Message from @Steeler26

Discord ID: 785261403505819659

2020-12-06 21:40:37 UTC  

I don't think SCOTUS would overturn the election results per se, but I think they may, whether justified or not, can suspend or deny certification

2020-12-06 21:40:51 UTC  

If they reached that conclusion that is

2020-12-06 21:41:03 UTC  

If there is proof that legal votes postmarked by 11/3 were received after 11/3 that exceeded the margin of error, then they should provide that proof. I would also contend that the only way that 81k+ votes didn't get there in time was due to an illegal concerted effort to disenfranchise voters by purposely slowing down the mail delivery.

2020-12-06 21:41:12 UTC  

The supreme court can deny certification? That sounds wrong.

2020-12-06 21:42:43 UTC  

A lot of things have to happen for Trump to pull this off and so far that's not the trend

2020-12-06 21:43:08 UTC  

Is there any paper trail that would indicate when those ballots are collected or arrive at a processing center.

2020-12-06 21:43:39 UTC  

if they back-dated them, it would be pretty hard to discern those from ones that came before 11/3

2020-12-06 21:44:02 UTC  

@Adam135 i believe the Court can rule that the Election was held or counted in violation of Law and Null and Void. Not determine a winner. It would fall onto the Constitutional Requirements after that to determine the State Electors.

2020-12-06 21:44:22 UTC  

right, that's what I meant to say.

2020-12-06 21:44:37 UTC  

Basically no one gets PA's votes

2020-12-06 21:44:42 UTC  

The key to that being CAN

2020-12-06 21:44:45 UTC  

People are saying they are constantly muddying and then testing the waters for support of an actual military-backed coup.

2020-12-06 21:44:49 UTC  

@William Dinan Considering you're talking about state-specific laws, I'm not so sure.

2020-12-06 21:46:11 UTC  

had to go look it up. Presidents legal team is challenging 700k votes in PA that were counted while poll watchers weren't permitted to watch. So, the mail in vote issue was different.

2020-12-06 21:46:14 UTC  

Not denying certification but if they throw votes out due to it being unconstitutional, they could remand it back to count the legal votes which could change the outcome of certifying the winner.

2020-12-06 21:47:02 UTC  

I would assume so... there may be some via the USPS even. I think it matters the type of postage as to the level of tracking. That is why, I think, some states opted to pre-pay the postage on their envelopes. They don't get the postmark on some of those prepaid rates, so some states require the voter to supply postage. That's an over-simplification from what I recall off the top of my head.

2020-12-06 21:47:11 UTC  

@Steeler26 I don't see the unconstitutional argument for a lot of these cases. 77 is different because of how it changed.

2020-12-06 21:47:25 UTC  

Which was legislation from the bench.

2020-12-06 21:47:37 UTC  

@Maw State Courts yes. Federal Court's can uphold The US Constitution and Federal Laws. The US Constitution establishes the Authority to the State Legislature and the US Congress respectively.

2020-12-06 21:48:28 UTC  

77 is definitely different for sure. Will be interesting if SCOTUS grants review of a state constitution arguably tied to the federal constitution.

2020-12-06 21:48:55 UTC  

It's a breach of the branches of power, it's definitely something unconstitutional.

2020-12-06 21:49:42 UTC  

@Maw. Seperation of Powers.

2020-12-06 21:49:54 UTC  

Yes, this is what I meant.

2020-12-06 21:50:12 UTC  

It is breaching the branch and reaching into another branch.

2020-12-06 21:50:14 UTC  

Will they prosecute the voters or is their votes being vetoed by the government enough punishment?

2020-12-06 21:51:05 UTC  

Attempted election tampering.

2020-12-06 21:51:08 UTC  

I don't know if the SCOTUS could offer that kind of relief.

2020-12-06 21:51:18 UTC  

I imagine they'd only say you have to change your law.

2020-12-06 21:51:23 UTC  

This is the filing that is on the docket for 12/8 - It outlines the case starting on Page 2 - Introduction:

2020-12-06 21:51:54 UTC  

How does the health emergency play into this? Do the states not have power to do out of the ordinary things?

2020-12-06 21:52:19 UTC  

They do, as long as they have a public health emergency declared.

2020-12-06 21:52:31 UTC  

Or state of emergency.

2020-12-06 21:52:40 UTC  

States are the boss of states.

2020-12-06 21:52:57 UTC  

Unless you are messing with a federal law

2020-12-06 21:52:57 UTC  

@Steeler26, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-06 21:53:06 UTC  

Yeah, unless you're being unconstitutional.

2020-12-06 21:53:14 UTC  


2020-12-06 21:53:15 UTC  

Which Act 77 is.

2020-12-06 21:53:19 UTC  

@Zuluzeit a Voter may submit a Ballot that is in violation of the Law. That does not necessarily mean they have Criminal Liability.... Ie. Not signing their Absentee Ballot. Not a Crime, However still an Illegal Ballot.