Message from @Jacob
Discord ID: 516441289059729410
I can’t find that comment!
@VinceChaos Crap. Maybe some sperg started fed-posting, so they had to delete it.
>that hairline
Bernie Sanders personally attacked us. What an achievement /s
Poast link @Sacramento
@Sam Anderson scroll up
It's the bus stop post
I think he deleted the tweet
we did it Reddit
Contentious debate here on the Shapiro/Carlson interview. /our guys/ are in the comments including Woes.
@VinceChaos Holy crap. Woes's comment is the top one by a margin of, like, 80%. If he wasn't on Moly's radar before, he certainly is now...
Here’s hoping Stefan gets the message. Tucker wasn’t a great debater either tbh
@VinceChaos He's used to operating on a different wavelength from that of YouTubers. YouTubers have license to be relatively cut-throat, particularly if their perspectives are approved by the overseers of the present power structure, whereas Tucker's stuck in his TV sweet spot of granting 50% of the opposition's premises right of the bat, then slipping them up with the remaining inconsistencies.
We should probably take this over to <#481597551272001546> , lol.
Someone needs to tell this gal to stop posting on our stuff using her normie account, remove her existing comments, and submit an application:
Hard tellin'.
We all need to have friendly socks and do this on comments sections.
People sometimes need that friendly nudge.
James Allsup vids would be best for this. As soon as they come up hop in the comments and start shilling!
This may be of interest to some.
I signed twice <:teehee:381917632359563264>
Someone found a sticker of ours.
@Felden - CO Strange how he doesn't mention indentured servitude of Irish, the Barbary slave trade, the rape/torture/murder of Boer in South Africa, or any other atrocity against whites in his list. 🤔 It's like he has an anti-white agenda to push, not the truth...
Lol that reddit post: " Racism is at the root of the worst atrocities that we as humanity have inflicted on ourselves and each other. "
-- Guy after taking history 101 at local university
Make sure that when we sign up for things we aren't doxing ourselves...
brahmim massa rofl
A very similar name to an Arabic boss I had in college
Maybe he's just a cowboy, ha
Morning, everybody! Let's make sure that, over the next week or so, we're making calls to the White House comment line at (202) 456-1111, demanding a government shutdown if the wall isn't funded.