Message from @RyeNorth

Discord ID: 438584474691829780

2018-04-25 01:13:17 UTC  

Another 15 points and they'd be right on par with White people.

2018-04-25 01:17:34 UTC  

Africa isn't a good place to pick for IQ 😂

2018-04-25 01:17:53 UTC  

I'm not even sure if it's just related to race there tbh

2018-04-25 01:19:15 UTC  

life conditions in Africa make it easier to survive without effort (compared to the rest of the world). There's no family values and a lot of sex going on

2018-04-25 01:19:43 UTC  

there's a _lot_ of reasons why all of that would produce low IQ people even if race wasn't a factor

2018-04-25 01:40:14 UTC  

in countries that are opressive the smart people leave and go elsewhere which reduces the average of that country, boiling all those factors into 1 number is a weak argument

2018-04-25 02:22:53 UTC  

I mean, I was making a point.

2018-04-25 02:24:05 UTC  

That graph counteracts an alt-right narrative.

2018-04-25 03:15:56 UTC  

It's easy to come with factors for a 15 point drop. Not that easy for a 15 point spike

2018-04-25 03:16:11 UTC  

Also, 15 points on the average is _a lot_

2018-04-25 04:01:00 UTC  

I agree, exactly my point, Belial.

2018-04-25 04:05:11 UTC  

US blacks descended from slaves would've been brought over from Africa. The slaves that were sold to white people were prisoners of war. In theory, they would've been the inferiors to their jailors. So, did African IQ DROP between then and now, or did the US blacks increase in IQ? Either one works against the idea that sending black people that currently reside in the United States to Africa is in their best interest, an oft-argued point on the alt-right side of things.

2018-04-25 05:57:06 UTC  

@RyeNorth Blacks in America on average have 20% white admixture which means they have some genes that whites have which on average makes them smarter than Blacks.

2018-04-25 06:07:52 UTC  

That still doesn't rebuke the crux of the argument, but on the other hand, I think that's a point made disingenuously, anyway.

2018-04-25 06:15:04 UTC

2018-04-25 06:15:26 UTC  

You're talking about a measured statistic that barely even existed 100 years ago.

2018-04-25 06:17:33 UTC  

We don't have a real measure of the IQ of European society as it developed. We don't even have a measure of IQ in colonial times, or anything of the like.

2018-04-25 06:18:07 UTC  

Your sample group is limited, and your source is biased.

2018-04-25 06:19:04 UTC  

This explains why Europeans are the way they are. What is your argument against it?

2018-04-25 06:19:30 UTC  

My argument against it is that I refuse to accept Alt-Hypothesis as a source. Find me a neutral one.

2018-04-25 06:24:45 UTC  


2018-04-25 06:25:00 UTC  

It's a PDF copy of a book

2018-04-25 06:25:00 UTC  

My argument is that IQ among the races is mostly genetic like it is between the sexs. If you have some stuff that shows otherwise I would like to see it.

2018-04-25 06:25:35 UTC  

Yes it's a book that makes my case.

2018-04-25 06:25:52 UTC  

Only in part.

2018-04-25 06:25:59 UTC  

That is?

2018-04-25 06:28:58 UTC  

I haven't fully read the book, but these two authors disagree (at worst) on something vital, here

2018-04-25 06:33:08 UTC  

bleh. I can't be bothered to argue this tonight. I've got work in the morning and stuff to do. :/

2018-04-25 06:35:08 UTC  

Heaven forbid you break out the Nuremberg laws chart again. lul.

2018-04-25 08:13:37 UTC  

Good one. I hope to talk to you again some other time.

2018-04-25 09:38:53 UTC  

statistically i'm gonna join Aussie on the race : IQ thing

but primarily due to the Flynn Effect,
in which proper nurtition and education generates a smarter generation to teach the new generation, causing the IQ of the population to increase,

And with places like Africa being shitty, they wont have the same level of nutrition and education, so they fall behind

give a few generations in the same type of environment and that gap disappears

2018-04-25 11:06:36 UTC

2018-04-25 11:13:42 UTC  

>when you fail to realize that in the previous two, then went to aid and fight along side the people who call them heroes, and in the last they are actively fighting to kill those people

2018-04-25 11:16:25 UTC  

You know, hitlar and Stalin had a working relationship until hiltar pissed him off. People generally stop referring to you as friend or partner when you start attacking them

2018-04-25 11:18:50 UTC  

>When you don't know about the American colonization society was a thing (an organization that helped blacks move back to Africa that had many famous members like James Monroe) and about the transfer agreement of 1933 between Germany and zionists to move jews to Palestine now Israel.