Message from @Nerv - VA

Discord ID: 536800860639068172

2019-01-21 06:49:48 UTC  

Haha I am the working class I get it.

2019-01-21 06:49:54 UTC  

also the _suspicious_ absence of all commies from anything like physical work is a bit hard to ignore

2019-01-21 06:50:15 UTC  

@Salo Saloson no they are present.

2019-01-21 06:50:16 UTC  

Generally, political moderates are people who know nothing about politics, so they just say "eh, the status quo is fine"

2019-01-21 06:50:53 UTC  

The only serious people are either far left or far right

2019-01-21 06:50:54 UTC  

@Jacob I suppose not, I just never met a Comm-vert. (I mean that amicably & not as a personal jibe to any former Marxists)

2019-01-21 06:50:55 UTC  

well sure, but the overwhelming number of Reds I met and ran into weren't interested in factory conditions, labor rights/labor laws, or really anything blue-collar oriented

2019-01-21 06:51:54 UTC  

@Salo Saloson they are a minority but they are very well represented. I am a union memeber.

2019-01-21 06:52:31 UTC  

Also, I don't think we should ever stigmatize an entire political ideology

We should examine all ideologies and take the best parts

2019-01-21 06:52:38 UTC  

I actually suggested we be run like a union

2019-01-21 06:52:49 UTC  

All these pipelines to the dissident right need to be widened

2019-01-21 06:52:50 UTC  

of that I have no doubt, it's just hard to take Comrade Comradovski seriously when he's never _been_ in a factory, much less seen one

2019-01-21 06:52:54 UTC  

I don’t think anyone knows what that means

2019-01-21 06:53:07 UTC  

Can we get a white baby to dissident right pipeline?

2019-01-21 06:53:55 UTC  

@Jacob I’ve been trying to get you to make a baby for a year.

2019-01-21 06:53:59 UTC  


2019-01-21 06:54:09 UTC  

haha what

2019-01-21 06:54:13 UTC  

Ummm...*points at 12 yr old nephew who was recently in trouble for stating he will not have a gf outside of his race*

2019-01-21 06:54:42 UTC  

"How much do you like teal and white?"

2019-01-21 06:54:48 UTC  

I said in court under oath I want all my descendants to look like me.

2019-01-21 06:54:58 UTC  

Did not go over well

2019-01-21 06:54:59 UTC  

@Johnny B. Populus okay we need to hear about this

2019-01-21 06:57:44 UTC  

@Jacob My nephew was at school when the news of a school dance was announced. Of course all the little boys were bragging/posturing about who will take who etc when my Chad of a Nephew stated to a classmate "Ewwww, you'd take a black girl? I'll only ever take a girl who's the same as me". He was reported by the thought-patrol etc.

2019-01-21 06:58:29 UTC  

My brother called me infuriated as though I had somehow used Sith magic & influenced him from 900 miles away.

2019-01-21 06:59:34 UTC  

Yet when my niece said she wouldn't date a black guy because black men cheat, nothing waa said....<:really:453005408064241674>

2019-01-21 06:59:37 UTC  

I knew it! IE members _are_ telepathic

2019-01-21 06:59:42 UTC  

Based gen Z

2019-01-21 07:00:29 UTC  

I've yet to really see any of my family date outside their race (or at least make the relationship last for long)

2019-01-21 07:00:40 UTC  

but that could just be because the only minorities we have are asians

2019-01-21 07:00:41 UTC  

It's insane how we're literally forced to justify existing

2019-01-21 07:01:13 UTC  

I have, like, third cousins who race mixed

No close family

2019-01-21 07:01:18 UTC  

@Jacob we are going to continue existing.

2019-01-21 07:01:38 UTC  

True, simply dating within our own race is a felonious act for we whites.

2019-01-21 07:01:40 UTC  

I have close family who mixed

2019-01-21 07:02:36 UTC  

I also have a Jewish blonde haired blue eyed step brother

2019-01-21 07:02:57 UTC  

I have in-laws who are mixed but I've never really liked the other side of the family excepting my sis in law, she's the very creme of that whole crop.

2019-01-21 07:03:19 UTC  

@Nerv - VA an Ashkenazi in the family huh?

2019-01-21 07:03:19 UTC  

My sister had a bleg boyfriend sorta

2019-01-21 07:04:11 UTC  

My paternal grandfather has 6 children, all white. 9 grandchildren, all white. And 10 great grandchildren, 4 of which are nonwhite.

2019-01-21 07:04:38 UTC  


2019-01-21 07:04:49 UTC  

@Johnny B. Populus dude very ashkenazi. His dad and sister are “climate scientists” they’ve been to parties at Tony podestas’ house. They know I was at Cville.