Message from @>Cytos, de lieve goede synth

Discord ID: 443895491747512321

2018-05-09 21:58:27 UTC  

finger prints are different, but the patterns are similar

2018-05-09 21:58:52 UTC  

yeah whorls loops etc

2018-05-09 21:59:01 UTC  

ha cool

2018-05-09 21:59:06 UTC  

i actually never knew this

2018-05-09 21:59:11 UTC  

personally I think human intelligence is like physical ability. everyone has varying capability, different races have different capabilities on average, some have it in good quality some don't, etc.

2018-05-09 21:59:19 UTC  

both your thumbs are different in finger print too

2018-05-09 21:59:22 UTC  

but who knows for sure until you start looking into it

2018-05-09 21:59:33 UTC  

even though they follow the same genetic code

2018-05-09 21:59:39 UTC  

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if intelligence is bred into/out of family trees.

2018-05-09 21:59:49 UTC  

the best thing to say without a clear method is "I don't know"

2018-05-09 22:00:58 UTC  

Shit is going down between Israel and Syria

2018-05-09 22:01:10 UTC  

you could predict a finger print when it comes to whorls and ridges, based off of the genetic information

2018-05-09 22:01:19 UTC  

not in detail though

2018-05-09 22:01:21 UTC  

that is enviroment

2018-05-09 22:01:32 UTC  

even with a clear method you can't say, its the scientific method,

You make an assumption (hypothesis)
Test it, and see what comes out
If it correlates with what you expected, and happens every time, you have scientific evidence

2018-05-09 22:01:37 UTC  

I think it's difficult to even tell what environmental factors are important towards that. I remember reading that whether or not a baby is breastfed by their biological mother can have an effect on their IQ, and that this difference is noticeable even if any certain child received breast milk from someone other than their mother

2018-05-09 22:01:49 UTC  

man everything can effect iq

2018-05-09 22:01:52 UTC  

age of the mom

2018-05-09 22:01:59 UTC  

amount of hammers to the face

2018-05-09 22:02:01 UTC  

siblings, quantity and age difference

2018-05-09 22:02:12 UTC  


2018-05-09 22:02:31 UTC  

the idea is that genes provide a maximum, and then enviroment diminished it a lil or a lot

2018-05-09 22:02:35 UTC  

but those are individual values

2018-05-09 22:03:17 UTC  

if you however take a sample of 1000 people, and take the average of their IQ scores, you get an average to work with, and can then set categories

2018-05-09 22:03:17 UTC  

also how do you separate IQ from simply not knowing something, being bored, etc.

2018-05-09 22:03:41 UTC  

you do it by taking larger samples, so you try to eliminate most outlying variables

2018-05-09 22:03:53 UTC  

for example, if I remember right, one of the important qualities of an IQ test is how fast you complete it

2018-05-09 22:04:01 UTC  

depends on the test

2018-05-09 22:04:05 UTC  

could be

2018-05-09 22:04:17 UTC  

there are people who test, who are good at taking tests or who just have that knowledge, like for example if you don't know something just skip it immediately go to the next thing, don't spend 5 years on it

2018-05-09 22:04:21 UTC  

Speed, Answers correct, and the age of the person

2018-05-09 22:04:43 UTC  

myself for example, I'll finish it until I have an answer and I might even check over it if I was unsure

2018-05-09 22:05:41 UTC  

but doing that would make for a lower score, ie. it's more intelligent to just skip it, come back later, then give your best guess rather than trying to figure it out then and there

2018-05-09 22:06:15 UTC  

if you're just there taking a test though, are you really thinking about how to absolutely crush this test into the dirt?

2018-05-09 22:07:05 UTC  

that's just that one aspect. there's other elements, too (which I think have their own ways of being handled). ex. those people who freeze when it comes to taking tests

2018-05-09 22:07:23 UTC  

the data shows that the more intelligent you are the more likely it is you will crush a test

2018-05-09 22:07:35 UTC  

pretty much every competence related task is "g loaded"

2018-05-09 22:08:03 UTC  

which means higher in general intelligence people complete it better/faster

2018-05-09 22:08:17 UTC  

general intelligence is measured with an IQ test

2018-05-09 22:08:46 UTC  

thats why its an intelligence quoefficient

2018-05-09 22:09:11 UTC  

also I wonder things like the level of their general intelligence vs being motivated, or working with things they're intimately familiar with