Message from @andrasol

Discord ID: 782312453526257677

2020-11-28 18:19:54 UTC  

@james j *"Petitionersallege that mail-in voting in the form implemented through Act 77 is an attempt by the legislature to fundamentally overhaul the Pennsylvania voting system and permit universal, no-excuse, mail-in voting absent any constitutional authority. "*

2020-11-28 18:20:25 UTC  

I'm not sure why that is needed to make their case.

2020-11-28 18:20:45 UTC  


2020-11-28 18:20:47 UTC

2020-11-28 18:21:03 UTC  

Either way the Burden can’t fall on voters that voted in good faith

2020-11-28 18:21:43 UTC  

That's why it will be interesting to see how this goes...

2020-11-28 18:22:21 UTC  

@james j That was the fundamental argument from the very beginning. It needs to be tampering in order to jettison the will of the people.

2020-11-28 18:24:01 UTC  

If they did not act to enfranchise voters in the South who were suppressed from voting (in the past), how can they disenfranchise voters today that voted in good faith and would likely have voted in-person if this was not available to them?

2020-11-28 18:24:56 UTC

2020-11-28 18:25:00 UTC

2020-11-28 18:25:28 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Same point. More words. Still valid.

2020-11-28 18:25:54 UTC  

I haven't had time to look into this to know what it means... On the surface, it would appear that they are asserting that there are some really dumb criminals in NV. 😄

2020-11-28 18:26:09 UTC  

Okay I see so they didn’t put it on the ballot in 2019 so it couldn’t pass @TaLoN132

2020-11-28 18:26:52 UTC  

My high school Health teacher told me that I was impressed by my own verbosity. He may have had a point.

2020-11-28 18:27:15 UTC  

So it does have to be voted on by the general people

2020-11-28 18:27:15 UTC  

Hahaha I love it though. Makes it clear.

2020-11-28 18:28:59 UTC  

Finally a group that respects eachother and has honest discussion...

2020-11-28 18:28:59 UTC  

@andrasol, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-11-28 18:29:28 UTC  

Interesting... seems like a good idea to find ways to make it easier for out Military to vote. Did this go anywhere?

2020-11-28 18:30:00 UTC  

We try... Thank you. New here?

2020-11-28 18:30:23 UTC  

New to the discord. Have been following everything since the blm stuff

2020-11-28 18:30:58 UTC  

I follow this, barnes, viva, pool, ... everyday while moving 20 tons of product at work each day

2020-11-28 18:31:12 UTC  

And do a dutch weekly update in vlog about the US

2020-11-28 18:31:35 UTC  

@james j and I had an interesting conversation last night with a Q zealot and a British Anarchist - both college aged. It was... interesting?

2020-11-28 18:31:55 UTC  

Welcome... Jump right in.

2020-11-28 18:32:24 UTC  

I like to listen. And think.

I am a foreigner. So the chance of me knowing something you guys dont is slim

2020-11-28 18:35:30 UTC  

I was back reading what I missed this morning... And I'm bummed I missed participating in the mRNA vaccine discussion between @Doc and @meglide.

2020-11-28 18:36:17 UTC  

It's hard to piece conversations back together after the fact.

2020-11-28 18:38:35 UTC  

I am bummed about missing the side conversation that was interwoven with it. The virus stuff is too dry/technical for me.

2020-11-28 18:41:14 UTC  

I was reading through the MI Powell filings and I am noticing a pattern, but I haven't fully formed my opinion. It appears that some of the "expert" witnesses were asked to evaluate the plausibility of the assertions of other witnesses - as opposed to conducting their own independent analysis. At least, that's how it reads on the surface. I think that changes how they should be weighted, in my opinion. In other words, it's not like all of Powell's "experts" came to their conclusions independently of each other and they do not appear to have worked on them together. Like I said, this is preliminary, so I thought I would put it out there to see if others were seeing it the same way or not.

2020-11-28 18:42:15 UTC  

I predict those 'experts' will be duly flayed.

2020-11-28 18:44:14 UTC  

It seems to me that every filing is a gish-galloping PR stunt, targeting their base, so they will be so convinced that they will support 'any means necessary'. This is not a new tactic.

2020-11-28 18:44:35 UTC  

Well... I asked Doc before about whether there was reason to be concerned about the mRNA vaccine approach having never been used on humans before 5 months ago. He kindly turned me onto some research in the treatment of MS - my dad has MS - where mRNA techniques were being used for treatment. I got the impression that he was leaning towards it being safe, but the conversation this morning seemed to suggest otherwise.

2020-11-28 18:45:19 UTC  

agree...but why ?

2020-11-28 18:46:27 UTC  

BTW, democrats are spreading this fake bullshit that republicans are trying to boycott the runoff elections. No we are not. They should be sued to the ground for that.

2020-11-28 18:46:48 UTC  

Yeah... I'm just worried about the "broken clock" syndrome which suggests there's a scenario where the case sees the light of day at the correct (or incorrect depending on perspective) time.

2020-11-28 18:47:08 UTC  

@TaLoN132 The 100% consensus on autoimmunity problem certainty tipped me off on his opinion. I defer to the people who know stuff about things that are prohibitive for me to develop expertise.

2020-11-28 18:48:32 UTC  

lost me on that

2020-11-28 18:48:58 UTC  

Are you saying that no one on the right suggested a boycott and it was completely fabricated by the MSM? Or that they won't let a poorly thought out tactic die and keep it alive in a blatant attempt to suppress the vote?

2020-11-28 18:49:46 UTC  

Republicans should boycott the elections, in Georgia at least, or vote Democrat. In order for the filed fantastical claims about malfeasance to be true, the Republican government sold voters out. Time for a change. Quicker blue shift on that purple.

2020-11-28 18:50:11 UTC  

LOL oh man. the opposition defense is always "questioning the voting processes during a razor thin election is suppressing peoples votes"