Message from @Sam Southern - TN
Discord ID: 531549805672005657
@Papa Pizzagate yikes is right.
reverse the races in that statement and you have an SPLC article
The fact that he could blatantly say this infront of not just me and everyone just goes along their merry way. I guess building and inventing 99.9% of the modern world gets you a bullet in the head.
You shouldn't take blacks seriously @PatrickAZ
@Albo Greychak - MI oh he isn't even black. "Native" "American"! Shows how blind he is. His people are at the last pieces of genetic line and he's worrying about blacks...
Its the coalition mentality. Somehow all these different minorities are going to (((coexist))) and throw a jubilee every day with eachother.
Majority minority cities have extreme racial stratification. Black hates brown, and yellow hates all of them. They’ll only be unified as long as it takes to remove ypipo
@PatrickAZ I wish he'd said that on a tweet. Those things tend to travel around
CathBol Gang is already making big progress in the new year
@bspon002 And Tariq would promote it.
The only reason non whites seem unified is because their Jewish masters are leading them in one direction. Without their high verbal IQ mouthpiece, they'd have no common ground to stand on at all.
@bspon002 well I used to work with him so he's obviously too chicken-shit to actually speak up without the assistance of alcohol.
@Albo Greychak - MI exactly right. Their common ground is built on quicksand. It is given so they can all come together and be consumed by globohomo at one time.
Fookin hate the Kurds, I will forever not understand the normiecon obsession with protecting them
The real question is, why is multiculturalism a goal? If it’s so difficult to make people do, and if the outcome is consistently weaker than a homogenous society with common goals, why bother? I think traditional Europe is the supreme model, many diverse cultures that exists in harmony among a closely linked ethnic people’s. That’s enough “multiculturalism” to me. More diversity in that little slice of the earth than the whole damned planet!
@Albo Greychak - MI everyone loves talking about the jews but honestly give white liberals and blacks credit. Jews are a minority. It doesn't take intelligence to act in your own interest. Individual ants are stupid but together they do alot of things. It's the supposed "intellectual" in our society that have attempted to flay self interest as bad
For a time before the first WW it did.. before (((they))) we’re disrupting the financial structures.
You can just say Jews bro the echoes are kinda cringe
Sure, there was infighting. But nothing that would have collapsed the cultures in their entirety.
But yeah central banks even had a role in coordinating other earlier wars.
Like their bit in the battle of Waterloo
Meh I would disagree that traditional Europe ever existed in harmony. More or less always been ethnic conflicts.
10 4, I realized that while typing them. I’m a new member though so still feeling it out lol
Yeah no worries man
They had their time, but its over
But the diverse cultures did exist in a small continent, correct?
Even with the conflicts, they never utterly destroyed each other.
Yeah thats kind of the whole feudalism bit
oh here comes the nerd @Nemets
we are not talking about padjeets so lets see
I wish Trump would fire John Bolton.
John Bolton is a dangerous man..
Ah, glad to see Bolton was able to completely stop the withdrawal for the forseeable future. This has nothing to do with the recent (yesterday) visit to Tel Aviv, I'm sure.
reality confirming my political beliefs is bad for my blood pressure.
Oy vey..
After listening to Patrick's speech, I am wondering if our message is too meta for the average European American. I am more worried about present anti-white discrimination like criminalization of Christianity, all defense critical US STEM programs unanimously composed of Chinese nationals, majority mexican birthrates, revisionist history in pop culture, the rise of third world politics in Congress, and the loss of a nations worth dying for in America and Europe. Yes, this all part of a long history, but that's not the political opportunity. It's that we can use these attacks to reunite, reinstill identity, and rebuild what was lost and even what never existed before. Trump understood this.