Message from @Ben - OH

Discord ID: 466067778286256128

2018-06-21 00:27:47 UTC  

Fireside will begin at 8:45 Eastern.


2018-06-21 04:43:17 UTC  

I want to remind you guys that the FBI has, in the past, set up politically inconvenient dissidents.

Take the case of Matt Hale: A federal informant, whom Matt believed to be a good friend, kept suggesting that they murder a federal judge. Matt said "I have to follow the law. I have to do things, make changes by legal means. Whatever you want to do is up to you." This alone was enough to land Matt in federal prison for 40 years.

**This is why we have a zero tolerance policy for talking about violence, even in jest.** If you think "It was just a joke!" constitutes a sufficient legal defense in this context, you are incredibly naïve.

Furthermore, many Alt-Righters joked about violence on the Charlottesville 2 Discord server. Now, those quotes are appearing on official legal documents as evidence of this supposed "conspiracy." While there obviously was no conspiracy to harm protesters at UTR, these quotes are extremely inconvenient for us, even though they were not issued by IE members.

If you're a member of this organization, you won't joke about violence. Period. Not on this server, or any server. Nor will you do so offline. **If we create an environment in which jokes about violence are acceptable, it will be easy for a federal informant to do to us what the FBI did to Matt Hale.**

(You can read an interview with Matt Hale's mother about the setup here:


2018-06-22 02:16:08 UTC  

@everyone Thank you so much for your merch orders this past week - one point of note: Once you order merch from your member's profile, your order is not complete. As much as I would like to - I cannot ship your order until you pay for it! 😆

Right now, payment can be sent to our Zelle account at [email protected] or [email protected]. or to our PO box: Identity Evropa
PO Box 7064
Arlington, VA 22207

If you **have** paid for your order before 6/15 and have **not** yet received it, please dm me.

Thanks! <:deye:359010025223618570> 👕

2018-06-27 17:22:32 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

Fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST. See you there!

2018-06-27 21:23:19 UTC  

Attention @everyone

@Louis Loire - NY has more lodging set up and ready for Defend Identity, which is a month away! Contact him if you’d like to stay there, and we are just a few days away from the main event registration going to $40. See you at Fireside tonight.

2018-06-27 21:24:15 UTC  

@everyone Also, if you cannot go, be sure to send money to the IE Zelle with "Defend Identity Sponsorship" as the note. Help get someone else there to take your place!

2018-06-28 19:28:10 UTC  

@everyone Patrick will be hosting an Ask Me Anything (AMA) at 6pm (EST) on . Come ask quality questions and share the link with non IE members to come participate!

2018-06-28 19:35:10 UTC  

Also, crossposting the link on friendly subreddits would help us a lot in spreading the word to new people

2018-06-28 20:00:39 UTC  

167 online - our most ever for this new subreddit, come post in the sub and help take us to the next level!

2018-06-28 22:12:30 UTC  
2018-06-28 22:33:40 UTC  

Which one of you.....

2018-07-01 16:20:03 UTC  

@everyone traffic is WAY up on since we started boosting the project just over a month ago. Help us a grow the subreddit as another social media effort to reach the public. We can use moderators, commenters, and high quality identitarian content. Messaging redditors who have made sympathetic comments and telling them to subscribe to r/identitarians is highly effective. Come subscribe yourself and help spread the word!

2018-07-01 16:20:29 UTC  

Message me if you want to get involved!

2018-07-03 01:58:05 UTC  

If you very recently registered for Defend ID with the note 'Meetup' and you have the initials PO, please DM me. @everyone

2018-07-03 04:55:27 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

I'm happy to announce that *The Identitarian* is back on the table! Our previous editor had to resign, but I've since located a new one -- a highly experienced movement veteran -- who I'm positive will do a fantastic job.

There's still quite a bit to sort out, of course, so stay tuned for an announcement in the upcoming months when we're ready for article submissions.




That is all. Have a great week!

2018-07-04 16:36:53 UTC  

Attention @everyone

Happy Independence Day! In light of fireworks, there will be no fireside tonight. Have a good one!

2018-07-06 03:45:34 UTC  

Another phenomenal action from San Diego!


2018-07-07 16:41:33 UTC  

@everyone Posting dox, especially the dox of an IE member, even if it's just a re-post of dox already posted elsewhere, is a banable offense. Don't do it.

2018-07-08 03:59:25 UTC  

Let's give it up for @Brunswick, who, due to his immense contributions as IE's content coordinator, has been named as our member of the month for June.

Keep up the great work, @Brunswick!


2018-07-09 18:06:09 UTC  

Attention @everyone

Patrick is live!

2018-07-10 02:26:57 UTC  

@everyone we got a few mysterious Zelle payers to sort out:

1. June 20, $100, initials EH, note 'IE dues'
2. July 1, $75, initials PO, note 'Meetup'
3. July 9, $55, initials HW, no note (sad!)

Everyone is happy when their dues are properly credited and they actually get registered for the conference they pay for, so DM me if any of these describe you.

2018-07-10 04:45:16 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

By now, many of you will have heard that Mike Enoch’s motion to dismiss in the Sines vs. Kessler case has succeeded. I personally congratulated him after hearing the news, and wish TRS the best in the future.

That our motion failed is not particular cause for concern; in fact, we weren’t counting on it succeeding, so leadership is still continuing forward as planned. While I’m clearly not a lawyer, the way these things work has been described to me as follows: When a judge rules on a motion to dismiss, he deliberates on whether or not the plaintiffs could plausibly win if the case went to trial. In the case of Enoch, the judge ruled that the plaintiffs’ failed to allege that (1) he was involved in the planning phase of UTR or (2) he did anything of consequence at UTR itself.

There are many opportunities to get out of a civil suit, and this was simply the first of many. Now that the motions to dismiss have been ruled on, we can proceed with our plan to file counterclaims, i.e. sue the city of Charlottesville. From what I’ve gathered, we have an excellent chance to win such an action, so do not fret! We might very well emerge from this legal maelstrom far stronger than before.

But in order to continue fighting this absurd case – and the second, state-level civil suit that we were recently named in – we’ll need to continue affording legal counsel.

**As such, I’ve made the decision to become a patron and contribute $50 a month to our legal defense. I am calling on you to do so as well.** How many of us can afford to give more to the organization? While I’m far from wealthy and have student loan debt to pay off, I can afford to give an extra $50 per month to the organization, which is why I’ve made this decision.

2018-07-10 04:45:26 UTC  

I truly believe that this organization has the potential to change things for the better. It would be a shame to see it perish in these lawsuits, but so long as we can continue to afford legal representation, we WILL win. And it should be noted that we are still growing and evolving as an organization, despite the storm we’re currently weathering. After we move past these lawsuits, we’ll be able to obtain a headquarters, pay for more employees, deliver even bigger and better actions, and continue to show the world what we’re capable of.


2018-07-10 15:51:47 UTC  

If you want to become a patron, please contact @Argument of Perigee. @everyone

2018-07-11 16:10:39 UTC  

Fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST. See you there! @everyone

2018-07-12 00:34:57 UTC  

@everyone Patrick is running late and will be here in 10 minutes.

2018-07-12 20:56:50 UTC  

Attention @everyone

I’d like to remind everyone, and notify new members, that there are many ways to get involved in IE behind the scenes that may not be apparent right away. For one, many of you have requested that we fight to correct our Wikipedia page. We have made progress here, but require more editors who are willing to bolster their profiles across Wikipedia. Please contact @Steve - NJ and @Prestor John if you can help.

In general, I am always happy to put writing and editing talent to work on other items too.

With the weekend approaching, I’d like to also ask you if your chapter has a meetup planned. It could be something as simple as flyering and going to the bar afterwards, or maybe it is reserving (for free) a room in a library and practicing public speaking. Are your meetups IE exclusive? Please let me know if you feel like your chapter could go to greater heights with more guidance.

The political momentum is in our sails, and the pressure driving interest in our movement is still growing. Thank you for your support, and I will see you in NY at the end of the month.

2018-07-15 14:19:24 UTC  

@everyone Many of you are familiar with the Identity Rising podcast, which is hosted by our own @John Wesley-SC and @Chillbro Swaggins-CA. The show (which totally rocks) is currently accepting applicants for another potential cohost position on the podcast. If this is something you think you have the interest and skill set for, please DM @John Wesley-SC.

2018-07-16 01:39:03 UTC  

@everyone if you sent a $10 Zelle payment about an hour ago with no description provided, please DM me.

Related: always have your Zelle linked to your email address, not your phone number. Transaction information you enter under a phone-number-linked Zelle payment may not appear to the recipient.

2018-07-16 17:19:02 UTC  

Attention @everyone

Next Identitarian AMA is scheduled with Generation Identity UK's Tom Dupre!

2018-07-16 22:26:32 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

Something to keep mind: When you're in public with other IE members, remember that some people are more discreet about all of this than others. So if you decide to wear, say, an IE shirt, just make sure everyone's cool with it beforehand.

Anyways, I hope your week is off to a great start. I'm going to be busy with some things in the DC area on Wednesday (some of which you will see soon!) so I will not be hosting the fireside, but someone else will. More details TBA.

2018-07-17 00:37:04 UTC  

To clarify, this doesn't apply to something like a banner drop or a flash demonstration. In such actions, all participants are aware of the fact that they will be representing IE. But if you go out to dinner or something, just make sure everyone's okay with it.

As far as I'm concerned, the social stigma associated with involvement in dissident politics is our biggest obstacle. As such, we need to ensure that we're doing everything we can to safeguard the identities of our members with sensitive personal situations.


2018-07-17 17:51:20 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

The fireside this week has been moved to **Thursday, July 19** at 8:30 PM EST because I will be busy in the DC area on Wednesday.

2018-07-17 18:15:32 UTC  

In addition to that... @everyone

Thursday at **6:00 PM Eastern** - Identitarian AMA on r/identitarians

Thursday at **7:30 PM Eastern** - Cyberstrike Server Mtg on Wikipedia

Thursday at **8:30 PM Eastern** - National Fireside

2018-07-18 02:00:00 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

I'd like to remind you all that I posted an announcement on June 6 stating that IE members were not allowed to attend events organized by NPI/OH, given that the people involved in these organizations have tried to turn IE members against leadership, spread rumors about me, and blatantly attempted to destroy everything we've worked to build simply because they realized they would never be in control.

There's an upcoming conference in IN organized by NPI/OH. If you missed the June 6 announcement and registered for the IN conference, you need to DM me before you attend – preferably tonight.

For everyone else, I hope you're having a great week. Reminders: BUY MERCH, come to Defend Identity, and stay active in your local chapter. See you at the fireside on Thursday!

2018-07-19 16:42:00 UTC  

@everyone ICYMI, Patrick recently interviewed Paul Kersey for Red Ice. It's an excellent interview and Paul Kersey put out some great points for all of us:
-Surround yourself with good people
-Stay positive
-Pre-announced street rallies don't work - IE's flash demos and private conferences are much better
-There won't be a watershed moment.
-Abandon the term "Alt Right" and the baggage associated with it

2018-07-19 16:42:30 UTC  

Here's the link. The whole interview is good, however if you're short on time go to about 20 min mark:

2018-07-19 16:49:10 UTC  

Reminder that Tom Dupre of Generation Identity UK will be on at 6pm EDT tonight for an "Ask Me Anything." It's great to have GI active now in the UK and we can learn much from them as we share a common language and culture.

2018-07-19 22:01:13 UTC  
2018-07-20 00:31:19 UTC  

Fireside starting in five minutes! @everyone

2018-07-22 18:21:26 UTC  

Please DM me if you're a registered CPA. @everyone