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I support better enforcement of genocide laws, and on that basis find cause to eradicate Israel as a Zionist crime spree, but am not anti-Semitic (but Zionist propaganda frauds tend to spew such allegations, or contract out to Facebook to challenge criminal investigations of their practices).
The history of Zionism by rigged land sales starting early 1800's, manipulation of UK process to end colonialism, and then wars to steal Palestine by overt wars starting just after international adoption of Genocide law as a major international crime, are all too similar to what NS-DAP did in Germany, albeit a bit faster, rather than boiling the frog slowly in the Mideast. Manipulation of UN process to exclude Palestine from standing to protest in a timely manner, is a bit like broken rules that allowed Somalia to be used as a HazMat dump by Pacific rim countries selling stuff cheap to the USA and EU, except that with Palestine's exclusion it was based on genocidal Zionist scams, versus just political arrogance to not be realistic about Somalia with no functional government during protracted civil wars.
The main challenge there is how to enforce diplomat games rigged Genocide law, when the criminal scam of Israel has formed allies among most countries that should have never allowed that Palestine land grab series of major crimes. (Of course most such countries have their own Doctrine of Discovery driven issues, but predating that post-WW-II legal change.)
> I'm gonna put up a tree like a pagan
@Jarlkage Productions
Historically pagans left live trees outdoors. The shift to indoor killed trees started as a safety measure in response to Vatican genocide Crusades and other related social and economic measures.
How do circumcisions compare to cliterotectomies, where the latter is cultural ritual mainly in parts of Africa, but more widely recognized as mutilation and criminal child abuse outside any parental or human rights that may otherwise exist?
re: that "Cuties" petition, Netflix's promos were idiotic, but the film itself deserves distribution and not censorship. It's an arts festival style docu-drama, that addresses some odd cultural conflicts issues, while petitions started by people who never viewed the film, but were quick to barf out noxious bigotry of their own, could stand to see that style of Cancel Culture shut down.
The first need over "pedophilia" claims is to demand honest definitions. Pedophilia is not legitimately a crime (as it is a defined medical disorder, re: unnatural sexual interest in pre-pubescents; not actual molestation that may be criminal). It doesn't cover sexual interest in nor sex acts with teens (or in our developmentally weird society, sometimes pre-teens past puberty). Some US states have no age of consent law for sex below majority, which is invalid law on the basis that 17 is the developmentally normal median age of first consensual partner sex in Western societies, while the patchwork of other state consent ages from conditionally as low as 10 on up fail religious and cultural rights standards, and equal protections of law standards. Canada at least some years back cut through political hot buttons to develop more nationally uniform and realistic sexual consent laws, but those are entirely separate issues from pedophilia, which can exist as a mental health issue and doesn't involve teens (other than by false allegations often for 14-18 year old consensual partners).
> I don't want to watch 11 year olds twerk
I do want to understand cultural differences as reflect civil and human rights issues, and have helped operate many festival events over the years, plus had access to a friend's experiences with 10 and 30 year olds at festivals in inland Ghana. (Twerking, in general, not so much...)
One movie I did find rather disgusting, that I'd likely never have sought out absent an apparent malicious bigotry driven obscenity prosecution, was "Hungry Bitches". That's the Brazilian scat porn to which 2G1C was the trailer. Ashcroft's faux-xtian bias driven political prosecution of its Miami based US importer and distributor successfully removed age screening via credit card requirements, and gave the movie tons of promotion as it moved to free all ages access via Amsterdam servers.
Actually, I never "watched" that one, but cursor-jumped across scenes to see what was there, and then closed it. But, even finding it a bit disgusting, I saw nothing to justify censorship to sick jerks who like to see girls eating shit, versus entirely content based speech censorship reflecting political and judicial frauds violating civil rights.
Try reading SCOTUS decisions and the related motions, briefs, etc, plus underlying legal and societal research materials. Anything under a quarter million pages is terse in that regard.
Good entry point, is Christopher M. Fairman's book "Fuck: Word Taboo and Protecting Our First Amendment Liberties". Too bad he died young, albeit as a Dean at one of the largest law schools in the country, and after getting out that book as a follow up to what was never intended as a law journal test, of how badly the vast majority of law students and journal editors are incompetent bigots.
For comparison, "erbophilia".....
That may cover some forms of teen sex or interest therein, except it's messy to insert constructs that suggest developmentally normal relationships may be disorders, when that's largely based on religious or cultural prejudices and not any valid claims of harm to victims.
> and that bigotry contributed how to thier policy specifically are there any good examples ?
Or bad examples?
There are tons of cases of malicious prosecutions of teens who've had sex, and malicious focus on gays in some jurisdictions, or 19-17 year old relationships. There's also codification as statutory rape in some places of faculty-student sex, which is really messy among grad TA's, or fraud when it fails to distinguish what's more like sexual extortion, not rape, from adult consent, in universities. There are also cases of prosecution of 40 year old male partners for sex crimes based on US extra-territorial jurisdiction child porn and sex trafficking laws, when they return to a bigotry driven US state after visits to some pacific rim country that defines gays as if criminal contrary to core human rights. Or use of fake sexual accusations to get protective orders or steal property, under rigged process that assumes accuser "victims" need to have false accusation underlying claims held as secret from the target accuseds.
On top of that there are many sites trying to address or document age of consent issues.... A bit too extensive to casually summarize, as well as the usual academic research archives.
> i hear, do you have a degree in law? JC
My background is as an engineer, who's done a fair amount of legal work both with lawyers for regulated industry, and as an activist for most of my life, and leader in some nonprofits with civil rights focus.
Some niche areas, I know more law than most lawyers, while based on what I've seen from lawyers, I think their grad schools have ended up more like seminaries to kick out nutcases, and they flunk out or drive away not just the lazy and low hanging fruit, but about half the best and brightest who challenge traditions of arrogance and frauds many profs and judges try to (wrongfully) proliferate. I'd be driven crazy by that, as I tend to demand as engineers are inclined to do to require standards and practices to match up, not normalize massive frauds.
^^^^^ That's the Chinese curse of our information age and its quality content, assuming one boycotts trash dumps like Facebook and worse.
Gen-Z'ers seem to be overly avoidance-driven ADHD cases with solipsist tendencies, while being a bit older and connected to my parents and uncle's or before idea of trying to grasp a comprehensive range of knowledge, decreasingly find that even close to possible.
How are humans and society going to adapt to deal with that paradox?
It used to be those whose -g- made MENSA look like a low IQ social group were in a different class than most humans, as to broad processing capacity. Now, that seems gone, with all humans in the same boat of nowhere near close to keeping up, just most far moreso than others.
I forget exactly how he framed it, but in some video a while back, Pangburn's depiction of Sam Harris's thought models integration vs Jordan P's "throwing out pickles" (iirc) seemed spot on for a different form of cosmology understanding, even across deep thinkers.
> There is a square town of unknown dimensions. There is a gate in the middle of each side. Twenty paces outside the North Gate is a tree. If one leaves the town by the South Gate, walks 14 paces due south, then walks due west for 1775 paces, the tree will just come into view. What are the dimensions of the town?
That's actually an unsolvable problem, that's likely intended to add a missing parameter stating that the town is NS/EW aligned. If so it's possible to create 3 triangles where the NW corner of the town is the division of hypotenuse of a single larger one defining the tree coming into view, and solve them for city edge length. (too lazy to bother now; that's not complex, just a nuisance to work through) If the town isn't aligned on a cardinal points grid, the rest of the dimensions don't allow a solution.
What are two conditions when 2+2 DO NOT equal 4 ? How many other conditions for that to be true exist? Why?
What's the square root of 69?
What event happens each year at 6:28 pm on March 14th? How would a mathematician describe that?
Matt Inman of The Oatmeal prompted Sarah Donner to write his works a theme song, "The Fucking Pterodactyl". What kind of music might be fitting for Zach Weiner-Smith of SMBC, or Randall Munroe of xkcd?
a hint to one of the math thought teasers above: When does 2+2=0 ?
(hint 2: pre-calc/trig should make some of those easier, but they're answerable with a strong 4th grade number systems knowledge, unlike what bad schools often deliver.)
> (2+2)*0=0
Not the same equation, when one adds a term.
> @LokiV the problem is solvable. You will be lead to a polynomial of degree 5, with 4 extraneous solutions and 1 real, positive solution
Only if a grid alignment parameter is added, that's missing. And that's the composite of the 3 right triangles I mentioned, based on a city edge variable and partial/full hypotenuse elements, and the step offsets, stacked from a series of basic Pythagorean theorum elements.
Blame that on frauds in the US legal and political systems.
Scams like Facebook and Amazon have perpetrated enough criminal acts so they should just be summarily shut down. An Alphabet (Google parent) is so huge and prolific, it's overdue to subject it to the neutrality obligations of some mix of "public accommodation" and utility, with quasi-government civil rights mandates, not private business entitlements to operate arbitrarily. The editorial tampering policies of all of the above are used in ways that none should qualify for the DMCA "safe harbor" immunity all of those and more claim, absent lawyering frauds to pretend content based speech censorship isn't that, under dishonest "community guidelines" designed to reflect some mix of corporate profit plans, or management prejudices.
Those are big changes to some pretty powerful profit and power centers, in major institutions. They're even messier when absurdities of US law are extended globally.
That's not just Cancel Culture - it's far worse. How many US politicians do NOT use Facebook or other criminal channels for self-promotion? How about judges, or agency policy setters? Would Canada ban US corporations that conspire in genocide, fraud, or human rights violations from financial activities affecting its citizens, or crossing inside its borders, financially, or technically? Even if it did, what enforcement is possible?
As one of the other drivers making that worse, how about the use of universities to indoctrinate a warm and fuzzy marketing scam attitude towards largely female, Cancel Culture riddled MeToo snowflakes, in ways that illegally oppress the very speech such institutions exist to foster? Why did The FIRE sue hundreds of US universities for illegal discrimination or Federal funds misuse over related policies, and how do those schools socially normalizing such practices in the minds of students tamper with perceptions of civil and human rights, or free speech, for decades to come?
Speaking of Canada, is Rushton's university projects depository of race & IQ data still available openly? How much of Jordan Peterson's medical issues are from stress maliciously imposed on him by bad actors trying to squash intelligent speech? Prior to the Barry Diller empire then led by Sammy Yagan taking over Plenty of Fish into the IAC/I illegal monopoly overdue for prosecution as such, to how may people were Marcus' Canadian political prejudices obvious, versus the Haavaad/Stanford ones of OK Cupid at al?
Stepping back, is it more appropriate to approach ad funded speech content discrimination by trying to change the ad targets momentum in larger societies, or to restrict the mega-corp platforms from pandering to discriminatory prejudices, real or imagined, and regardless of how that may or may not impact the revenues when users are monetized, in what really aren't "free" platforms, but ones were a modern form of human slavery are the tokens in use? Or, if conditionally both, on what conditions or with what dividing lines?
re: YouTube demonetizing under secret policies they won't reveal, or that reflect arbitrary and subjective judgment:
That reflects a lot more than Google, and raises the legal isse of "void for vagueness" that fundamentally invalidates laws or contracts, as well as adhesion or coercion contracts, that in theory are fundamentally illegal and void, but are commonly used and upheld every day. There are also legal standards that in cases of grossly unequal parties to such contracts, they're to be interpreted in the manner most favorable to the less equal party.
There may also be issues of criminal fraud, to the extend video content was produced and delivered on the promise of certain revenues and terms for same, and now the monster corp is trying to refuse payments. Google and its ilk are so huge, they scare off government prosecutors who lack resources for a legal battle, but criminal charges could obligate government to fund legal actions that civil process would not.
In effect, subject to figuring out how to enforce law, Google like many others, some far more biased, can demonstrably be shown to be acting in violation of civil and criminal law. But, what parts of it can be enforced, and how?
Of YouTube channels with philosophy content, Pangburn is one that has some serious intellectuals in quality content engagement, unlike so many that have a huge amount of noise and garbage. It could be a 5-10 year project litigating relevant issues, and appeals, with biased courts that often kowtow to corporate scams as if legal norms despite law stating otherwise. That could make it a more desirable party for civil or criminal litigation to challenge major problems in monetization of net users and contracts with terms that are secret or unknowable in advance.
There are "religiously indoctrinated cunts" among UU's. The difference is often around 40 IQ points and post-grad degrees, with life skills to say "go fuck yourself" in far less obvious, but more treacherous, and to many normal sounding, ways. And more hypocrisy, because of ByLaws incporporated Principles to not do that.
Drug laws force private security to the black market, and caused a doubling of homicides since Post-Rockefeller Commission drug laws.
The USA is a nation of, by, and for terrrorists, shooting at Redcoats from behind rocks and trees.
Our 2nd Amednment is about defense against all enemies, foreign and domestic, which means mostly dirty politicians. Self defense is a 9th Amendment right, that the framers of our Constitution never expected to become controversial.
Switzerland mandates military firearms in most homes, and culturally, has low criminal violence. That's actual assault riflers and sidearms, not semi's that look similar.
In urban industrial society, more "violence" to people's lives is done by economic systems, than arms.
Springer show, "Cheaters", MMA, boxing? Pro sports? Football? BDSM? Mens Rea or not as an element of assault? (It is, when "ability & imminent intent" define the crime) What amounts to crime, versus conduct with potential or actual injuries? How about cooking, or sex? Drunk drivers qualifying to be shot as defense from negligent homicide?
10 USC 311 defines "militia". How many laws violate the RTKBA using that criterion, possibly expanded by equal protection plus age & sex rights?
Are people lacking skills to efficiently look up a statute capable of being responsible or competent adults?
> So the US Govt doesn't have enough administrative capacity to disarm the outlaws.. Than it's impossible to enforce other good laws in Healthcare.. Really flawed.
@Yussuki โช
The major flaws there are that US Federal government is not Constitutionally allowed to do either of those. In fact, they have a limited opposite duty to prevent states from abridging RTKBA, as "incorporated" by our 14th Amendment. Beyond FFC or various frauds, or some import controls, their obligation for health care is to stay out of it.
> Btw, how much does a polic officer earn in the US? I mean fresh from the Academy. Rookie
@Yussuki โช
$23k to $140k depending on jurisdiction, and in the latter (eg, places like San Francisco), potentially $70k during academy training. More if they do the right nepotistic connections for overtime or private assignment extra duty.
Unsurpisingly, that results in some massive differences in skills. Surprisingly, some of the highest paid jurisdictions have massive civil rights violations, where cops belong dead or in prison, but also generally black markets for drugs that drive up violence and costs of not just extreme police budgets, but secondary costs of insurance, security, and repairs and replacement to vandalism and thefts.
> Guys, just ban every weapon and problem solved
@Yussuki โช
Why not just exterminate humans then? Far easier and cheaper.
Given that most felony assaults and homicides are perpetrated with blunt objects and "personal weapons" (human body parts), a nation of headless quadriplegics with no objects heavier than a wiffle ball but lighter than a huge boulder, would be needed for that uninformed but common suggestion. Not sure how we'd operate kitchens or many industrial operations with no knives? Firearms are used in less than a quarter of such serious crimes, but far more defensive uses, as well as being pretty serious tools around farms. And, the USA is weird internationally in that our foundational law is based around citizen rights to remove or exterminate kings or wannabes, albeit our society has been twisted in ways where if we more often shot qualified "Domestic Enemies", that'd mean most Democrats, Republicans, and many others, without clear process to ensure the alternative met Jeffersonian ideals.
The USA has competing hate cult (so-called church pseudo-moralist) gangs, Blue Wall Gangs of police as mercenaries to crooked politicians, and such a conflicted system of laws that the average so-called adult perpetrates thousands of major crimes as defined by badly broken and malicious laws. We can't create Constitutionally legitimate, functional immigration policy, never mind health care systems, while the IRS, our primary Federal tax agency, is enabled by a major historic fraud when a lame duck Sec. of State (Philander Knox) fraudulently certified our 16th Amendment as if ratified, when it never legitimately was.
What defines "law abiding" when all those bad actors, if military or many government roles, are not obeying the law if they FAIL to shoot each other?
Given global warming and potential for a mass extinction event with the beyond nasty interim quality of life involved, I wouldn't be so quick to claim a few billion fewer hairless bipedal apes wouldn't be positive economic change. Pretty much all options in that arena are not exactly what most people would call desirable, admittedly.
I grew up in a farming area, where 12-15 year olds with lower caliber rifles were seen as helping the neighbors with varmint control, or learning life skills. One farmer kept firearms stored outside his house proper -- in an unlocked cabinet in the workshop over a garage out back. No one did anything that drew police or required an emergency room, as safe use and realistic risks was part of normal childhood education.
I've worked in cities where I've carried a sidearm and it's a PITA, plus elevated stress working conditions to be around risks that drive that need. I've been certified to teach firearm safety and self defense courses, several recognized as legal standards for concealed carry permits under illegal but prolific laws of many states, as a major US Constitutional right is their use to kill certain vaguely defined classes of corrupt officials (who in turn, are inherently incompetent to regulate citizens in that role). I've had more firearm safety training than some jurisdictions require of police.
I've done some training alongside police, including reckless arrogant dimwit liars who I was glad to see flunk out, and others who are mature skilled individuals. I have been in situations where I've been lawfully entitled to kill humans, but have always found other ways to handle those situations, which is a key issue of some wannabe firearm users who perhaps really shouldn't have access to them. I've worked around potentially lethal industrial environments where one could only hope that safe and reliable systems or tools as firearms are (reckless humans not included) were possible to design.
But, overall, when most safety issues where firearms are potentially needed against other humans reflect rights-oppressive drug policies, and other political corruption, if we had honest, functional government, it'd be far easier to reduce social stressors that are unhealthy to live around. Firearms are tools whose use reflects that, but are not the cause.
Most situations where use of lethal force is legally and ethically justified are ones where good choices are already missing.
Proportional defense only applies to lesser crimes. Once someone demonstrates ability and imminent intent for felony assault (which does not require completion as battery), arson, rape, or homicides, lethal force is justified, to attempt to "stop", not kill per se.
Any restrictions on access to particular firearms is blatantly illegal were US foundational law honestly enforced. There are practical issues where any firearm one can conveniently carry, or hand hold, is marginal as to rapid stopping power. Your list of toys or sub-lethal weapons do not apply, and for citizens (unlike police who have a duty to attempt to protect perp's they arrest), there's rarely a case where sub-lethal force is lawfully justified when lethal force is not.
> Loki im curious: In US, when demonstrating the imminent intent for felony assault - can you use the criminal record of the attacker (his past history) ?
@Yussuki โช
Possibly in the case of a known perpetrator.... That's a messy area of law, and states and courts have inconsistent criteria, or lawyers who make emotive and political arguments that may prevail even if in theory invalid.
But, that's not a key criterion. The perp had better have shown some threat that was immediate there and then.
Unless of course, you're a member of a corrupt "Blue Wall" police gang of testiliars. Then, it seems popular to claim "he was reaching for his waistband" as if an invisible supposed firearm that hasn't been drawn nor aimed qualifies (in theory, it does NOT), and "I was skeered!", count. Cops are supposed to control irrational fears, tolerate criticism as government actors (fuck off and die, pigs!), and act on analytical awareness of SAF (specific and articulable facts). Too many of them are instead serial felons with their own criminal gang culture.
> Most states require "imminent threat of death or major bodily injury"
@Yussuki โช
That's got lots of wiggle room for lawyers to argue, but it's precise and specific by US lawyer standards. That language comes from the nearly century old MPC (Model Penal Code lawyer trade group drafted criminal law standards adopted with minor variants in all US states), to distinguish 2nd degree assault (felony) from 3rd Degree Assault (higher level misdemeanor).
Remember, assault is ability and intent; battery is physical contact, so zero injuries required. Answering such legal questions can turn complex fast, and not be possible to do in advance of specific cases, despite legal standards requiring that.
If some dementia riddled old person states a threat and shows intent to carry it out, but is grossly lacking in ability to do so, or someone in another country or without a firearm at hand threatens to shoot you, I'd guess your courts do incorporate what in US law is the "ability" provision into whether "intent" seems credible?
re: Roma people: nomadic gypsies and such.... criminals who should be eradicated or contained, or major human rights victims? (I see signs of both, and a major conflict in most Western style real estate laws and practices, with nomadic lifestyles, whether small clusters, or tribal nations that historically were likely to be hunters, and not industrial or farming based.)
Or include factions like in this country, the Irish Travelers, who are a nasty criminal scam group of staged auto accident and construction fraud crooks, who those who've dealt with them generally wish were exterminated as vermin. But others integrate into more normal social function.
How much of Roma peoples in your region still attempt nomadic lifestyles, versus more fixed home based ones more common the last century or more?
Is that driven more by economics of industrial society, or population increase making migrant practices difficult?
Are you saying Roma gets special benefits, and not everyone who identifies as such has that family heritage?
What do police get paid in your region, and what kind of internet costs and speeds are there?
I've had friends who've done projects in parts of Africa, where firearms are rare, including for police, because they may cost more than many people earn in a year. Not to mention body armor, cars, radio systems and computers, etc.
Google used to have a company slogan, "Don't Be Evil".
When they did the Alphabet parent restructuring, that mysteriously disappeared.
While Google has done far more projects to advance knowledge than many large companies, the whole cross domain tracking and privacy abuse scams they've pulled should get lots of IT, marketing, and C-suite into prison (but it won't).
Of course that pales compared to the arrogant shit Jewboy scammers at Facebook, whose business model started with IP thefts, and expanded into privacy criminal frauds and massive lies to tell users they weren't being scammed as they were. Z should be live streamed being slowly lowered into hot tar.
But then, if one looks too closely, the major stock markets, most large banks, and every telecom that's taken dirty money for FISA and worse scams, also is overdue to be shut down, along with the political conspirators involved. We lack systems to do that, and it would upend major infrastructure to play honestly over that maze of complex crimes.
YouTube et al should be boycotted, regardless of how useful they are. Vimeo is a weak alternative, and maybe less so with them, Barry Diller and Sammy Yagan have quite dirty hands for other IAC/I activities.
That doesn't leave a lot of good options.
Speaking of arbitrary and capricious ToS abuses, does something like the sidearm and ammo image to promo yesterday's Live event topic get considered or invite secret passive-aggressive "report" process, to trigger other adverse actions against the overall channel?
T2.... You sound about 2700 years of education short of understanding that corporations are not entirely private businesses, but are legal fictions that are more akin to feudal barony privileges extended at the whim of a Kings agents, and exist only as creatures of a state.
Companies like Google and others online try to claim a "safe harbor" immunity for content codified within the DMCA, itself a bastard law political scam, apply to them, while engaging in content based censorship that were that law applied honestly, voids the immunity from applying. Go read that law, and related history, and jurisprudence, and come back when you're ready to seriously discuss it (and understand then what others are saying, that's flying through you like a blonde joke).
Net businesses cannot legitimately have discriminatory ToS used for content based speech censorship, and claim DMCA safe harbor. That's a much bigger problem than YouTube. Facebook is probably the worst violator, due to scale and arrogant practices, while faux-xtian hate cults and countries whose existence is rooted in genocide may be more extreme.
Terms like indecency, profanity, pornography (did Potter Stewart ever manage another hard-on?), obscenity, blasphemy, and such, all have perverse legal histories of factions, including corrupt courts, have wrestled to pretend inherently religion, culture, and arbitrary/subjective bias based terms, can have some allegedly neutral legal definition (under US ConLaw or international human rights). Likewise, but with different contexts, "public accommodation" (classes of businesses with quasi-government non-discrimination obligations), telecoms (as public infrastructure with quasi-monopoly privileges), or employers with more than 5-500 employees in graduated degrees.
Multinational, public securities backed, families of nested corporations, with more assets and employees than many world governments, are not legally or structurally equivalent to a "private business".
Does anyone recall how he used to open concerts?
"I'm Huey Lewis, and ......"
Context, a mix of regulatory law, and bastard politics. I've worked with and against (engineering consultant, and activist) for decades. It cannot be dumbed down to 700 words. But you're not even paying attention (do your own fucking homework; unlike years ago, USC and CFR and precedential jurisprudence are all freely available everywhere, online), you are clearly clueless about basic literacy several others here are citing as fundamentals and entry level to serious discussion.
"I'm Huey Lewis, and this is The News!"
Anyone up for Ullman's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry?
(if bought in dead tree, UPS drivers have a hand truck suggested for the 4 cartons.)
How about a comparison of Woodward's Fear vs Rage, and how he played Trump from staying distant, to setting himself up for a takedown?
One major problem with marketing turned evil, whether widgets, services, religion, or poly-ticks, is that it's inefficient and has mutually exclusive, contradictory demands, in our chaotic society. But, the Google-plex, like many others, is pretending it's entitled to be a predatory rights oppressor, out of whatever unrealistic marketing goals. Or so-called news?
re: Age of Consent:
EVERY answer above re: US is wrong (even if accurate for certain places and conditions).
Most such laws here are state laws, and they vary from conditionally as young as 10 or 12 in some states, to no age of consent for religious and political targets (often contrary to ConLaw and/or case law). Most states have an unconditional age of consent around 16. There are a number of sites online that try to summarize laws of all states without the challenge of inspecting official sources for them. We also have extraterritorial jurisdiction Federal laws that have been used to prosecute 40 or 50 year olds on return from Muslim countries with human rights violation local laws, and statutory rape laws that apply to some professions or students in ways that are often seriously abusive.
All that is also contrary to our civil rights preemptive laws, that mandate equal protections regardless of location, freedom from bias based on other nutcase hairless ape religious or cult prejudices, etc. If one can afford to attempt enforcement of that.
> Yea. I keep forgetting you have Federal and State laws. Like multiple layers of land ruling..
@Yussuki โช
Most criminal law is state jurisdictions, and Fed's have limited Duties and Powers so it's hands off those issues for them, except under certain conditions of interstate or international cases, or enforcement against state violations of civil rights. Often the players try to find ways to work around those legal standards, however, especially over sex, drugs, or our new feature excuse, terrorists on every street corner, and coming to a town near you!
Raellians are nutcases overall, but they produced "Free the Nipple", and are activists over topfree equalilty, and some speech rights, especially when Jewish propaganda scammers like ADL try to get swastikas censored even though NS-DAP appropriating them is little different from how some Norse runes and other preexisting religious icons have been stolen.
Raelians are crazy, but generally pick positive activist causes. Scientologists are criminal scammers who victimize their own recruits, and others who work to expose their abuses.
What historic attackers was that castle and surrounding fortifications built to fend off?
What reputation does King John Sigismund have around there now? From what I understand, he was a Unitarian and had some allies and enemies by breaking some religious traditions?
Interesting. That adds a bit to what I knew of Sigismund.
OK, which version of Rocky Horror Show, Rocky Horror Picture Show, the punk variant, or Fox remake featuring an actual transsexual lead? (What percentage of London or US play audiences, or movie viewers, even realize Transylvania was real?)
Which rare Earth materials?
The USA by various economic and political bad policies, has trashed a huge amount of our natural resources infrastructure. That makes us more dependent on China et al.
Didn't Moldavia have a high level political leader who ended up at The Hague for criminal prosecution?
And, I'm jealous of that internet bill. It's less than many US-ians pay in taxes and surcharges on top of the nominal cost, for service a bit slower than yours.
5G protocols can operate on lower frequencies with larger coverage areas, but the faster versions require millimeter wavelengths with fairly limited range, and so not well suited for areas without dense populations to justify a lot of closely spaced towers.
And across town some high tech industry using those conductors, platings, and supermagnetic resources?
One of my childhood neighbors was a family dairy farm, but land values in East Coast US states and related labor costs generally drove most such farms out of business decades ago.
Hindi by Indian immigrants? India has several languages that vary regionally.
China takes advantage of lots of Africans, whether predatory work conditions in farming regions, or unsafe mines. I had a friend who was in Ghana on a Peace Corp agriculture project, and she helped them build locally owned resources and drive out Chinese investors who damaged the area economy.
(and acted abusive towards workers)
America has plenty of corrupt business, but China has lots of cases I've seen that are far worse.
OTOH, the electronics industrial infrastructure around Shenzhen, Guandong, is something not present many other places in the world, including the USA. That makes manufacturers in high priced or less locally dense supply chain to production regions struggle to compete.
BTW, did you say above that CARs are banned in your country? ;-/
(Those AR-15 pictures show collapsible rather than full size fixed stocks, and short barrels within US legal standards for rifles vs pistols or short barrel "Class III" firearms; IOW a bit over 16", vs 20-22" full barrels. That gets them designated as CAR-15's, or a "carbine" model variant.)
How about AK-variants, or IMI (aka Uzi)?
How about other semi or bolt rifles, sidearms, or shotguns?
Whereas in the USA, roughly a third of adults own a bit over an average of 3 firearms each. Air rifles and such don't count.
Outside black markets driven crime, largely based on drug policies, there's not much criminal use of arms. Politicians like higher crime rates so long as most voters don't realize the assholes in office promising to protect them, actually caused most of the problem.
Is that a 9x17 (kurz) Walther PPK loose copy?
Blowback spring; no lockup when fired, takedown the slide by pulling out on the trigger guard?
Pretty sure I could clear and taekdown one of those in about 5 seconds.... Familiar design I've shot.
Stoner actions (designer of AR's, M-4/16) are a bit more complex. Rotary dual section bolt with lockup tangs, upper and lower receiver. Bolt blowback into the stock tube, etc. Far fussier in dirty conditions that IMI or AK designs, but more symetrical and precise when kept clean.
Fired all of those too, and maintenance takedowns of them.
A kid I trained on AR rifle years ago (friend's nephew) won a best in unit marksmanship award, when he went into our military.
Have a good day! ๐
BTW, the 9 mm NATO pistol is 9x19, almost twice the muzzle energy of the short round (also aka .380).
There may be an infestation at Google, worse than Covid:
In truth, our society has many severe problems and conflicts, and "Critical (social justice) Theory on the surface sounds like something overdue.
Only in practice do we find it's really a set of mob bullying and extortion tactics, that gives rise to terms like psychobitch, and that led OED to add SJW to its emerging words definitions as a pejorative.
29 CFR 1605 is the section of US Labor regulations that addresses treatment of religious conflicts as matters of practice, where theology or similar ideas or thoughts may be motivating factors, but in and of themselves are rarely valid issues of conflict. How they handle it and case law cited for the larger framework are worth reviewing at US GPO or other free law archives.
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