Message from @L8Pepe
Discord ID: 528964892103933962
@L8Pepe nice hand
@StevePines -WA ty i wish i was holding that lil bird
<:GWjiangoOmegaLUL:389904150886088723> <:GWjiangoOmegaLUL:389904150886088723>
can i say the brown (nword)
That’s racist
It’s neighba
Life without meat, alcohol and tobacco ain't life
>alcohol and tobacco
L8 gets it
wtf L8 is sleazecore???
Sleazecore is the new wave
If you don’t have black lungs and a bad liver by 40, you aren’t living life
Don't forget clogged arteries
@L8Pepe nigger
N word
@StevePines -WA kill yourself
Ty about to
@TraitorGG not really
Cigs and cigars are more popular
Bacon is too greasy
ok jew
bacon gang
blicky do got the stiffy uh
italians dont even pack a lip