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Was my first day. Thanks for the warm welcome Travis and Bobby and Miller and everyone there

Will definitely join again

Just another religion

Yea - and this topic hasnโ€™t been discussed to death?

At least the free will topic was novel


> we can talk on voice while playing if you want
@BobbyMack damn I was playing chess a lot a year ago. Havenโ€™t touched it since

What app/ website?

Yea I have that app on my phone still I think

Can play and take some rust off in a bit

I could just walk along one side of the square town and tell ya, why do all this crap? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Iโ€™m certain it would be less than 1789 paces to do so.

Hahha sorry. I just finished playing a an FPS game for 2 hours online. Not very โ€˜deepโ€™ right now - just wanna point n shoot


Haha -> Who is ur favourite streamer
@jiggu badmash Haha - donโ€™t get time to watch much anymore

That was great ^

Wouldnโ€™t know ola

I can be in the chat if anyone wants to talk about anything. Donโ€™t know much about guns though.

Cool - letโ€™s see if we can have others who hold an opinion on the topic

If the power has to be โ€˜givenโ€™, I would question if they could ever have it.


Hmm - I donโ€™t hold a strong opinion either way, so it would be good to shape one hearing you guys

I donโ€™t see the YouTube livestream


There isnโ€™t an equal representation of black n white in that meme

Itโ€™s whitewashed

How dare you


He means India Indians not native Americans

Of course you do. Second largest population in the world

Zino leaving. Goodnight

Sure - but they seem to apply these standards selectively. They are also intentionally unclear about what the standards are.

Willing to have the discussion above between T2 LokiV etc in the live chat

Can someone please reshape the moral landscape pdf link


I found it


New to discord

Zino - I donโ€™t think anyone saw your messages as the convo was rolling

Haha good point

Feel free to speak up in the voice server Doctor Zino ๐Ÿ˜€

Hahah yea itโ€™s such a cultural thing

I might have one. I wouldnโ€™t even know


Zino has too much knowledge ๐Ÿ˜‚

Slow day

Im just glad the children are safe wearing knee pads. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Is that experience talking?

Donโ€™t get too upset, Iโ€™m joking ๐Ÿ™‚


You practiced good environmental health n safety standards

Although some might say it took away from your act as knee pads are often unaesthetic (it thatโ€™s a word)

Glad. I think we all learned something here today about making safety a priority at work. Thanks for the inputs Buddha.

Interesting views all around

Delta youโ€™ve said this a couple times so Iโ€™m gonna say this - consent is not the issue: what if their parents consented?

Why donโ€™t you guys get on the voice server and this convo can move along much faster

How do we play chess with you?

Will have to download an app if they have one - I use just because magnus Carlsen plays there heh


Added you. Ready

Inviting you to a game - @ThePangburn

Now youโ€™re offline

This is just becoming depressing now.

The leaders of the free world - TF you doing.

I wonder if anything can be done about this. I know itโ€™s their private platform and community standards are upto them. But there must be some things you canโ€™t enforce based on community standards

Hoping to learn much from Dr.Zino and by exchanging ideas and information with all.

@tom Iโ€™d like some of what youโ€™ve been smoking ๐Ÿ™ƒ

The only limiter I can think of is when someone is generally healthy and owes me a lot of money. ๐Ÿค” (other such situations where something is on-goingly dependent on them,there is a commitment that they will come through, and the well being of others is dependent on them)

That does not compute.

I didnโ€™t know that either. Sincere Apologies Tom.

Good video!

Yo Killian.

Nothing. Just wondering why itโ€™s so quiet today

The schedule said something was gonna be up everyday - and many threads of discussions have been breaking out in different chat rooms. I always encourage to bring them to the voice channel

Howโ€™s your day been?

A bit feverish - hoping itโ€™s not the Rona.

Gonna get tested tomorrow

Gonna hang around n join if people hop on to the voice channel

Quickly getting myself something to eat so I can take medicine. Gimme a bit

> You can use logical reasoning in any way you wish. But is that a Universal Truth that you can use and make your life better? I believe yes. And that's my point: all logical and scientifical explanations fail to provide universal truths. You cannot proof a Universal Truth in a perfect matter using imperfect tools such as logic, reason and science. So the question remaining is: Using these flawed instruments, what is the extent of truth we need to reach in order to serve our purpose (make our lives happier) ? Or am I wrong ? Can we actually use flawed tools to prove Universal Truths like Morality in a Perfect manner, in a way far more superior to reason and logic itself? Let's suppose this issue is undecidable. In which case, the only certainty we have is doubt about the issue in question. But what is the maximum of insight about morality that we can extract from an undecidable issue? Well, this is an idea which is worth exploring.
@Yussuki โ‚ช We can know nothing with absolute or perfect certainty - I would argue we donโ€™t need to. Scientific method is the closest approximation of how our reality (whether real or not) works. And that is enough to base decisions on using predictive models of reality. It is quite decided.
The question of morality is a different one - letโ€™s discuss that as a topic on VC soon.

Morality, Abortion, means to knowledge, feminism, BLM... just a good mix I can think of off the top of my head

Good topic though - the problems of equality in a physical unreal world.

@JPMcGlone thanks for bringing a different and diverse viewpoint to the table. Would love to get into it in detail in a VC

Voice chat

> Woah, someone made the pragmatist argument, Iโ€™ve been resisting for two weeks
@Zurich04 who would that be? ๐Ÿ˜ถ

> @StoneCold316 happy to do a voice chat. When and where?
@JPMcGlone here in this server and whenever Miller decides to set the topic as morality

@Yussuki โ‚ช iโ€™m not suggesting there arenโ€™t other methods - I was trying to respond to all the different points u raised without quoting each sentence. Although i would ask if any of the methods you propose guarantee โ€˜absoluteโ€™ certainty? (I donโ€™t think there is such a thing- and doesnโ€™t need to be) and if they fall outside the bounds of logic and maybe even philosophy?

Yes, logic is part of philosophy. I would question the value sought in โ€˜absolutesโ€™ - before even validating the mechanisms of how to achieve it ( through an outside observer or otherwise).

A conscious observer cannot exist without consciousness - I think I agree with that. โ€˜I think therefore conscious observer isโ€™.

I would stick to my position in my previous message and not move on before that has been satisfied.

But itโ€™s a great discussion.

We have consciousness (whether neurons firing or a simulation, itโ€™s our condition) - and we donโ€™t know if thereโ€™s an observer.
I donโ€™t see how it logically (or any other philosophical means to knowledge) follows. It isnโ€™t necessitated.
Also itโ€™s shifting the burden. This would not mean anything if weโ€™re using different means to knowledge.

I think itโ€™s an incorrect argument in many ways, some Iโ€™ve pointed out already, but Iโ€™ll play along.
In your analogy, a dog is required to bark. Demonstrate that an observer is required for consciousness.
2nd argument- We know the bark exists because we observe barks and observe dogs and conclude that dogs bark. Please demonstrate observers create consciousness.

> By the way, I am now convinced that eating pork and steak is deeply immoral and unnecessary. But since I love burgers, I would love to be proven wrong.
@Tiago Rodrigues Iโ€™m having steak as we speak ๐Ÿ˜‚

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