Message from @Steeler26

Discord ID: 785255754281254944

2020-12-06 21:21:11 UTC  

selling T-shirts with F^CK [fill inn yourself]

2020-12-06 21:21:13 UTC  

It is kind of a catch 22 situation with PA

2020-12-06 21:21:17 UTC  

God this is horribly irresponsible.

2020-12-06 21:21:33 UTC  

@Maw noone wants a civil war more than those who have never seen one.

2020-12-06 21:21:39 UTC  

I think you're right... so basically the PA court potentially disenfranchised all the mail in voters in PA that meet those criteria.

2020-12-06 21:22:05 UTC  

@Maw I don’t know what that far left wants but I have alluded to secession many times but you said that topic is not allowed

2020-12-06 21:22:18 UTC  

@Doc We have modern-day versions happening to this day, I'm surprised they are sheltered from the footage.

2020-12-06 21:22:27 UTC  

Different case... This is the one that is asking for Act 77 - at least the part allowing no-excuse mail-in voting - in unconstitutional... and asked that either the mail-in votes be invalidated giving Trump the election win or to have them invalidate the entire election and let the legislature determine the slate of electors to submit, if I recall correctly. I'll look it up and update you if I was mistaken.

2020-12-06 21:22:37 UTC  

footing is one thing. Footage does not have smell.

2020-12-06 21:23:00 UTC  

and there is something in a childs voice the camera cant catch.

2020-12-06 21:24:11 UTC  

I said the topic of civil war isn't allowed. Balkanization is a little different, and it largely depends on how you utilize the topic.

2020-12-06 21:24:33 UTC  

Telling people to get out of your country and stuff isn't regarded very highly.

2020-12-06 21:24:34 UTC  

I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same issue. The case was originally taken to SCOTUS before the election but because ACB hadn't been seated yet there was a 4-4 tie and it went back to the state. Alito then told PA to segregate the votes that came in after the deadline so that the case could be reheard after the election.

2020-12-06 21:24:58 UTC  

> I think you're right... so basically the PA court potentially disenfranchised all the mail in voters in PA that meet those criteria.
@Soburin As long as those American voters' votes count, they aren't being violated. That's how elections work.

2020-12-06 21:25:23 UTC  

“Believe” more like pretend because he knows the Trump base have been gaslit to believe what they want to have happened

2020-12-06 21:25:39 UTC  

Everyone has been gaslit by each other.

2020-12-06 21:25:43 UTC  

I'm not sure how you got that from what I said... I think law firms choose who they would like to represent all the time. There is nothing compelling a law firm to represent anyone they don't wan to. Are you suggesting otherwise?

2020-12-06 21:25:48 UTC  

You're missing the problem. The problem is having that amount of time allowed the cheating to occur. They had 3 days to manufacture votes which appears to be what happened.

2020-12-06 21:25:49 UTC  

This isn't trump-exclusive.

2020-12-06 21:26:01 UTC  

No this is the case brought by congressman Kelly from Pa. lost on laches in PA SC and is asking SCOTUS to hear it. The case you are referring to is also still pending.

2020-12-06 21:26:16 UTC  

@Soburin. I believe you are correct. Accepting Absentee Ballots after Election Day?

2020-12-06 21:27:06 UTC  

@Soburin Nope. You have to prove that those votes were manufactured...and then it's not a function of the extension. They could have been doing it for months prior.

2020-12-06 21:27:08 UTC  

The democrats are going through a civil war between establishment and progressives, the Republicans are sitting on the fence about Trump because they have to prioritize their seats in congress.

2020-12-06 21:27:25 UTC  

This gas-lighting cuts both ways

2020-12-06 21:27:34 UTC  

The law firm was threatened both personally and professionally. The threats were significant and credible enough that they felt it was in their best interest to not represent the president. is this appropriate and can you see how it could leave the president without council if all lawyers were as gutless?

2020-12-06 21:27:54 UTC  

I was threatened. Therefore fraud.

2020-12-06 21:27:59 UTC  

That's exactly what I've been saying but the courts won't hear the case... see the problem?

2020-12-06 21:28:05 UTC  

I don't think there was even this amount internal fighting several years ago.

2020-12-06 21:28:59 UTC  

Trump can always blame it on people who are alleging fraud

2020-12-06 21:29:06 UTC  

Lol, you know better than to reason with someone who worships Marx

2020-12-06 21:29:12 UTC  

@Soburin Courts know what cases qualify. They don't indulge willy nilly. It's not random.

2020-12-06 21:29:29 UTC  

It's working REALLY well.

2020-12-06 21:29:39 UTC  

Hahaha yup

2020-12-06 21:29:59 UTC  

Listen to this from 4:34 already coming up with excuses as to why they wont believe the dominion machine audits. These people don’t want evidence they just want to win and when they are shown to be wrong they will just dismiss it as a conspiracy the democrats are doing

2020-12-06 21:30:17 UTC  

Ah, so now it's ok for the courts to deny due process.

2020-12-06 21:30:39 UTC  

There are 2 different cases - the previous case about extending the deadline by 3 days ended up being moot because of it only amounting to about 10k votes.

2020-12-06 21:31:14 UTC  

It's ok for them to reject junk cases on process grounds, yes. They do it all the time.

2020-12-06 21:31:23 UTC  

Not sure where you're getting that number. As I recall it was 268k

2020-12-06 21:32:31 UTC  

Sean hannity looks like he's ready to take Trump back in his mouth

2020-12-06 21:32:46 UTC  

Maybe just a picture