Message from @I AM ERROR
Discord ID: 456048551139606549
just glad it worked out the way it did.
I mean Amercia and the western allied nations forced them to adopt democracy and made the emperor a constitutional monarch. I'm not talking about trade I'm talking about culture.
I agree that the Japanese empire needed to de distoryed but my point is that Japan has become westernized after the war because they were forced to not because they just developed it like Europeans and Americans.
I just think forced is a harsh term. it was more like acqueisence. they nationalism'd so hard it was a religion for them. when that failed, they were broken.
anywho i'm gonna catch some z's. Night
The book itself is actually not illegal in germany anymore afaik since 2017, but distributing is.
Japan has a thing
If a kid is born here he isn't japanese
Unless both parents are japanese
If you nationalise, you never get the right to vote too
isn't this a dream for conservatives?
but the child of two nationalised parents can vote?
I'm not sure. I think so
When 1 parent is japanese
They have to pick a nationality at 18 years old
Not sure if the same applies for a nationalised person with a gaijin
The book libet is probably talking about is not and never was illegal in germany. Until 2016 it was not possible to reprint it because the copyright holder (bavaria) was not allowing it. Since then it can be reprinted (and sold but that was possible before if you had a copy) the only limitation it has is that it can not be advertised in any way because it is not suitable for minors - which basically the same thing that happened to the uncensored version of borderlands.
Is that real or shitpost :o
its kind of both prolly
Its not what they say, but its what they think
I expect a slew of "Why peace with North Korea is a Bad Thing" articles in the next few days.
That moment when you realize you've been posting things online in layout of Aquinas, when you hate reading Aquinas... (talking about self here)
of all the things you could find on there you pick that? trust me, there are much better examples to support eugenics you could cherry pick
the inability to spell pregnant along with a question showing the complete lack of sexual education knowledge are pretty good.
eugenics is for cucks, removing all warning lables is the chad darwin
Virgin eugenics vs chad social darwinism.
It’s like America is a plane, Trump is the pilot, it’s half full of people they hate, and they want it to crash and burn to spite them.
Not really a shit post...But there