Message from @Mee6

Discord ID: 631125227824480266

2019-10-08 10:05:25 UTC  

@Deleted User I said it before and I'll say it again - @Pelth is a retarded baby who should not be taken seriously. Stop treating this bag of shit like a person

2019-10-08 10:44:30 UTC  

Damn so only you and throttles are allowed to be smart huh

2019-10-08 10:44:44 UTC  

this is why both of you are so goddamn annoying

2019-10-08 11:23:13 UTC  

Sorry I wasn't up at 11:30 last night to argue my opinion, But God has to be real because there's no other way to explain it. Everything had to have been created by supernatural means because 2 particles slamming together isn't going to create an explosion that creates everything as is. And a friend of mine put it really nicely ". You need 3 things in order do have a universe: time, space, and matter. If you have time and space but no matter, then why are you going to put in it? If you have time and matter but no space , then where are you going to put everything? If you have matter in space but no time, when are you going to put everything. And The Bible answers that by saying in the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the Earth (matter).

2019-10-08 11:25:19 UTC  

And saying the Earth is like millions of years old Also makes no sense, I've already had the carbon dating debate on this server and won.

2019-10-08 11:38:16 UTC  

-----------------------INTERMISSION----------------Here's another argument, let's say you see a building across the street. You don't see the builders, you don't see any evidence that the builders were there, so what's to say that the pieces didn't just fall out of the sky and form a fully complete structure intricate with air conditioning, windows, heating, and more. That would be completely ridiculous to assume that they fell out of the sky right? So how is a house more complicated than an entire universe? So you can say that a house can't fall out of the sky and build itself but an entire universe can just come out of nothing.

2019-10-08 11:38:53 UTC  

Checkmate Athiest

2019-10-08 11:42:04 UTC  

Sorry theist. Thats not a very a analagous situation. We have many many examples of buildings and know people who make buildings for a living. The universe is singular as far as we know

2019-10-08 11:43:18 UTC  

And time and space are two sides of the same thing.

2019-10-08 11:44:49 UTC  

Christian too

2019-10-08 12:05:50 UTC  

>might makes right

2019-10-08 12:05:54 UTC  

Literal chimp

2019-10-08 12:26:31 UTC  

What do you mean "not a very analogous solution" what other way is there to explain it. How do you think everything came to be HMMMMM?

2019-10-08 12:27:28 UTC  

Im Christian. I think God made the universe. But your example was not valid

2019-10-08 12:28:34 UTC  


2019-10-08 12:29:28 UTC  

I was just saying that just because you didn't see who made it doesn't mean that it was made by no one.

2019-10-08 12:46:37 UTC  

Opinions only carry weight at the end of a sword

2019-10-08 12:46:43 UTC  

Simple as

2019-10-08 12:51:41 UTC  

True opinions are determined on the battlefield

2019-10-08 13:46:19 UTC  


2019-10-08 13:46:20 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 21!

2019-10-08 13:46:38 UTC  

Easily refuteable arguments @Cheeki Breeki

2019-10-08 13:46:43 UTC  

Let me get back home

2019-10-08 13:48:05 UTC  

@Cheeki Breeki That’s such a meme argument. The fact that existence is there doesn’t necessarily logically imply intelligent design

2019-10-08 13:49:45 UTC  

Lots of things have causes which don’t resemble an intelligent creator. You can explain how a ravine comes into being as the result of a river eroding earth over centuries, and there’s nothing intelligent or intentional about its creation, however complex the result might be

2019-10-08 13:51:17 UTC  

Also that’s another meme opinion and a misunderstanding of how physical force functions. Unless you’re an idealist and epistemic anti-realist, truth cannot be determined simply through superior physical force. @Pelth

2019-10-08 13:51:30 UTC  

It is actual smooth brain thinking.

2019-10-08 14:16:01 UTC  

Why are you saying that it is easily refutable without actually giving evidence against it. A hole in the ground isn't as complicated as a universe

2019-10-08 14:16:01 UTC  

GG @Cheeki Breeki, you just advanced to level 5!

2019-10-08 14:16:19 UTC  


2019-10-08 14:16:21 UTC  


2019-10-08 14:16:23 UTC  


2019-10-08 14:16:29 UTC  


2019-10-08 14:16:36 UTC  


2019-10-08 14:18:26 UTC  

And we know that the simple hole in the ground was created by water erosion because we see it. It really isn't that complex.

2019-10-08 14:25:46 UTC  

@Cheeki Breeki I think a prime mover can be rationalized through causality, but that prime mover doesn’t have to be an intelligent creator

2019-10-08 14:26:27 UTC  

All that can be rationed out with this line of reasoning is that something is responsible for the first action, and that thing may be acausal, it doesn’t however provide proof that this thing is God as you understand it

2019-10-08 14:27:44 UTC  


2019-10-08 14:28:12 UTC  

Like that’s how I understand God, but I understand an amoral acausal force as God, as opposed to a moral, intelligent creator concerned with our well-being

2019-10-08 14:28:48 UTC  

Or with much of anything because like I said I can’t even confirm if it’s intelligent

2019-10-08 14:30:09 UTC  

I think there's possibly some sort of powers beyond our universe and I have no evidence to back this up