Message from @nord
Discord ID: 548349436078587906
@Mojave Paisan - NV that's still more than drumpfy baby has done
Yang: white people not totally evil
more than trump has said
we gotta make Trump jelly so he'll start doing it
Nobody on television is critical of Trump directly
Consent can be manufactured. That's the key to hijacking democracy
Even tucker goes eh forget trump here’s the bigger issue
Tucker, rise up, please.
I would vote for him
attention to the yang gang
interesting thing I found under his policies
Tucker doesn’t have the capital to run, and no known similar figures do either
match me
Once gamers liberate themselves, we’ll start seeing real change
I'm on the case Clark
don't you worry
Some Dutch guy seems to think he has the capital
>Rechannel 10% of the military budget – approximately $60 billion per year – to a new domestic infrastructure force called the Legion of Builders and Destroyers. The Legion would be tasked with keeping our country strong by making sure our bridges, roads, power grid, levies, dams, and infrastructure are up-to-date, sound and secure. It would also be able to clear derelict buildings and structures that cause urban blight in many of our communities and respond to natural disasters. The Legion would prioritize projects based on national security, economic impact, and regional equity. Its independent budget would ensure that our infrastructure would be constantly upgraded regardless of the political climate. The Commander of the Legion would have the ability to overrule local regulations and ordinances to ensure that projects are started and completed promptly and effectively.
>legion of builders and destroyers
How does one manufacture consent? What institutions are involved? How is the illusion of authority generated?
So we have to wait for daddy billionaire? I thought we already had the least worst version of that. Tucker has as much cash as 2015 Bernie did.
okay I am interested
He's be more palatable to Normies than another Trump run
But seriously some weird socialist that wants to create some sort of ministry of the interior military force that has absolute authority over local government?
I’m starting to think the game is fairly rigged at this point
Any other real estate mogul and reality tv stars in the pipeline?
It would be a cool meme if it wasn't for the sake of UBI.
we really just need UGI
Tucker would get MORE support than Trump from evangelicals and white "independents", as Tucker respects wahmen
Universal Gamer Income
Noam is a tool but you need to read this book to understand why our democracy seems like such a farce. Basically democracy has huge exploits.
Universal Girlfriend I
We should learn to use those exploits
Is there a level beyond tired
Can’t be fired from motherhood
Especially not by a newborn