03:52:09 UTC  

Alright, here's how weird the day is: Pewdiepie goes on for a solid ~5 minutes about Yukio Mishima

2018-12-30 03:52:36 UTC  

He also says Fahrenheit 451 is a bad book.
Pewds is making it a tough sell rn

2018-12-30 03:53:19 UTC  

every time my sister talks about "good schools" I am tempted to say "you mean white schools, right?" but I think if I said that she might send her kids to the ghetto school where I work just to show me she's "not racist" -_-

2018-12-30 03:53:36 UTC  

Pewds is wrong on another count: The Cat in the Hat is CLEARLY inferior to Yurtle the Turtle

2018-12-30 03:54:26 UTC  

I love that he is recommending Mishima. One of the first things that comes up online is his nationalism

2018-12-30 03:54:56 UTC  

oh, uh, he also talks about a book written by a Holocaust survivor

2018-12-30 03:55:02 UTC  

If there were a spectrum of /ourguy/-ness to the opposite, he’s more our /our guy/ than not

2018-12-30 03:55:30 UTC  

I'm not so sure about that

2018-12-30 03:56:38 UTC  

I didn’t used to think so. Lately I’m more convinced he’s def more controversial than he lets on

2018-12-30 03:57:22 UTC  

Well more controversial, sure.
But he is not /ourguy/ and it's dangerous to rush out there and start projecting our beliefs onto others

2018-12-30 03:57:28 UTC  

Unless you all can read minds

2018-12-30 03:57:34 UTC  

'cause I can't do that yet.

2018-12-30 03:57:38 UTC  


2018-12-30 03:57:46 UTC  

@Salo Saloson very measured and reasonable

2018-12-30 03:57:50 UTC  

This spectrum I’m imagining is pretty wide

2018-12-30 03:58:41 UTC  

Pewds does what he's gotta do in his position. I think not unequivocally bowing to the system is pretty good for someone so high profile. I love that lyric in his T-Series diss video: "I'm a blue-eyes white dragon, while you're just dark magician, oof"

2018-12-30 03:59:04 UTC  

I can’t imagine he goes to japan, reads a nationalist’s books, and wonders why it’s a nice place

2018-12-30 03:59:25 UTC  

He probably goes there, gets stared at a bunch and wonders, "why do they look at me so weird?"

2018-12-30 03:59:34 UTC  

"Is it because I'm the world's most famous youtuber?"

2018-12-30 04:00:20 UTC  

If you go to Japan, get stared at, and don't immediately realize it's because you are not Japanese, you are not very observant.

2018-12-30 04:00:53 UTC  

I think "not very observant" is a good descriptor for a lot of people

2018-12-30 04:01:13 UTC  

My Dad dated a Japanese woman when he was stationed there. She would question why he was with her when he could get a woman with blue eyes and the like. They kinda worship the European phenotype.

2018-12-30 04:01:14 UTC  

I am 6'9" and didn't feel stared at in Osaka, Kyoto or even Kanazawa.

2018-12-30 04:01:32 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN well they were scared of you duh lol

2018-12-30 04:01:32 UTC  

I had to get real rural for a reaction

2018-12-30 04:02:19 UTC  

Wood, that's because they thought you were a fuckin' giant (you are)

2018-12-30 04:02:29 UTC  

Big if true

2018-12-30 04:02:44 UTC  

Bruh I think you were taller than a good 99% of the native population