Message from @Joke
Discord ID: 757764677802524752
uncircumcision with skin grafts?
I dontknow what the english word is
Used that skin to cover burned parts of the patients
what's the romanian word?
yeah graft
Grefe de piele
skin graft
Also desensibilisation of the penis, lead to a less pleasurable sexual act. Therefore the husband would be more loial to his wife and obey social order.
(work more)
Older society worked different
Atheists have no basis for morality. Its just hedonism and pseudo-Christian platitudes like "well-being".
Hm..i dont agree entirely..
Id say that an atheist can makehis own moral base. Since even chimps have one
Pain and loss are a good basis for morality
@Baal Diablo pain and loss presuppose a standard by which there's some bodily integrity and something which makes something whole
could you rephrase?
But before Bro came
What were you talking about?
Reciprocity will generate monopoly
=> Resources will be unequally distributed. More social disparity
Isn’t that the same as the foundations for true democracy? Everyone votes for their best interest = maximized benefit AND self-correcting as interests change and performance changes opinion on who will serve the interest.
In Switzerland there is a democracy. People voted against their own interest when they wanted to raise the pensions. The didn't want it because they put a future interest - not having inflation - above the immediat interest
1. That would still be their interest, just long term
2. I meant true democracy (which only exists in theory)
Democracy is when 2 wolves and 1 sheep vote on dinner? 😄
A smart wolf would ally with the ship.
Yes. Theoretically. Maximizes utility. 🙃
But once the sheep is gone, what do they have tomorrow? 🙂 so one smart wolf may vote to not eat the sheep, let it graze grass, provide income to other wolves with by-products, and look for 100000s of birds to eat 🙂
Great argument. Nice talk to you guys ill have to go its 4:27 AM ZZzz take care
Always a pleasure to have you here
anyone around?
@StoneCold316 hey, yea I’d love to chat!
Here’s a topic for everyone: mental hospitals and other assisted living institutions.
If we actually sent mentally ill people into hospitals again, how different would society be? I have this theory that almost all Democrat policies make sense in mental hospitals and prisons, and that they treat the general public like a mental hospital or prison BECAUSE so many people who belong in them are not there. They’re free and have their terrible behaviors subsidized by the rest of us.
“No guns” “hate speech” “don’t trigger him” “socialized healthcare” “welfare” “inclusion” all that stuff makes sense at a mental hospital. perhaps people who tout this stuff should be the ones giving up freedoms for it, not the rest of us.
Interesting take.
Let me see if I understand this idea correctly. Instead of having any programs or policies or social behaviors that take mental health issues into account, we just beef up the mental hospital system. If anyone shows a sign of mental unrest or unresolved trauma, place them in the institution . This institution will be its own gated society governed by leftist policies and filled with all the people that want those policies. The rest of the country lives free. They work hard and when they have an issue they pick themselves up by their boot straps. If they fail to comply with laws, they are jailed, but if their issue is emotional, and can’t be addressed by sucking it up, or just by setting their purse down, they go to the Hospital of Snowflakes?
How different would society be with universal healthcare? That’s a more practical approach to improving the welfare of society. The number of uninsured and people who don’t get medical attention because of the costs is astounding
mental health is a subset of health...funny enough we are all a little crazy...there’s a Slim Shady in all of us 🤷🏻♂️