Message from @BryceB-ND
Discord ID: 476178232203411461
The hypocrisy is palpable.
Works in our favor if framed properly. Double standards really piss of Whites.
Nice little shoutout from Greg Johnson.
We got a shoutout on the latest FTN at the 2:22:30 mark!
LOL... there is nothing they can do to stop us
The reporter in that video pronounced “EVropa” with the V! 😂
email them claiming your an expert on IE and say you will explain what IE stands for (if you get paid)
Thanks Andy for the free publicity
I like how the one guy interviewed says "every ethnic group has a seat at the table and everyone's ideas are accepted"
LOL yea ok
except whites clearly
@Brunswick "Hi my name is Sam Hyde and for 300 bucks i'll tell you everything there is about identify europa"
Soon enough we'll be a household name and no-one will pronounce it with a V 😑
Only if we keep our current name. 🙃
LOL, @Deleted User
Yeah choosing the worst possible Frame. No surprise there lol
"I'm not gonna touch you - that's a weird name pal"
@Deleted User that pic makes you look like a human thumb. I would sue for defamation of your good looks.
It's a good thing I have an abundance of high self esteem. Could have sent me down a wave of depression.
That video is so good. So many good lines “Doxx me doxx me” or flexing while while hitting “braaaave” or “watchya name pal?”
FYI the action got mentioned by FTN this weekend.
not sure i've madethat face once in my entire life - now it's all over the internet
**Blocks your path** .... *"Braaaaaaaaave"*
Like an NPC that keeps you from getting to the next area in the storyline
@Brunswick nice job owning the libs!
@Deleted User missed the opportunity to dab on her. Maybe next time.
Shit @Conway - OK. You right.
@Deleted User next time, hoss.
The alleged "Identity Evropa splinter group" "American Heritage Initiative" is in the news again
Shareblue bases their claims on this article