
Discord ID: 752984798666162187

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Much more patient than I

what was the solution?

good point

placed by the creator

what's the romanian word?

yeah graft

skin graft

@Yussuki โ‚ช where has a true democracy been implemented?

@drenath are you the post police? ๐Ÿ˜‰

sorry i'm deaf right now not listening

on a meeting with work, pretending to care

@Malachi the hypothetical was


Iโ€™m in here listening not talking

You guys are putting me to sleep tonight

Youโ€™re my sleep meditation music

who i see when @dogbref speaks

@ChordFunc i like that quote.


this is unfounded

arm chair pseudo-psycology

hahaha leftists now are puritans and hate divorce?

you need to stop holding women to a high standard @m.miller

you won't be disappointed.


same goes for men

hate to say it, but you might be the minority

i'm a buffoon. and not afraid to admit it.
This person is hovering above us mere mortals

caps right

has this woman hung out with his kids?

what a damn joke.

we're having an interview with an msnbc spokeshole

let's jump to abuse.

all of this is baseless @ola these are feelings without any evidence. as demonstrated when she has claimed she doesn't know them

i don't have an ass.

forreal tho

if you'd like to see what i mean.
no ass.

i'm tired of the culture war being bolstered on the left by the trump derangement syndrome, leading to trannies exposing themselves to minors and burning cities down.

all because this is "trump's america"

the left uses the existence of trump in the whitehouse to jusitfy their awful positions @ola

@ola she started by asking him how skepticism works

who has time.

can we put George Washington's corpse on display and have deep fakes move his mouth for public speech

soon tax law will go away as mmt takes hold and ubi comes along. the gov just issues money and takes back what they need without your intervention

just the beginning of tds

that's correct.

i have respect for the romanians @Yussuki โ‚ช

ear raped

@Delta comfort tends to lead to apathy or complacency

what's the wire doing for him though? it's not in his ear, unless you're saying they're buzzing him to give yes/no morse code

that is correct.

and some seem to think the only way to collectively make change comes by way of forcing folks to be in the collective.

if the collective doesn't have the desire or motivation to do such, what sort of freedom do they truly have if an organization is going to coerce or force them into the collective

well who ever was writing the morse didn't seem to help imho

i don't see how any sort of signaling in this "debate" could/would have been helpful

all the questions asked by the moderator were softballs allowing each side to just go onto their talking points, all the while interrupting one another

to try argue the other side of that discussion is that the least of these, or oppressed have no means by which to rise up at all

so the daddy union/gov/collective has to drag them along or squash the accused oppressors


@kevinkaos it is being discussed by admin/mod who did the ban, but for the moment there is nothing to say

> So would you support a union deciding to redact their productive capability until wages are increased?
@Malachi i'm definitely not against any sort of collective bargaining.


@srijan-205 we're talking about origin of cosmos and time and God's creation

we're just trying to limit the talking over.

Proud Boys are not right wing militia. Also you say right wing militia like it's a bad thing.



they're responding

passivism is not contribution

someone has to stand the line

you're delusional to think the cops can do anything at all

not to mention the fact that the cops are being targeted as the problem in the very beginning

what are cops?

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