Message from @markmen

Discord ID: 785716315150745600

2020-12-08 03:50:13 UTC  

Hard left progressives loathe CNN. They are Clinton shills.

2020-12-08 03:50:13 UTC  

@Zuluzeit I didn’t say anything about volume neither did Robert

2020-12-08 03:50:32 UTC  

Because they're backed up by the massive media industrial complex.

2020-12-08 03:50:39 UTC  

CNN is easily discredited. and wrong. Don't insult me just because you have the complete wrong idea about Republicans.

2020-12-08 03:50:43 UTC  

@jbird the accusations were made before the video. If they rewatched again to confirm they may have done that as well. Either way no malfeasance was found, there were no mystery ballots. Also they signed a affidavit since that’s considered high value

2020-12-08 03:51:45 UTC  

CNN is just a mouthpiece for authoritarian investment Banks, and they are actually right of center. Where are you on the spectrum?

2020-12-08 03:52:07 UTC  

Kamala Harris wants to punish "Trump supporters/enablers". You may as well call her an authoritarian too.

2020-12-08 03:52:07 UTC  

There is no far left media.

2020-12-08 03:52:14 UTC  

Am I taking crazy pills or are people just not reading my words?

2020-12-08 03:52:47 UTC  

These people all have an authoritarian tendency, that's why I say embrace the camps.

2020-12-08 03:52:56 UTC  

CNN is a known far left media, again watch Project Veritas #cnn tapes on youtube

2020-12-08 03:53:20 UTC  


2020-12-08 03:53:28 UTC  

Project veritas 🤣

2020-12-08 03:53:32 UTC  

CNN is known as far left by people who don't know what in the heck they're talking about, but sure.

2020-12-08 03:53:53 UTC  


2020-12-08 03:54:09 UTC  

That doesn't make them dis-info. That makes them MIS-info.

2020-12-08 03:54:11 UTC  

> Am I taking crazy pills or are people just not reading my words?
@DrSammyD Probably not. Everyone operates within their own point-making schemata until they acclimate to the chat.

2020-12-08 03:54:37 UTC  

You are obviously

2020-12-08 03:55:03 UTC  

ok you guys just want to dismiss me and call me an authoritarian just because I disagree with your point of view. So you will fall upon deaf ears here unless you can play nice with the other half of America.

2020-12-08 03:55:12 UTC  

Do you understand the distinction between dis info and mis info I've been explaining. Am I being unclear?

2020-12-08 03:56:07 UTC  

I’m taking my toys and going home!

2020-12-08 03:57:01 UTC  

Anyway, the person who called me that is now on block for me. I don't care to be insulted because I voted for someone CNN doesn't like.

2020-12-08 03:57:43 UTC  

Biden needs to rally his shock troops, for a Kristallnacht type action against all the dirty trumpets.

2020-12-08 03:57:56 UTC  

Anyone else who wants to sling insults can go on block as well if you cannot speak civily and with maturity to me.

2020-12-08 03:59:10 UTC  

Ok... great reporting there. This is why I try to watch local news when I can find it on an issue.

Team Trump Claims
1: "I saw 4 suitcases come from under the table."
FALSE - those were properly stored ballots.

2: "An alleged water main break was used as an excuse to clear people out."
FALSE - The leak did not even happen on the same night.

3: "At about 10pm there was one person working the polls who told everyone in the room to leave."
FALSE - No one was told to leave. The group that had been responsible for opening the envelopes did begin to leave around 10pm as they were, truly, done for the night.

4. "A poll worker said they were done counting."
TRUE - It does appear that a worker did indicate that they were done counting.

Not a great batting average. Perhaps had they been a bit more honest from the jump we could trust them a bit more.

This is an where explanation of confusion that I mentioned came from: My dad via an attorney that use to work for my dad and went on to work in the City Attorney's Office in Atlanta:

There is speculation that one of the Poll Workers that was assigned to take the ballots out of the envelopes may have said either:
"We are done, we are packing up", referring to her team which was done and did, in fact, leave around 10pm.
And more likely in my opinion, inadvertently included the word "counting" so that it may have came off like this "We are done counting for the night, we are packing up."

Now, clearly that is hearsay on top of hearsay. But, there is no evidence that I have seen that there was a plan to trick the Observers into leaving.

Regardless, it was not proper and should not have happened (assuming it did which seems likely). But, its not evidence of fraud. If I am not mistaken GA law doesn't require Observers to be there.

I am not making excuses... just pointed out if no law was violated and there is no proof of an intentionally fraudulent act... then no harm, no foul.

2020-12-08 04:00:38 UTC  

ok, I disagree that they were "properly stored ballots". They were hiding under a table and pulled out with 0 observers in the room. They did in fact stop counting, they lied.

2020-12-08 04:01:02 UTC  

Did you know Uncle Joe once edited Pravda.

2020-12-08 04:01:44 UTC  

Several news stations said they stopped counting, even @RobertGrulerEsq found tweets that said they had stopped.

2020-12-08 04:02:10 UTC  

The SoS office has reviewed it and determined it was proper. Those were the bins in which they ballots were suppose to be kept. They were kept under the tables near the scanners. It just the way they do things.

@DrSammyD provided a great video above. Let me get the link for you

2020-12-08 04:02:26 UTC  

Somebody was saying something about 10, 000 40 ft conex boxes full of Joe Biden ballot that stored on the head of a pen, are you familiar with this?

2020-12-08 04:02:42 UTC  

Not tonight, but the last stream before the weekend Robert found said tweets.

2020-12-08 04:03:44 UTC
@Raven Evermore .... If you watch that short video from the beginning you will hear them discuss it

2020-12-08 04:03:53 UTC  

I don't think they are normally stored under the table, they testified it wasn't pulled out from under a table the rest of the time.

2020-12-08 04:04:06 UTC  

Watch the video

2020-12-08 04:04:17 UTC  

No criminal fraud. But not contacting the media and the observers once you were told to start counting again after telling them you were done and they left (even if by mistake) is not proper and isn't in compliance with the statute. You have (mistakenly) deprived them of their right to be there with your untruth (not by force).

2020-12-08 04:04:32 UTC  

lol that fact check is a joke. Another one from twitter no doubt. I've seen it and I don't believe it.

2020-12-08 04:05:08 UTC  

That is the MOST charitable I can be with this situation.

2020-12-08 04:05:37 UTC  

@Raven Evermore you can also take a look at this report... #7 address the ballots under the table.

2020-12-08 04:06:47 UTC  

I am going to wait and see if anymore comes out about it.

2020-12-08 04:07:20 UTC  

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