Message from @Joe-MN
Discord ID: 414862928211214339
The frustrating thing about those labels is that they have enough "sources" to verify it as fact. You can see the source for yourself - mainstream news media, all citing back to the ADL and SPLC.
Five sources turn into two, and those two are both owned by one.
Well, the issue with that is that Eli was on podcast and on essay saying some really outlandish stuff.
So, they feel justified in saying stuff like that.
Oh, Eli...
Come back and save us.
It was like that before Eli
The Wiki might have said supremacist but I don't think it said neo nazi until SPLC and ADL started quoting Eli's 'nazification of America' remarks.
Even if it didn't, it will be harder to change it because of that.
Hopefully Eli's 2 mo tenure is enough of a statement on that.
When's the last time we've tried talking to wikipedia about it? Worth a try, we can say that's one of the reasons he's gone.
We've discussed it multiple times. The issue is that Wiki has 1) a lot of Israeli influence and 2) a very strict moderation and editorial system where only the most tenured editors can have sway to permanently change claims like that. @Joe-MN
Israeli? never heard of that. Worth a try anyway. If we can change it from nazi and WS to at least WN, that's still a win.
Jimmy Wales...
...asks for donations to keep it up...always gets millions from special interest groups...
Makes sense.
And israel has that hasbara program. I'm sure they're heavily involved.
I have a link, but unsure how to archive properly.
Don't forget about Snopes. Same as the others
Thanks @Joe-MN
Of course. tbh, that list doesn't look very israeli.
(Even though I started this convo 😁 - sorry) Outright falseified slander against Nathan trying to actually label him in same group as real terrorists is sickening & i smell a lawsuit that should be filed in defense of Nathan for slander against his character,etc
This is Outrageous!!!
>IE is literally the same as Al-Qaeda
Shitlib journalists, folks.
Instead of trying to alter our wikipedia page, which would be near impossible, we would be better off promoting an alternative like Metepedia. We have no page on their, but we should.
I would encourage as many of you as possible to become editors on Metepedia and not only create a page for us, but also add more pages so that the website grows as an alternative to wikipedia for information.
It actually hits pretty high up on the list when using a google search engine for some terms like "cultural marxism"
I see many people on here throughout the day for weeks on end. Honestly that tells me you have a lot of time on your hands. Small things like this add up and have a major impact, so take 20-40 minutes a day editing metapedia pages and adding new ones instead of hanging out on here.
Pages such as this one could also use a huge upgrade.
@celticflame if you want a whitepill look at the comments