Légionnaire Étranger

Discord ID: 746115626430496798

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Atheists have no basis for morality. Its just hedonism and pseudo-Christian platitudes like "well-being".

@Baal Diablo pain and loss presuppose a standard by which there's some bodily integrity and something which makes something whole

How is voting an obligation, voting is ruining the west.

Most people are stupid and easily manipulated by the media and establishment

Democracy is meaningless and prevents true action from taking place

Just look at how Trump is prevented from doing anything

It's just a waste of time and resources

I dont think democracy has done much in the way of preserving peace. Just look around. Abject failure

There's nothing wrong with taking away rights from people. We do that all the time. Prisoners, foreigners, etc.

@Yussuki ₪ hmmm yes they do. What was the 20th century if not democracies waging war against each other?

@Yussuki ₪ disagree, we do that all the time

And not sure what you mean because it makes no sense, just pull up any intrastate conflict from the 20 century

Most likely itll be democracy vs democracy

Unless you're saying something else

@Yussuki ₪ sure. How about the 6 days war?

How about the conflict at the origin of Arab democracies vs Zionist Israel

I mean, the list is there

1763? That seems a bit low

How was Egypt not a democracy?

That's just a cop out

And you admit3d it

How is it false?

I literally think it's impossible to know how many wars have been fought. Another example is the war between Ecuador and Peru.

There was several of them

Both democracies

There I just did

There are many more

This one was the larger one

@Yussuki ₪ ok, seriously man? Then by that standard no democracies exist sir

@Yussuki ₪ the US isnt a democracy either by your definition

I think you've been defeated and just dont want to admit it

@Yussuki ₪ what's an example of a democratic state?

Have I insulted you? Or have I pointed out you're being dishonest and dont want to admit I provided a direct example? Cause we were talking about the right to vote, that's what is meant by democracy

@Yussuki ₪ you lost sir, nust accept the point and let's move on

Let's move on to greater things

@Yussuki ₪ you lost sir I just did

@Yussuki ₪ this is very pathetic sir. "Ecuador is not a democracy" but then what is a democracy? Is a where people are given the right to vote? Then it is a democracy.
If not, what is an example of a democracy then? Because now you're arguing about semantics to avoid defeat

@Yussuki ₪ please do not be deceptive sir, I've been honest here

@Yussuki ₪ did you want me to answer your question?

@Yussuki ₪ so you want me to answer your question but you wont answer mine?
Why is that?

I asked it first

@Yussuki ₪ not at all. Sir, please pay attention and read. I've clearly stated it.
Here's the question: given that were arguing about democracy, and that argument was about the right to vote, doesnt it follow that the understanding of the conversation was about places with the right to vote?
If you answer no, then you're being dishonest because if you look a little ut up, that's the topic: it was the right to vote.
If you answer yes, then you've lost and hopefully we can move on.

Either way sir, the one thing we weren't talking about was the artificial distinction that you made up. Because you want to argue semantics, and that is DISHONEST sir. Dont do that.
By your definition, there are no current democracies today. Have a look


@Yussuki ₪ so there are not literal democracies today, nor has there ever been in world history if that's the standard you want to go by

@Yussuki ₪ unless, you can provide me a single example of a democracy today or in history 😄

@Yussuki ₪ wow, ok then sir. Give me a single example of a democracy

Can you do that? 😄

Sir, I'm still waiting for an example of a democracy. Or are you being evasive?

@Yussuki ₪ Romania is not a democracy


@Yussuki ₪ it's a unitary semi presidential republic 😄

@Yussuki ₪ if democracies are kinds of republics, then you literally contradicted yourself. So what was wrong with my example? Thate being dishonest sir 😄

Romania is a Republic. Do you realize how dishonest you're being?


"Semi-presidential representative democratic republic"

@Yussuki ₪ Hahaha bro.....democratic REPUBLIC??

Is this guy serious?

Romanian constitution

@Yussuki ₪ Look what it says in the second article, the ONE RIGHT BEFORE YOU QUOTED

@Yussuki ₪ hahahaha bro, just stop

@Yussuki ₪ here's an example for you

@Yussuki ₪ it's a republic. And your example of a "democracy" was a republic too. Are you slow?

@Yussuki ₪ you said that romania was a democracy but it's actually a republic.
So me presenting you a republic means it's a democracy, because you literally did the same thing.
Otherwise you're just lying.


@Yussuki ₪ bro do you believe yourself?

@Yussuki ₪ so you said romania was a democracy but actually it's a republic.
And where do you get that ecuador was not a democratic republic in 1995? You're just making it up

@Yussuki ₪ you're contradicting yourself left and right

This is embarrassing

@Yussuki ₪ human rights abuse that happened in USA are incompatible with democratic status

@Yussuki ₪ is english your first language?

@Yussuki ₪ Bro, you just fucking said that its not a democracy because of that

What is wrong with this dude

So is the USA not a democracy?

@Yussuki ₪ the President Obama dropped bombs on children. Therefore it's not a democracy

@Yussuki ₪ that's literally you just pulling stuff out of your ass bro. How are they not democracies if they were elected by vote?

@Yussuki ₪ You do realize that the ecuadorian president was elected by popular vote?

Ok I'm done with this. So because Obama wasn't convicted he's not a war criminal? What about Bush? Are you stupid?

@Yussuki ₪ so now it's not the VOTE that makes a democracy

@Yussuki ₪ Bro you refuted yourself 3 times now

Pathetic attempt

@Yussuki ₪ next time be honest sir, lying is not good. And you need more intelligence to play the manipulation game 😄

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