Message from @Aeyannic_Order
Discord ID: 433468088441241610
I left school awhile ago, it was a 30 minute drive. I could get them tomorrow
@Deleted User yeah try to get them tomorrow if you can. @Chillbro Swaggins-CA yes we are 'reporting ourselves' to media outlets as concerned citizens.
Actually, I have one that may work.
Dm me
That’s extremely big brained and 6d chess of us.
CyberStrike Gangangang
@everyone reminder to take then DM me a couple sloppy head on pics of your flyers. The kind if pics a regular student would take to show the flyer to their friends. 3 -5 unique pics will get you more press coverage and give your flyering more reach. Also a general location and landmark helps ie Thompson Hall by the Panda Express.
Catapulting the propaganda, to quote Dubya
“We will fool them once then fool them again then shame them some too” - IE Cyber Strike Dubya
@EzraPound2.0 why did you delete your question
I had a response all written up
Oh sorry
I moved it over to general.
awesome work!
alright Minnesota here, with @Hyphenstein and I out postering, we are ready to be bullied >_<
Eh we tried - our ones on campus get ripped down all the time by Antifa because we have such a strong Antifa presence that we put our posters up in the college neighborhood where all the students live instead. We have been doing it the last couple weeks.
Great work guys 👍 I think the pictures came out great
do you have any pictures with stickers by any chance? For variety's sake
We do not have any sticker ones, I put some sticker ones up in the park two weeks ago, and they were still there the other day when I was there, but it was late and dark so there are no pictures of it
I could of took pictures of them today, but by the time I got to that put of the neighbhood, it was too dark again
@Aeyannic_Order do you have street locations for the top two?
Blue Dome District
Tulsa, OK
@Brunswick if you could please, include #Tulsa in when you tweet this. That hashtag sees a good amount of use.
Shouldn't we just get in the habit of using hashtags on all our posts?
It's free traffic
Oklahoma State University in Tulsa
Tulsa, OK