Message from @Joe_Limon

Discord ID: 506985210194165760

2018-10-30 23:59:22 UTC  

Sounds like you read Jerry Pournelle and his Codominion stories. Not sure if people would ever vote to lose the franchise.

2018-10-31 00:03:33 UTC  

the war on drugs has done nothings but put political prisoners in jail, and decimate whole communities for having the gall to get addicted to something that is addictive.

2018-10-31 00:03:45 UTC  

they call it a health crisis and treat it like a crime wave

2018-10-31 00:03:54 UTC  

pick one

2018-10-31 00:04:02 UTC  


2018-10-31 00:07:11 UTC  

People want to put shit in their body, fine. But if you are selling something without making known dangers known to the buy, you are lying of omission and i would be fine being considered an illegal act. everything else, let the states decide

2018-10-31 00:07:51 UTC  

alcohol: okay
Nicotine: okay
Pot: not okay

logic found: none

2018-10-31 00:08:00 UTC  

Close guess, I got the idea from Heinlein. But yeah, the only way that could come into being is if there was a civil war and the entire government was reformed.

2018-10-31 00:08:04 UTC  

politics found: lots

2018-10-31 00:08:51 UTC  

also @Dvir service guarantees citizenship?

2018-10-31 00:09:13 UTC  

I loved those books and even the movie.

2018-10-31 00:09:27 UTC  

I tried medicinal pot for a medical issue and it didn’t work for me. In fact, it made me feel awful. But, if it helps some people feel better why would you be against it? (Respectfully)

2018-10-31 00:10:03 UTC  


2018-10-31 00:10:21 UTC  

Sargons breakdown of the book was brilliant, you watched that?

2018-10-31 00:11:08 UTC  

I did, it inspired me to start rereading the books.

2018-10-31 00:12:28 UTC  

Hmmm... I am now imagining an actual racist supporting strong drug laws and abortion in order to decimate the black community.

2018-10-31 00:12:31 UTC  

I wouldn't be as hardline in the stance of voting, with only federal votes being granted to service-citizens while civilians can still vote in local and state elections.

2018-10-31 00:13:09 UTC  

But the idea of having to do a term of service to the Nation in order to become a politician is a brilliant idea.

2018-10-31 00:14:13 UTC  

@Joe_Limon , Eugenics much?

2018-10-31 00:14:21 UTC  


2018-10-31 00:18:13 UTC  

If service citizens tend to work for public sector work. Wouldn't only giving them the vote mean they would tend to vote for whatever party increases the government size/spending?

2018-10-31 00:22:33 UTC  

that would assume they had such power

2018-10-31 00:23:03 UTC  

also, it would mean that anyone who sees what is happening would then sign up, earn their vote, then vote down such powers

2018-10-31 00:24:13 UTC  

@Joe_Limon think of it more like mandatory service, only you have the option to opt out at the cost of not being able to vote

2018-10-31 00:25:02 UTC  

can live the rest of your life like most people do, just can't be a politician for a living

2018-10-31 00:25:19 UTC  

Paid service?

2018-10-31 00:25:45 UTC  

no, mandatory military service

2018-10-31 00:26:02 UTC  

there are a few countries which have this

2018-10-31 00:27:06 UTC  

Ah, the last service voting rights person I talked to had it expanded to any public service

2018-10-31 00:28:00 UTC  

Not even Heinlein limited it to military service given some are physically unable to perform that

2018-10-31 00:28:19 UTC  

The service had to force someone to choose the greater good over themselves

2018-10-31 00:28:30 UTC  

It didn't need to be military

2018-10-31 00:28:54 UTC  

well its like some countries which have that, such as Finland i believe

2018-10-31 00:30:18 UTC  

i think the general idea of most places is that military service is the shortest route, but i haven't read Heinlein to know what he laid out

2018-10-31 00:48:33 UTC  

The entire purpose of National Service is to prove that you are willing to put the good of the people over yourself. It doesn't have to be military, but it does have to be physically and mentally grueling and be a struggle that you overcome.

2018-10-31 00:48:53 UTC  

The idea is that you do not value what is handed to you, only what you earn.

2018-10-31 00:48:59 UTC  

Citizenship is not given, according to Heinlein. It is- Yep.

2018-10-31 00:49:49 UTC  

i worked for a non-profit that ran off the philosophy

2018-10-31 00:50:13 UTC  

how did they apply it?

2018-10-31 00:50:54 UTC  

we took donated old bikes, and would ship them to 3rd world countries with transportation crisis. You know, where like 1 person in a whole village would own a car.

2018-10-31 00:52:10 UTC  

on the receiving side, they did not give away the bikes. for 1, it would increase the amount of money needed to be raised to ship the container, 2 the own believed that if you gave them away, people would not value them. Taking them for granted and using them in irresponsible ways, and also create a dependency