Message from @TIDE
Discord ID: 548356077587005450
They'll tell you if you are fat, ugly, stink, etc.
Whoah this new Yang Gang revalation is awesome. Maybe I will work for his campaign.
LMAO what if I get doxxed and it comes out I worked in a Democratic Campaign for a non-white pres candidate.
@Perihelion - CA word, I've messed with my internalmonologue in the past
@Sam Anderson that would actually probably scare the libs
you'd ruin the Gang's rep
Libs never gonna hire a White dude again
You'd lose racism points
Asian Andy is gonna have to deal
Shit I would lose racism points
I'm already running low as it is
What is 2019 doing to us?
Racism machine broke
Where my n bombs gone?
@Sam Anderson I am fashionably late for the NA meeting
Bow down to his coolness
This is America
If we give the cancer cancer then we win
<:boomer:548295778788048918> **Sips**
Yup, Bush was a great president
Wow great gif Ian, never seen such an image before
that must be OC
I much preferred Ian’s minion phase
yes, it is I, 3d cartoonmodels dot com.
and I actually never had a minionposting phase.
If I have any phase now, it's DBZ x streetwear.
is 30 too late to go back and finally watch DBZ?
will it all finally make sense>
Minions are still the best content to hit this server
That and the infamous brap post
Really enjoying the start to “Altright Age of Rage”😂 Quality stuff
My gf was telling me about that. I can't spare the jimmies to watch stuff like that
RS ripping Daryle for being fat? 😂
I’m already liking the optics, handsome Richard vs Daryle the Barrel
Richard next to a stack of books vs the land whale
What we really need is for someone to edit our Wikipedia page.