Message from @meglide

Discord ID: 781732240282877953

2020-11-27 03:58:52 UTC  

more hypothesis?

2020-11-27 03:58:54 UTC  

@Adam135 Republicans would never engage in retaliatory court packing. They have already said it is a shameful abomination and would never reframe it to justify their hypocrisy.

2020-11-27 03:58:54 UTC  

Maintain the mission

2020-11-27 03:59:32 UTC  

what is HAL actually saying?

2020-11-27 03:59:43 UTC  

why is he addressing this topic?

2020-11-27 04:00:35 UTC  

I would like to think that my approach to SCOTUS is not partisan... I would not support adding 4 justices to take over the majority. I am advocating balance. If the current court proves to be the super majority the Left fears, then adding 2 justices in an attempt to balance the court without giving a clear majority might be a palatable compromise that might not trigger retaliation in the future.

2020-11-27 04:01:10 UTC  

Politics have changed a long way, look at the trend of supreme court nomination picks. Scalia and RBG had over 90 votes, Kagan and Sotomayor has 60, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh had barely over 50. As soon as you throw the common courtesy of not packing the court, then the next time the other party is in charge will have their hay day

2020-11-27 04:01:52 UTC  

He understands motives and intention while gently suggesting deeper thought and understanding, perhaps.

2020-11-27 04:01:56 UTC  

Thanks. I didn't know that. My father has MS and I will have to check it out.

2020-11-27 04:02:29 UTC  

Yea paying attention to the news and this channel is challenging if I want to be productive

2020-11-27 04:02:53 UTC  

see how hard it is to just listen to what HAL says?

2020-11-27 04:02:59 UTC  

without interpreting it?

2020-11-27 04:03:39 UTC  

He wants to know . What they hiding from him

2020-11-27 04:03:42 UTC  

I would want the right to retaliate

2020-11-27 04:03:52 UTC  

again, it isn't the principle I'm arguing, but the logistics. Things like moderate and leftist are far open to interpretation and have no meaning in law. You may see it as trying to balance the court, the other will see it as trying to dilute it. It's just one of those things you don't mess with.

2020-11-27 04:04:06 UTC  

@Doc HAL wants Dave to question what he has been told as reality. I'm trying to connect it with that's how you kill patients

2020-11-27 04:04:21 UTC  

the court system needs to be destroyed (and fixed via constitutional amendment), and having both sides pack the courts to ludicrous numbers would force the issue

2020-11-27 04:04:37 UTC  

@Zuluzeit wrong.

2020-11-27 04:04:39 UTC  

The federal legislature already has enough power, they don't need to add to it

2020-11-27 04:04:43 UTC  

The intention of Hal is for Human to listen and exactly interpret data to precision.

2020-11-27 04:04:49 UTC  

"The most comprehensive between-country study of masks for COVID-19 infection is a comparison of policy changes, such as social distancing, travel restrictions, and mask wearing, across 41 countries. It found introducing a mask-wearing policy had little impact, but mask policies were mostly introduced after social distancing and other measures were already in place."

2020-11-27 04:05:02 UTC  

@Zuluzeit hal says: "Maybe I am just projecting my own concerns"

2020-11-27 04:05:17 UTC  

HAL clearly states that he is having second thoughts.

2020-11-27 04:05:36 UTC  

The reason they need to be destroyed is because the left-wing judges believe in judicial activism (choosing the "moral" resolution instead of the actual good faith interpretation of the constitution and US law, where their morals are partisan), which leaves no role for the legislature (judges are legislating), and basically we then have a 9umvirate, which is a civil-war situation for me

2020-11-27 04:05:52 UTC  

(he is going into the Hofstadter-Mobiutz loop and is scared)

2020-11-27 04:06:20 UTC  

How does Dave respond?

2020-11-27 04:06:46 UTC  

@Doc How does that get patients killed?

2020-11-27 04:06:47 UTC  


2020-11-27 04:06:49 UTC  

It's been a very long time since seeing this film so would have to watch again for better context. Seemed fitting about Hunter is all.

2020-11-27 04:06:58 UTC  

Ok hang on. I have to listen again.

2020-11-27 04:07:46 UTC  

The way I see it is that the left looks at the court as their ultimate shortcut. If they get the court to mandate something, they don't have to convince 50 states, and they don't even have to convince the federal legislatures. They can just get a judge on the bench who is partisan (everyone is ofc) and also believes in judicial activism explicitly and proudly

2020-11-27 04:07:48 UTC  

That’s in line with my view, being in public places stores (high risk places) , close talking face to face with cashiers etc @meglide

2020-11-27 04:09:14 UTC  

the way I put it is: outside is better than inside, social distancing is better than a mask ... if you're inside and can't social distance then you better be wearing a mask

2020-11-27 04:09:16 UTC  

@Doc Dave just registers his suspicion of it being a ruse to evaluate his psychology.

2020-11-27 04:09:21 UTC  

I am not as inclined to think that 20 of the last 24 justices were nominated by Republican presidents.

2020-11-27 04:09:40 UTC  

Indeed. He interprets HALs communication in light of what he thinks HAL is.

2020-11-27 04:09:45 UTC  

Right which is why those people barging into store without a mask are so annoying @meglide

2020-11-27 04:09:47 UTC  

And kills the mission.

2020-11-27 04:09:47 UTC  

Not inclined to think _what_ ?

2020-11-27 04:10:01 UTC  

@Zuluzeit You see how *interpretation* kills?

2020-11-27 04:10:11 UTC  

They say so explicitly (that they want judicial activism), just google the words "judicial activism"