Message from @Sam Anderson
Discord ID: 548360742240387086
Really enjoying the start to “Altright Age of Rage”😂 Quality stuff
My gf was telling me about that. I can't spare the jimmies to watch stuff like that
RS ripping Daryle for being fat? 😂
I’m already liking the optics, handsome Richard vs Daryle the Barrel
Richard next to a stack of books vs the land whale
What we really need is for someone to edit our Wikipedia page.
Documentaries will be made with lies sure
But we need to change that Wikipedia page
Liberals used to scoff when I'd reference info on wiki. Oh howthe times have changed
I despise the term Neo Nazi
@DixieBoy76 - KY <#517910377133244416>
stunning and brave
@Lawrence of Eurabia Just wait for the end, there’s an interesting monologue from a podcast
Nazis aren’t allowed in IE
Never said that
Oh the Chapo Trap House one? That one kinda lays it bare
Don’t put words in my mouth fren
Let me rephrase
I hate Neo Nazis
well, Nazis are like 90 now, so I doubt many apply to IE 😂
Try harder bro
Yeah, didn’t want to spoil for him but that was ridiculous @Sam Anderson
sam has the right idea!
the other convo can continue
Sometimes it really be like that
Basically the Chapo dude wants to redistribute all White people wealth to the rest of the world
But yes, I have seen the <#517910377133244416> server. Thanks for pointing that out Nate.
No comment on those German guys.......
Only way to change the wiki is to start making other edits
Fair enough. Didn’t mean to start a fight.
Literally it has to be a long term avtism project
It would require hella people too
Isn’t this entire group a long term avtism project?
You spelled activism wrong
These wiki groups are working hard