Message from @Pelth
Discord ID: 632739673080463400
that looks fake
*pre-uber times*
Chinese style wheelbarrow would have done well instead
probably much safer
they look like metal cavemen clubs
i farted the other day and it stunk for a solid 10 minutes
Don't you just feel acomplished when your fart stinks like real good
When you're alone
You're like: I did a good job
Nah I don't hot box myself. Ill go outside and then come back in
Xenophobic projections
Also, ironically, his supporters are some of the most disgusting Walmart hogs around.
Afraid to wash their anuses because it's "gay" (this is real, people actually think like this)
Is that like Newt Gingrinch impeaching Clinton and now saying impeaching Trump is unconstitutional?
Decades of study you say?
Decades of study on Trump supporters, aight<:laugh:583238348077006869>
na, it was just decades of study on conservatives and they added trump in there because conservatives favor trump
and it gets more clicks that way
They fell for Hope and Change 2.0 Redneck Redemption
at least military has finally woken up a bit after situation in Syria and the Kurds
@everyone Pearl Harbor
@HaingKneegurs Pearl Harbor
@Dr.Cosby says the guy who names himself after a rapist and has a queer obsession with people's anuses... <:thonk:583236646858653696>
@Pelth but yeah, disgust/contamination sensitivity is fairly well-established as a trait marker for conservative-leaning.
Probably why it's not the red areas on the map that are drowning in their own filth, rats, and medieval diseases
Lol yes trailer parks are known for their impeccable cleanliness and living conditions
@Thundermark You don't wash your anus either? You foul pig
Just scrub it with soap, you don't have to fist yourself, come on...
^ case in point about leftists being disgusting degenerates
@Deleted User that's going to be a lot of weight in of The Chopping, but I don't know how wieldy it would be in a sword fight
Wait what the fuck? You're actually defending not washing your ass? Lmao