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That discussion was juicy.

I almost joined that town hall but I bitched out.

@m.miller Iโ€™ll be up for a bit longer

I hadnโ€™t fully realized how chatty my mind has been lately. I was avoiding letting time go by slowly, but itโ€™s nice to let time and my mind just do their thing for a moment. Much needed and appreciated.

Looks like you need and exterminator for that large rat problem you have.

Thanks for the encouragement. You should invent a dog meditation, so you guys can do it at the same time. It might involve a VR headset for dogs? Dunno. Iโ€™ll sleep on it and wake up an entrepreneur.

Thatโ€™s much simpler than what I was picturing. Iโ€™m not abandoning my idea just yet though.

Ok I give up. Clearly Iโ€™ll have to look for another business partner.

Service deer too? You got all the bells and whistles.

I have a service alligator. He helps me maintain my personal space.

You too. Letโ€™s keep the meditation up, and encourage others on here as well!

I totally havenโ€™t and am getting ready to now. I was fully geared up to do one when my daughter went down for her midday nap. But she refused to let herself fall asleep, which kinda jacked up my day. Because then Iโ€™m spending a few hours trying to get her to calm down and be still. This results in a couple hours blown, which are precious to me because they are the only ones I have to myself. As well as a sleepy kid for the whole rest of the day, who acts all erratic and loopy. But I made it. And now I meditate.

Day 3 down. Looking forward to day 4 tomorrow. I really let my emotions take control today. Iโ€™m grateful to take a moment and reflect and remind myself pause and observe when things feel overwhelming.

Please donโ€™t pollute my expectations with false hopes based on empty promises. Mโ€™kay?

Ahhh precisely.
No, no Im on board. You had me at โ€œwhite matterโ€
Because all white matter matters.

Aw hell yeah. Iโ€™m like a white matter supremacist over here.

I will meditate, until I have achieved true white matter privilege.

Hehe. Killing it over here. The power of the dad jokes

Hm. I wonder if Iโ€™ll ever get to that. Weather my mind can achieve that level or if my brain is wired to respond to it in that way.

Iโ€™m fairly familiar with mindfulness already. And have done a bit of yoga in the past and many activities that get the mind into flow state. Although itโ€™s a different thing, there is some overlap. I have had experience with psychedelics, and actually experienced hallucinations on and off from 5th to 8th grade just from having extreme high fever flu. I wonder if that could make me more susceptible, or possibly resilient in any way.

Seasonal flu by the way. Not four years straight of it....

I think that just means youโ€™re a legitimate robot. Meditation is cracking your AI algorithm. Whatโ€™s the test? The tourig test or something? You need to take that โ€œam I a robot quizโ€. You know what Iโ€™m talking about? Or maybe youโ€™re better off not knowing...

Chasing that meditation dragon

Iโ€™m hoping to gain more control of my thoughts and emotions. As opposed to having them control me. Iโ€™m content with getting back to states of contentment that Iโ€™ve achieved in the past. My life was much simpler then. It would be cool to get to some new levels of awareness and different states of mind. If I could just catch up, that would be cool though. I feel like the complexity of my lifeโ€™s path is expanding faster than my wisdom can keep up with. Iโ€™ve been thinking and talking about meditation for some time now, as I see it as an important tool to hopefully aid in leveling me out.

Canโ€™t forget it today. Iโ€™ll do mine in about 20 minutes.

Good stuff. Man, my attention span is so shot. Iโ€™m noticing how jumpy Iโ€™ve allowed my focus to become the last couple few years. I think back to my travels and times when Iโ€™m immersed in my job and I have the headspace to pick up a book and read it. Set a goal and see it through over time. Iโ€™ve been missing it, but I feel like Iโ€™m on a path to get back there.

Did another meditation today. Iโ€™ll probably do another this evening. There was a very good reminder nugget in todays that resonated with me. On the subject on mental anguish around pain or physical discomfort. Just the realization that much of the discomfort is stemming unnecessarily from anticipation. The pain or discomfort that is currently there, youโ€™re already bearing it. So just sit with it and separate the discomfort of the moment vs the anticipation and recognize the anticipation goes away when realizing the present moment is completely bearable.

Got another one in. I dropped my daughter off yesterday so I had the opportunity to do mine early today. I feel it is beneficial to try to get it in earlier to help set a tone for the day.
How do we get some more people in on this? @everyone

Im around for a bit.

Another one down. I was going to unlock the daily meditation, but the most recent addition was Sam announcing that he was shortening the practice from 50 to 28 because people werenโ€™t finishing the practice. So Iโ€™m sticking to the practice for now.
One thing I really enjoyed this time was losing track of time. Noticing anxious thoughts and feelings, and letting them pass and spending time in relaxation. Getting lost in breath and then coming back into my thoughts and realizing I hadnโ€™t kept track of time. Getting a sensation that more time may have passed than really had actually passed. I found that enjoyable. I guess it can be looked at as taking a break from an underlying anxiety. Which is all linked to the concept of being present. The time illusion taking hold of our thoughts, when it has no utility in occupying that space in our minds.

I put it off too long today and have too much on my mind today. Probably anticipation of work Monday. I turned one on but could focus. I actually completely forgot I was doing it during all the pauses. On a positive note. This could be a good place to gauge off of in the future. My main times of feeling anxious are always when a job is coming up lately. So hopefully with more practice, I can greatly reduce this perpetual feeling in the future. Learn to sit with it and possibly see it pass more readily.

Iโ€™ll try the same one tomorrow. Sleeeepy.

Still did one today even though Iโ€™m dead tired from my first day of work. Itโ€™ll be interesting squeezing them in while Iโ€™m out here. Itโ€™ll probably just me doing one every evening when Iโ€™m exhausted and laying down. I may not be maximizing my practice, but I believe itโ€™ll still be beneficial in some way.

Haha thanks comrade.

What is that all about?

Made a little video for my daughter today. Another day at the office

.... but itโ€™s too big of a file to upload. Lame.

@James B @m.miller @ThePangburn
Couple songs with some cool nautical poetic themes.


How they rule ya

Sucks the data flow is being a bear! WTH internet? Is it censorship? Or bad luck? Creeeeepy

Damn. Cut out again. Too bad. Those comments were disturbing. So salty. And not trolling. It is a disturbing subject though. I think itโ€™s hard for those of us who have been training are minds to attempt to think things through, or steel man an argument, or scan for logical fallacies, I think it can be hard for us to understand why they get so tripped up. Also, many people who have experienced sexual trauma may have a hard time broaching the subject on a non emotional level.

@Smoke thanks man. Iโ€™m listening in the chat but I canโ€™t talk. Could you read this on there?


Haha ok for sure.

Yeah I messaged it to her but she didnโ€™t check her messages. Yeah the summary.

Oh well. Weโ€™re totally derailed onto free will.

Haha I kinda agree with him some. The free will debate isnโ€™t completely settled and I feel he articulated that well. Much of the other stuff is not logical.

Heโ€™s definitely biting on most every chance to be argumentative. It is a little exhausting.

@ruffu4 thanks for engaging. Iโ€™m not trying to talk trash.

Well Iโ€™m back on the meditation train hopefully. I was off for a few days. And on top of that I was having some very sleepy ones at work. Actually, looking at it now I was off it for almost a week. My goal for now is to initially complete the introductory course, which has recently become reduced from 50 to 28. I was up to lesson 15, but I have started again from 10. I did mine after morning coffee today. And in the sitting position. Both of which do seem to be better. In todayโ€™s lesson we had a good bit of observation on the visual field. With some eye opening and closing again. After closing my eyes again, I was observing my consciousness in a state of zooming out for a while. I first observed some feint color and shape. Then noticed some movement, and then noticed the movement was moving away and getting smaller (zooming out). After a bit my visual field was rotating. Counter clockwise I think. At the time, and now, I was/am wondering if that was a result of me feeling slightly dizzy, or if that experience was causing me to be dizzy. Not sure. My mind and body are a bit exhausted and burnt out from all the work and stress Iโ€™ve been taking on. Iโ€™m very glad I got myself to do it today. Iโ€™ve downloaded the remaining lessons, in case I get called to work soon and I donโ€™t have reception.

@squid this notion you presented of the child as a body type is flawed logic and should be examined. A child does not have the ability to consent . This is the main moral issue with the actual act.

I appreciate the analysis that Tim provides here.


I have a wonderful idea that will solve all our problems too. Hear me out.

We need to mass manufacture giant steel statues. Real American steel. Giant statues of our greatest American hero Kyle Rittenhouse. And place them arm in arm, AR 15 on chest, standing tall and proud. And construct a wall! The greatest wall the world has ever seeeeeeeeen!!!!!

I know my brilliance has left you all speechless, but the answer is โ€œYes!โ€ I WILL run for president.

Iโ€™ll get mine in today for sure. After my brunch. Nah, Iโ€™ll just do it now. Whatโ€™s the deal with meditating while hungry? Is it better? Worse? I know some retreats and practices incorporate fasting.

2020-08-31 19:13:44 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

Youโ€™re going to have to be much more specific. Are you asking if it exists? I believe it exists.

2020-08-31 19:18:42 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

Of course. It has the capacity to be bad. Are you making the claim that it is always maximizing the wellbeing of yourself and others? You canโ€™t imagine any scenario when it wouldnโ€™t be?

2020-08-31 19:38:26 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

Hm okay. Iโ€™ll give it a try but you have to try too. Imagine youโ€™re a kid in the 30โ€™s watching cartoons and all the people you know personally are white. You see on the majority of the cartoons black people being portrayed as lazy stupid thieves. And you see native Americans as savage and wild drunks. This is a โ€œnegative stereotypeโ€ that informs your impressions of these cultures you know nothing about. This could result in you having fears and distrust towards cultures that may not be warranted. This could be bad.

2020-08-31 19:40:48 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

So youโ€™re claiming it used to exist. But has been completely removed. When was it completely wiped out?

2020-08-31 19:42:33 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

Explain that please

2020-08-31 19:44:36 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

If youโ€™re going to chime in you should at least engage the neurons a little.

2020-08-31 19:48:28 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

So youโ€™re going the โ€œitโ€™s a social construct, therefore is not realโ€ route, in a conversation about culture? Is this correct?

2020-08-31 19:52:45 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

What you are saying is very curious to me. Youโ€™re giving a definition of something cultural, and at the same time claiming it doesnโ€™t exist. Youโ€™re acting like itโ€™s a waste of your time to explain this. Iโ€™m trying to see what your claim is and youโ€™re just saying nu uh.

2020-08-31 19:57:46 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

So cultures donโ€™t change and evolve simply by witnessing attributes of other cultures and appropriate them as their own? It happens all the time. It is real. The SJW example you gave is an example of a poor choice to find offense. This doesnโ€™t negate the existence of the appropriation phenomenon that has been happening since the dawn of cultures.

2020-08-31 20:02:41 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

If we could shed our SJW derangement syndrome for a moment and agree on that, then maybe we could take a look at something else. When is it ok? Is it ever ok? Is it ever offensive? We could look too extreme cases on both sides and see that there can be an element of both sides. Then we can whittle down to the nuances and find we have tools to change minds of people that sit on their extremes and refuse to budge. Just maybe.

2020-08-31 20:04:18 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

That is if youโ€™re dealing with someone that gives a shit.

2020-08-31 20:12:40 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

Maybe so. I know a lot of native Americans that take it pretty seriously, but also try to be pretty reasonable about it. There are actually laws around selling certain crafts and headdresses as traditional. I could understand being a little annoyed at seeing the big nosed red face thing everywhere.

2020-08-31 20:19:56 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

Iโ€™m extremely concerned with the SJW ideology and how much itโ€™s spreading through our society. I want to combat these ideas. Iโ€™m seeing them rioting and saying โ€œthis is everywhere and itโ€™s never ok!!โ€ I think itโ€™s powerful to be able to respond with โ€œ oh I can see where this could be bad, but also here are some examples that are definitely goodโ€. I feel itโ€™s too reactionary to just make the bold claim that their is absolutely no truth or validity to their perspectives. This is extreme, and only causes the interlocutor to double down on their own extremismโ€™s.

2020-08-31 21:24:29 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

Interesting. Yeah that appears to be somewhat true. According to Wikipedia the term emerged in the 80โ€™s.

2020-08-31 21:32:37 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

Some of the text in there talks about when a large population adopts cultural elements from a small population, it can be damaging to preservation of that culture. In certain examples, I believe that would be useful to acknowledge and try to avoid. In general, itโ€™s always going to be happening on some level. Itโ€™s a natural and unavoidable part of human evolution. Iโ€™m ok with that.

2020-08-31 21:40:39 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #social]  

Iโ€™m considering the analogy of species for example. Back in the day we didnโ€™t care at all about different species. We had no concept that it may be immoral to trample all over other species and eradicate them. Many cultures and cultural elements have been snuffed out through the years. We arenโ€™t forcing Native children into Christian camps anymore, thatโ€™s a good thing. I do see value in making an effort now to try to preserve some of the cultures that are still around that didnโ€™t get fully snuffed out.

Thatโ€™s an interesting point about FGM vs MGM. We do all agree that FGM is worse right? I think as long as we agree on that we can have a circumcision discussion without minimum the other.


I mean. In the game of โ€œwould you ratherโ€. Iโ€™d rather have my foreskin removed than my clit removed.

Haha Iโ€™m not offended. Iโ€™m pretty confident I know what it is. Mine is intact. Iโ€™m also aware that there are different levels of removal.

It seems that robbing a woman of the ability of a clitoral orgasm is more detrimental than robbing a man of his foreskin sensations. I canโ€™t know this for sure. But thatโ€™s my impression.

Good for them. Women can achieve orgasm from vaginal stimulation, but itโ€™s rare.

So this, I was trying to look up. Whatโ€™s the percentage of woman that can achieve clitoral orgasm after FGM? And does it make it harder? Like we talking a few AA batteries, or do we need 240 volts? Or like a Tesla?

Hereโ€™s a snippet from an article. Iโ€™ll post the link.

Not everyone reacts the same way to FGM/C either. Numerous studies show that women who have undergone FGM/C often experience reduced sexual sensation or desire, pain during sex, an inability to self-lubricate or orgasm, and anxiety or other mental symptoms of trauma, among other issues. But some women say they can still have pleasurable sex with few or no difficulties, even after undergoing the most extreme forms of FGM/C.

This overall seems more difficult to deal with than circumcision. So for me, like I was saying earlier. We can still have a meaningful discussion about circumcision, even if it was deemed worse. I feel that Trav feels itโ€™s extremely important to talk about because FGM is universally more frowned upon, where circumcision is deemed totally acceptable and often superior.

This is an interesting element of the discussion. I thought we all agreed that FGM was a bit more brutal.

This brings up a good question. If the foreskin is gone, and you miss it. If you could, what limb would you trade for it? Would you trade a pinky toe? An eye? A fingertip? An ear? One nut?

Appendix? Kidney?

@therealdandan this comment is useless. Would you care to contribute to the conversation?

This is a safe space for discussion. If these questions are too emotional for you, I would recommend you dump your emotions elsewhere. There is a person here @squid who is feeling some emotions about what happened to him and heโ€™s trying to talk about it and hash it out with us. If you look above my comment someone before me made the claim that losing a foreskin is not as significant as losing another body part. This, in my mind is an unfair assumption. Iโ€™m trying to pose a thought exercise that can give the person that feels they are missing something an opportunity to describe something in a way that others may understand. This is what weโ€™re here for.

How difficult? Compared to what? I think this is worth exploring. I feel like this is the space to attempt to look at that.

Honestly, I normally wouldnโ€™t have posed it like that. Lockwood has already made the comment and I was trying to steer things back to something useful.

You didnโ€™t answer it. You made an assumption that my question was overly insensitive and attempted to shut it down. I would love for you or anyone to actually answer my question. Not ridicule the utility of the question itself.

If you do have a better way to gauge the level of loss that is felt Iโ€™m all ears. And Iโ€™m sure there is, since I did end up trying to redirect some comments. Maybe I should have just ignored it. I felt like the conversation was already steering into bullying territory and was trying to redirect it. I guess it just caused more problems. Oh well.

Itโ€™s alright. Hugs all around. Haha

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