Message from @Grenade123
Discord ID: 463723997440507906
its private use until the government requests it because you cant refuse the government any evidence for a crime if they have a warent
@Arch-Fiend reminds me of this classic:
"weve been tracking a suspect and have reason to believe he was here and may have been picked up by your cameras please give us the footage between _ and _"
its still private surveilance, businesses can't just set up cameras outside their property
it annoys me that discord doesetn know the difference between _ and -
__it doesnt?__
oh wait it does, then why does 2 _ act the same way as 2 -?
--are you sure?--
-word- _word_
the difference is that the store is using it to keep track of their assets, and find someone afterward
the government uses it with the goal of finding someone to prevent BEFOREHAND.
And you can't really do that cuz you're either bound by the law, or gotta presume guilt
so i think were talking about the patriot act now?
because before we were talking about different forms of survalience
I dunno i joined in when we were talking about public surveilance
this entire conversation (ironicly we should have gone to <#463068752725016579>) was about biometric identification and how it can be used to track people more if you just went and required people to use their id for more things but my argument was that requiring id for more things is the part of biometrics which acts as tracking not the method of identification, then it became a debate whether its the governements job to have an identification system which i argued yes because it cant effectively track its border if it doesent know its own citizinery and it cant prevent identity theft if it has no confermation system to give its citizines the ability to say they are who they say they are any more than someone else claiming to be them.
i think the united states government basicly having a tap on every phone in the united states and many abroad is a bit of a different form of survalience that has no justification in my opinion and i agree it basicly doesent solve anything
“ Legal experts say Mueller team likely gained access to NRA tax filing: report “ by Avery Anapol on The Hill
Mueller brings another red herring to the Trump Russia investigation. The truth is unimportant. This is propaganda set to attack the NRA and Trump in one blow.
Just shows they have NOTHING on him,
else they wouldn't have to do this
The NRA disclosed in April that it received about $2,500 in contributions from 23 Russia-linked individuals since 2015. McClatchy reported earlier this year that the FBI was looking into whether one of those donors, Alexander Torshin, used the NRA to funnel money to the Trump campaign.
Torshin is a Russian politician and deputy of the country's central bank.
So they want people to believe that $2500 given to the NRA by a Russian in 2015 was passed onto Trump in 2016 and was the decisive factor in swinging the election?
Are they sure that money wasn't just used to pay for one of the bazillion other things the NRA did in 2015? All the activism and public awareness work they do?
At least it's more credible than the Taxi medallion schtick.
I don't even think you have to be a citizen to donate to the NRA.
Seems like a tall order to make that case given $2.5k covers maybe a portion of their water bill.
2,500...thats it? Russia-linked? aka their neighbors are russian and they said hi?
I'm sorry I keep having to repost this, but people's discussions keep burying my video.
This is the video of an interview that four of us did on the Hard Bastard YouTube channel last month. @Canucklehead and I have been working on the story as YouTubers, and we had two Bernie delegate witnesses join from San Diego. @Timcast.
I just finished watching it in pieces here. Good interview.
Because liberals get the bullet too
The FBI is literally investigating every imagined conspiracy theory the lefty media can invent.
@RanStairs who are those people?
its cuz they're too far with the lie, they have to stick with it now and desperately try to find ANYTHING to dent Trump,
Not realising (or perhaps willfully ignoring) the fact that with every grasp, they solidify his core base, and only push the center further away because they'll get tired of this endless nothingness
Trump knows this i think tahts why he's letting them, because when the end of the investigation comes, he'll bring the hammer down on them for wasting all this time. And with every grasp the left media made, the hammer will increase in size
not just time, money too
@ikillomega share it. we're tryna get the story out.
whats this MattesFile?