Message from @Jacob
Discord ID: 439643360597114921
@Stan - PA unfortunately I don’t 😅 I’ll try and get one next week
@Bjorn - MD if you get normie photos, hit up me or @Prestor John, and we'll make sure to get them sent out
@Stan - PA I think giving normie news attention just causes hysteria and more push back though. I see antifa flyers here and there sometimes organizationing in Gainesville
@Stan - PA will do
@björn I understand your thinking on the matter, but it helps widen our reach.
@björn nice job. We just want more people to see it ; )
Quickly stopped by a local Barnes and Noble while I was out
Spokane Community College
Spokane, Washington
Not to be confused with Spokane Falls Community College, which I did around a week ago
I did do this same one around 2 weeks ago, though. I hope that's fine. I'm kind of running out of places, so I have to repeat.
I also did another action recently, but the pictures did not come out well. I'm having someone take a look at them to see if they can be touched up a bit.
Great work!
Nice work as always Jacob!
@Jacob if you are low on new places to flyer you could do downtown Spokane
Thanks guys
We've done downtown Spokane, it's kind of a team effort
I do all of these alone unless otherwise noted.
It's kind of hard to get the other guys out, since they have families and all, which is understandable.
The celibate Identitarian monk
Baruch College (New York, NY)
Very nice
Glad to see some gen 1s still floating around.
I should have saved some. I made sure to save one of each poster from this pack. Some day I'll frame them.