Message from @Fred X - NJ
Discord ID: 537412163858333730
Anyone who still "condemns" these kids after the media openly admitted to their fakenews & all the retractions etc is just an anti-white being an anti-white.
They talked about it on Fox n friends at 4am I guess this morning, but had it right & the young guys statements,along with other Twitter posts.
Need updoots
Is anyone getting on #verifiedbullies? It's a campaign to report blue checkmarks who harass or threaten the Covington students.
Stoner Joe goes fully anti-Trump in the first fifteen seconds and is very badly wrecked in his own comments. YouTube is completely dominated by the followers of IE cofounder PewDiePie.
Please jump in there and make this Joe's most-downvoted video yet!
Not even 10 mins in and she says she is Jewish. Tbh calling people Alt Right is a good way to get them to say if they are Jewish or not.
Lmao the comments.
13 mins in she says Identitarian
The comment section. ๐๐ป
Joe Rogan....๐ฎ
Dude she gets into so much Jewish identity stuff in this podcast.
The Pepes rule the comments section.
Ben Shapiro tranny.
I need a meme of that but I'm trash with photo editors.
Report these two tweets now.
According to his wikipedia,, his current jobs are on Nickelodean, Cartoon Network and Netflix. I will be asking his employers if this is an accurate reflection of their values
Not sure if it's the place to post but..
Old news, nevermind
Yeah not really concerned with some shitty NSM site taking a screencap of an article about us and putting it on their site. Irrelevant.
What garbage
"does anyone recognize this guy's back pockets?"
Update on the curious case of Irami Osei-Frimpong at UGA. I'm still waiting to talk to the Dean of Students for the college, but this has, according to his office, gone *above his level* now, and is at the level of the *President of the University and the Board of Regents*. They are examining it and deciding what course of action to take. This of course could be good, or bad, in that they have the power to kick the guy out of the university and not have someone counter their action, or they could decide to do nothing more than issue "a statement" and try to put it to rest. We shall see.
I cited this from the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy: "The University of Georgiaโs Workplace Violence Policy prohibits bullying, which it defines as: โUnwanted offensive and malicious behavior that undermines an individual or group through persistently negative attacks. The behavior generally includes an element of vindictiveness, and is intended to undermine, patronize, humiliate, intimidate or demean the recipient.โ "
By any measure, this guy has shown a pattern of behavior.
First in a "private message" that was the first thing that became public, but then in the very public tweet, and also a student has a recording of him calling whites... "autistic sociopaths" ... *in class*, as the instructor.
He's in a position of power/authority there, and that clearly shows "bullying" behavior.
What's likely the "risk" in the minds of the higher-ups in the university of course is "what's the risk of this guy suing *us* for discrimination with the likes of the ACLU backing him, and what would that cost us?" vs. "how much will we lose in donations?"
Kinda sucks that it might come down to money, but that's the world we live in. Speculation on my part...
If you choose to comment on this online, I suggest referencing the workplace violence policy specifically: Unwanted offensive and malicious behavior that undermines an individual or group through persistently negative attacks. The behavior generally includes an element of vindictiveness, and is intended to undermine, patronize, humiliate, intimidate or demean the recipient.โ
That applies whoever he might have been talking about in a hypothetical case. Take out "Whites" and put in "Republicans", "Christians", "Men", whatever. It just *happens* to be a racial thing, but the behavior would still be unacceptable if it wasn't.