Message from @Conway - OK
Discord ID: 400072035142860800
No normal whites allowed in the Democratic party
Haha. They said Jewish twice.
What is AAPI?
Asian American Pacific Islander
I feel they could have just said disabled women. Would have covered it.
They have to go back!
James Damore sues Google for allegedly discriminating against conservative white men
Shut it down! The POTUS knows!
'he's aware of who is jewish in a way that.... other jews know who's jewish. and that's not ok'
We need to amplify this Google lawsuit
By 'amplify', I think you mean 'replicate'.
new yorkers are highly aware of jewishness
Katy Tur's dad is a Jewish Tranny who's claim to fame is being a helicopter pilot during the O.J. Simpson Ford Bronco chase.
That lasted like 3 hours
Oprah gets metoo'd
ourjew talks about immigration
metoo seems to have destroyed trump's enemies <:thinkplant:359034245777457173>
maybe in 20 years we'll find out that it was triggered by trump somehow
i think it was at least indirectly
Italy last night for the anniversary of three nationalist that were murdered
If he wins this, it would set a major precedent
I really hope that Austria follows suit with Hungary. Orban is so awesome right now. minor whitepill
>first day of freshman (((race))) class in my 8% white school
>Professor accuses right wing of trampling free speech and used that Drexel professor as an example, calling him a white man who was crucified for saying some 'controversial things'
>I finally chimp and stand up, social martyrdom operation initiated
>I tell Prof that he was in fact not white, but a Jew (her asian eyes widen visibly from across the hall) and that he was in hot water for calling for "white genocide"
>Professor stops me there and starts berating me
>Suddenly the only other group of white boys starts defending me and said that they sided with her at first but she didn't give the whole picture and now they agree he should have been fired
>I look over and the white man defending me is a old 4th grade friend of mine I haven't seen in a decade, now coming in my hour of need
>After class literally all the white males in the room (all 7 of us) awkwardly converge and then talk about how this is going to be one hell of a class
The fire rises brothers <:tiki:389223465766486016>
Looks like IE is going to get 3 new members soon
Do you feel in charge?
@Francisco Nuñez - CA well done !!