Message from @itsme
Discord ID: 789624659489980436
the people coming across the border typically wont have money we can take
why not just use fines
the people coming across the border typically wont have money we can take
It’s not forced labor, it’s community service
okay I agree
And it’s different for everyone
which is forced labor
But it’s not unfairly enforced
There’s regulations and codes
norman just to get this clear since I dont wanna mis-represent you
forced labor doesnt imply "unfair"
the objective is to get money from them right?
no its to keep them out
Your word choice posses a negative connection
but to get money from them if they come
money is used to offset those who slip through, and to deter
I see
Community services isn’t you working for free
You’re paying off debt
would the best way to get cash from the not be
i think it would be better to just force labor on them, especially if they arent a citizen
to give them citizenship and collect taxes?
again we dont want them here in the first place
its not about the money
And the work is never going to endanger those working
It’s regulated
the money is a deterrent, and something nice which offsets the damage of them
okay If I may
I’m really confused by your stance on this position
what exactly is "the damage of them"
they suppress wages and steal jobs, they drive up housing costs, they make the culture worse, they vote democrat, they fill up the school systems, they cause crime, etc.
okay ima take this point by point
Illegal immigration
i also oppose legal immigration but that is another issue
as for the crime
Many countries don’t take immigrants which is kinda confusing