Message from @brucebruce

Discord ID: 762730912211009586

2020-10-05 08:35:44 UTC  

> telecom and public utility regulation

Screenshot saved :)

Is the majority of your career in regulation? Sounds like a path in life that many have not considered 🙂

2020-10-05 08:42:36 UTC  

> @LokiV
> Screenshot saved :)
> Is the majority of your career in regulation? Sounds like a path in life that many have not considered 🙂

Nah. I became a dissident against bad government systems back in kindergarten, though it took a few years to be able to articulate why and how what I was subjected to was in fact not legal.

I learned a fair amount about regulatory law because I had to for projects that either paid some bills, or really needed someone to take them on. I focused on regulation aspects of civil rights and economic personal concerns, because that's a major part of government systems, and too few activists get a serious clue. (and procedural and structural systems are fairly similar across agencies....)

2020-10-05 08:46:06 UTC  

Ha! What did you recognize as illegal in Kindergarten? That's what I call an early start.

Thanks for the convo by the way. I'm headed to dream-land shortly.

2020-10-05 08:58:12 UTC  

> Ha! What did you recognize as illegal in Kindergarten? That's what I call an early start.
> Thanks for the convo by the way. I'm headed to dream-land shortly.

Failure to provide an "appropriate educational opportunity", for students who need at least part of their resources to be what's generally assumed relevant a few grade levels higher. Teachers are more used to waivers for special ed kids who really should never be graduated in ways that perpetrate frauds on potential employers, or systems that harass teachers who fail kids who score 9/100 on tests but have political mandates for social promotion of them. And teachers for young kids are usually selected for low pay and social management, not diverse intellectual backgrounds.

At least my parents had the resources to get me into an academics oriented (not religious) private school younger than most cover, and then a prep school with full university style science labs, including a planetarium, premed biochem, etc. And optional programs to do independent research as an early teen, which my father compared to his Doctoral thesis.

2020-10-05 09:02:12 UTC  

My sister is an educator and she basically says every student is an outlier 🙂 Not a job I envy!

Thanks again for the chat, have a good night 🙂

2020-10-05 09:05:46 UTC  

Two of my nieces are teachers, as are some ex-GF's, and various friends. The temperament, communication styles, and other demands are pretty hard to meet in any single human, even if stripped of the public politics.

One niece right out of Stanford went into a Teach America assignment, and brought a perpetually deficient class up to standards in 6 months, while also starting her Masters. That's not the usual job applicant for those districts, however.

2020-10-05 16:21:55 UTC  

Fox News claiming victim status!!

2020-10-05 16:22:52 UTC  

That's a cunning fox🦊

2020-10-05 16:23:01 UTC  

I don't trust it

2020-10-05 16:23:22 UTC  

You @drenath ?

2020-10-05 16:24:32 UTC  

One look at r/thedonald on reddit and you can see how rampant this victim mentality is.

2020-10-05 16:26:04 UTC  

I like victims

2020-10-05 16:26:17 UTC  

I think news networks have long ago realized political theater drives ratings better than journalism proper.

2020-10-05 16:26:28 UTC  

Of course they have

2020-10-05 16:26:46 UTC  

I hate @kaizen

2020-10-05 16:28:51 UTC  

I'm also surprised reddit hasn't nuked that sub

2020-10-05 16:30:12 UTC  

I hate reddit

2020-10-05 16:30:19 UTC  

You @drenath ?

2020-10-05 16:30:35 UTC  

@pete say something

2020-10-05 17:40:20 UTC  

are you a bit @Homeschool dropout

2020-10-05 17:40:26 UTC  

Or being honest?

2020-10-05 18:03:59 UTC  

@Homeschool dropout what's your deal?

2020-10-05 18:12:37 UTC  

@drenath it was banned in june

2020-10-05 19:42:16 UTC  
2020-10-05 21:43:31 UTC  

What arent you convinced about with marxism???

2020-10-06 02:11:27 UTC

2020-10-06 02:11:36 UTC  


2020-10-06 03:00:51 UTC  

Over reaction

2020-10-06 03:03:51 UTC  

Comes from a good base but it’s an over reaction

2020-10-06 04:02:11 UTC  

There are several ways in which Trump's actions there were criminal and insane, and need better systemic process to stop them. Foreword from the second edition of a recent book:

"Donald Trump is a profound danger to Americans and to the rest of the world. He will remain a profound danger until he is no longer president, since the dangers clearly result from Trump’s serious mental impairments that are untreated and are most likely impervious to treatment. The authors of this volume deserve our nation’s gratitude and, most important, our deep attention and political response. Special thanks are due to the editor, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, who supplies (in economic jargon) the global public good of assembling this remarkable set of analyses while adding her own clear voice, leadership, and expertise."

"The authors are all leading mental and public health professionals who are speaking out on behalf of public safety, against the misguided and misjudged “Goldwater rule” of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). As several authors make clear, the APA has a lot of soul-searching and self-correction to undertake. Its psychological counterpart has already been an institutional party to the government’s regime of torture during the Bush administration and has generally refrained from educating the public regarding the imminent dangers caused by mentally impaired political leaders, perhaps out of fear of retribution from those leaders."

2020-10-06 04:02:14 UTC  

"That" APA is the publisher of DSM's, the arguable business and political excuse or possibly medical classification reference that enables coding and billing insurance and government fees for psych services, "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders". The "other" APA he avoids mentioning by name is the American Psychological Association (aka American Nutcase Shrinks Assoc), confusingly identical acronyms. They produce the widely extorted (on unknowing students, and by many journals, and their future victims like so-called "news media" audiences) "APA Publication Guide" whose 5th Edition, since deprecated with their 6th's release, is the core source of malicious infliction of use of "gender" in cases where biological sex is meant, leading to linguistic confusion and frauds. That was done under the nutcase shrinks guise that it somehow removes trauma from scam doctors, or their patients and a confused frame of reference as if they benchmark norms for society.

While the MD's based APA banned public commentary on dangerous nutcases in power with its Goldwater Rule decades ago, the PhD and PsyD (lesser clinical degree) APA avoided any such restrictions, has had controversial initiatives to call out some political criminals, but at the same time, refused to take down professional status for members who contracted with the US military in torture schemes and war crimes (far more severe than the above implies).

2020-10-06 04:02:39 UTC  

Trump is far from the only severe, malignant narcissist, plus other comorbidities, with "serious mental impairments that are untreated and are most likely impervious to treatment". When such persons are empowered or skilled enough to abuse legal process to terrorize and torment victims repeatedly, or gain positions of power with economic or police or military weapons systems, the only sane treatment that appears functional that any doctor or CIT and similarly trained law enforcement professional of some experience has ever offered when I've been in positions to ask a fair number what it would take to control such rabid humans, is to euthanize them (but we're not allowed to do that).

Of note is that the editor of that book with contributions from dozens of leading medical professionals, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, holds a M.Div alongside her being an M.D. The book besides commenting on Trump, is a hard bitch-slap to their own professional organization. "THE DANGEROUS CASE OF DONALD TRUMP: 37 PSYCHIATRISTS AND MENTAL HEALTH EXPERTS ASSESS A PRESIDENT" also swings hard at the American judiciary and its biases and insanity, though is far less blunt in that regard. It's an unusual book in that over 10% of its pages are forewards and prologue, to explain in highly footnoted content usually reserved for later, the basis in ethics, facts, and professional standards, for it to be written at all.

2020-10-06 04:03:29 UTC  


The other approach that legal proportionality, equal protections, and due process may actually require, is to treat Trump the same as when other knowing infected and infectius persons, eg with AIDS, spit on police. In Rochester there were protests when police bagged over the head of a black man to contain his assaults by spit, but crazy white guys may qualify too. Unlike in Rochester where the bag was kept on until the threat was gone, I suspect there'd be more cheers than protests when Trump was sent to the morgue. Depending on jurisdiction, persons acting to endanger others by malicious biomedical threats have been arrested for reckless endangerment, various forms of assault, and even attempted murder.

2020-10-06 04:03:44 UTC

2020-10-06 04:04:08 UTC  

Can’t wait to see all the people swiping up to that. Gonna be fun.

2020-10-06 04:30:05 UTC  

> Can’t wait to see all the people swiping up to that. Gonna be fun.
Just put up an intercept, to require reading a few things (and perhaps tested on content) before proceeding from the swipes. That book above is 527 pages. 7 current and past DSM's, plus APA Publication Manuals (or comparing at least Editions 4-5-6), are a bit more.

Given the Chinese curse of available serious information linked to core systems of our society, is there any way to stay highly engaged, without being massively overloaded and with physical eye strain?

2020-10-06 17:58:12 UTC  

Audio, I'd imagine

2020-10-06 18:57:11 UTC  

Audio is way slower to review than print for anyone who reads well, on most forms of factual, technical, or legal issues. And, such issues tend to require efficient parsing and processing as they're overload fields.

It's also useless as a primary source for complex materials that need footnotes, tables, and charts, or 3rd party incorporated references be reviewed. Even driving and books on tape, if it's too consuming or one is in urban traffic, few drivers can handle the level of multitasking well.

Audio, often with video, does well to convey peripheral expression to certain complex topics, say why Noam Chomsky calls out government officials as criminals, or Stephen Pinker for misrepresented research.