Message from @Malachi
Discord ID: 762695127533355009
Going back a few years, I would have found it interesting to see what Harry Browne might have accomplished, had it been possible to elect him.
I had mixed impressions of him from afar, though he had more statesman qualities than many revolutionaries. But, I got some private behind the scenes insight, as his far younger girlfriend was the brightest Psychologist I've known (way beyond JoJo), his campaign strategist, and a personal friend and part of a private micro-think tank shoulder tap group I was tapped for decades ago, due to her having been a grad school housemate of a physicist mutual friend at Berkeley back in the day.
> @LokiV
> Can you go into more detail here?
Wait, where are my notes from when an anti-fascism group a couple years ago asked me to give a 2 hour presentation on that topic.....
Short form, corporations are legal fictions created by state Sec. of States under legislative fiat. what that means has some twisted history, but they don't exist to grant types of qualified immunity they're given, other than by state legal privilege largely based around the kind of philosophy of government used by kings and feudal barony.
Certain types (mainly meals, housing, travel) have a Federal designation of Public Accommodation with explicit statutory civil rights obligations. Labor laws often impose additional limits, as do states in widely disparate forms, often not enforced honestly (consider CA's Unruh Act from 1957).
I personally think it's overdue to ban corporate status for churches, as if one state's very lawyer-costly trial state Supreme Court ruled correctly that it cannot decide issues based on religious doctrine, and when church corporations often have ByLaws and local affiliation agreements that are based in large part on just that, it's antithetical to the rule of law to have courts of competent jurisdiction or last resort that cannot or will not decide issues of malfeasance or fraud as for other corporate ownership and management structures.
As to Hobby Lobby or Citizens United or Affordable Care Act birth control bypasses, there's a lot of absurdity or fraud in how some courts too often act. And messy law from conflicts in dirty politics.
Fiat currency is very good. Far superior. Limits are very good because they strengthen society. Churches are very useful also.
It is very good that we have Corporations separate from individuals. They make society prosper because they limit the liability. And offer more rights. This is great.
@LokiV Thanks for the extra details. It would be very interesting to me to sharpen which policy adjustments that a GOP-shifting-toward-Libertarian party could make to attract Left-Libertarians/Centrists without alienating the majority of the traditional Conservative base.
My major concern is that this point is already where we are at, and tactics to win elections have eclipsed the policies that seek to actually improve the commonwealth.
> My major concern is that this point is already where we are at, and tactics to win elections have eclipsed the policies that seek to actually improve the commonwealth.
I could suggest two books, one by a UK investigative journalist, one from a Canadian Psychologist, that both conclude Western societies value the arrogant, driven traits of psychopaths as government or corporate leaders, to such a warped extent, some of those are more extreme and dangerous mental illness models than the average psychopath found in prisons or long term locked wards as too crazy to stand trial, too dangerous to release.
And that reflects on the populace and electorate.
I think I already understood that the qualities needed to win elections varies wildly from qualities that I'd like to see in my representatives.
> I think I already understood that the qualities needed to win elections varies wildly from qualities that I'd like to see in my representatives.
I can honestly claim over the years that I have blocked, helped pass, or reshaped, law or regulation at all levels from local Councils or Boards, through a few international treaties. It's a lot of work, in windows of opportunities, for small snippets of major needed changes.
But most monkeys with car keys do closer to zero of that. I've been at public meetings with large protests, and seen officials ask where people were 3 months or 2 years prior, when they solicited public input or comment, and went into newspapers, libraries, and community groups seeking it, with little response. So as office or position rises in larger branches of government, their message changes to send money to help elect us, and tries to skip details.
I would agree that the public at large is mostly clueless and/or disenfranchised with regard to how a citizen should interact with the political system, outside of the voting booth.
I would be very interested to know of the history of some of those accomplishments and your role in them. But I understand this is the internet and you might prefer to remain anonymous 🙂
> Fiat currency is very good. Far superior. Limits are very good because they strengthen society. Churches are very useful also.
@Yussuki ₪
Note Zino that I'm speaking in the context of US Federal and State inerwoven legal systems.
Legislative fiat is not the same as fiat currency, albeit most "money" now has shifted to digital account records as if currency moves.
While I might agree that some churches can be important community resources, many do things that are illegal in various respects, or abusive to members or communities. Is there any reason those should be above the larger rule of law, or outside it due to broken law and court renderings?
I find your comments on corporations very sloppy. It's a rather complex topic in the USA, and another of those with every state causing minor variants under primary authority, and Feds stepping in over limited issues. We're discussing when or how corporations as quasi-government actors can trample rights. Private persons, not legal fictions or government licensees, are the ones who have rights to be protected.
I think Zino is bored and likes to drop comments across the server to spur conversation 😄
> I would be very interested to know of the history of some of those accomplishments and your role in them. But I understand this is the internet and you might prefer to remain anonymous 🙂
The conservative fields of telecom and public utility regulation don't merge perfectly in everyone's views with defending traditional nude beaches, speech and privacy rights, eliminating tax frauds starting with the IRS, RTKBA (interesting having lunch with PETA Senior Counsel at an ACLU Board meeting, and his carbon emissions plastic stuff), or using what I know from having been a C-Corp or 501(c)3 Board member or CEO, to attack abuses inherent in related systems? Or helping bankrupt WorldCom over its frauds, working with an offshoot group to one founded by Angela Davis, where believe it or not, her projects don't attract a lot of people who can analyze prison pay phone scams by telecoms and states?
If you can find a link to and transcript of Eric Idle likening Heidi Fleiss' call girl rates to Congress-driven FCC indecency fines in song in formal FCC Proceedings archives, or laying out why the Wildmons of American Family Association and their members and conspirators should get felony convictions for their fraudulent 18 USC 1001 certified broadcast speech content complaints, those are my formal legal documents. And make the longest posts Discord allows look tiny. I've also been a corporate whistle blower, and unlike emo-babies, only filed valid complaints, with every one resulting in a business shut down and beneficial owners banned from an industry for life. (That's drawn me some death threats....)
Or are cross-border international RF signal protection engineering criteria, or conditions for electric utilities to place major new power grid and changing logical inversion badly done state regulatory law, more exciting? On a more positive side, anyone who's watched TV or listened to music has unavoidably used tech whose standards I helped develop.
> telecom and public utility regulation
Screenshot saved :)
Is the majority of your career in regulation? Sounds like a path in life that many have not considered 🙂
> @LokiV
> Screenshot saved :)
> Is the majority of your career in regulation? Sounds like a path in life that many have not considered 🙂
Nah. I became a dissident against bad government systems back in kindergarten, though it took a few years to be able to articulate why and how what I was subjected to was in fact not legal.
I learned a fair amount about regulatory law because I had to for projects that either paid some bills, or really needed someone to take them on. I focused on regulation aspects of civil rights and economic personal concerns, because that's a major part of government systems, and too few activists get a serious clue. (and procedural and structural systems are fairly similar across agencies....)
Ha! What did you recognize as illegal in Kindergarten? That's what I call an early start.
Thanks for the convo by the way. I'm headed to dream-land shortly.
> Ha! What did you recognize as illegal in Kindergarten? That's what I call an early start.
> Thanks for the convo by the way. I'm headed to dream-land shortly.
Failure to provide an "appropriate educational opportunity", for students who need at least part of their resources to be what's generally assumed relevant a few grade levels higher. Teachers are more used to waivers for special ed kids who really should never be graduated in ways that perpetrate frauds on potential employers, or systems that harass teachers who fail kids who score 9/100 on tests but have political mandates for social promotion of them. And teachers for young kids are usually selected for low pay and social management, not diverse intellectual backgrounds.
At least my parents had the resources to get me into an academics oriented (not religious) private school younger than most cover, and then a prep school with full university style science labs, including a planetarium, premed biochem, etc. And optional programs to do independent research as an early teen, which my father compared to his Doctoral thesis.
My sister is an educator and she basically says every student is an outlier 🙂 Not a job I envy!
Thanks again for the chat, have a good night 🙂
Two of my nieces are teachers, as are some ex-GF's, and various friends. The temperament, communication styles, and other demands are pretty hard to meet in any single human, even if stripped of the public politics.
One niece right out of Stanford went into a Teach America assignment, and brought a perpetually deficient class up to standards in 6 months, while also starting her Masters. That's not the usual job applicant for those districts, however.
Fox News claiming victim status!!
That's a cunning fox🦊
I don't trust it
You @drenath ?
One look at r/thedonald on reddit and you can see how rampant this victim mentality is.
I like victims
I think news networks have long ago realized political theater drives ratings better than journalism proper.
Of course they have
I hate @kaizen
I'm also surprised reddit hasn't nuked that sub
I hate reddit
You @drenath ?
@pete say something
are you a bit @Homeschool dropout
Or being honest?
@Homeschool dropout what's your deal?
What arent you convinced about with marxism???