Discord ID: 275102345208266763
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@Grenade123 is your profile picture based on the "Something Awful" forums?
https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/561742002 trump passes a polygraph
It turns out he can't pay the legal case anymore
@wacka you think he'll win the copyright case?
@Grenade123 that's what I thought actually, that the actions of the lawyers like not properly summoning Carl was one the hiccups for Akilah.
I think I've seen this guys last videos on this case
God that maddox v dick shit is just fucking messy
It's came to the point where it's not even between two people but including corporations and shit that's actually happened to Dicks's gf who has nothing to do with this case
United Kingdom: a strict father
United States of America: a rebellious child that's still close to his father (even knowing he has different excuses for why he still has red, white, and blue like his fathers flag) but just made differently
Australia: loyal child who still represents his fathers flag proudly next to his design and is even closer to his brother's like the USA
New Zealand: close to Australia, represents his father and the most unknown of the family
Canada: the autistic that likes leaves, and he's not entirely known for what he's really done
Oh yes! Eggs on toast good sir! Nothing like stripping for children, yes?
Finger family? Oh finger MY family actually
I have a problem with Jews, but not just Jews. Jews specifically with their victim mentality. Muslims with their corruption of their leaders of their sections of Islam and its failure to confront their extremists. Christianity with its near social justice mentality and zealous ideas of theocracy
I'll give them that
I think Jews are pretty good at separating it's religion and the state
Well, they're better from its children like Christianity and Islam.
Jesus, if you think about, Christianity is pretty much the child that ran too far from and just stayed somewhere it wasn't native to
I actually have a strange respect for Jesus
Ehh, the Torah's pretty big. I've the read the Bible btw and I thought that was too long
But even the Old Testament. I just think it's really long
Lol, what about the Dead Sea scrolls?
Lol, think about Moses carrying 50 stone tablets. I actually went to go look up the history of the DSS and it has a very interesting history.
Yeah, but he would still have to make a lot of them and carry them down just to get pissed
Moses: "You motherfuckers! I've been gone for literally 40 days!"
You know, I think Abrahamic religions need to get more closer to its relation to weed. I mean, come on, talking to a burning bush? Yeah, I bet he's talking to a "burning bush"
Oh fuck yeah, it must be a great pass time
Is smoking weed really degeneracy? I think it's as degenerate as drinking.
Hey, I think everyone would be aight with thatb
Shit, I gotta head to bed. Seeya man.
Shia Leboufs shitty art project is up!
Nothing like giving your dad a good ol' creame pie
Hi! Do you like getting porked by capitalists? Do you like getting beaten to death by mountains w/ arms? Do you smell like you just got done fucking a failed pornstar's hairy vagina? Well don't I have an organization for you! Join Antifa! The only organization that gets more used and abused like a Weinstein victim! Join now and get custom made bike lock with 1488 different colors! Including corporate made pastel hoodies and mask for the summer protesting!
Idea on "Right-Wing Antifa?"
Alex Jones and Ben Shapiro! ASS-TO-ASS MATCH!
Honestly tho, you shouldn't hit people with batons, who were disarmed before hand. I'd prefer hand-to-hand confrontation if it came to it.
@Deleted User Some antifags
I was at #tokyointulsa
better add some khan academy English lessons as well
PC Culture = The biggest unexplained excuses that are unquestionable
What the fuck did Micheal Moore mean by this: "The revolution is happening in the most unlikely of places. The resistance โ the true resistance โ is not coming from the Democratic Party or from the liberal establishment. I canโt reveal too much right now, but there is a real insurgency taking place."
โHope is passive. Hope gives you permission to let someone else do the work. Hope leads people to believe that tax returns, or a pee tape, or the FBI or an adult film star will save the country. Hope, and the passivity that comes with it, is what helped get us here to begin with. Itโs the lazy way out.
โWe donโt need hope. We need action.โ
I don't give a shit who I trust really. BUT WHAT DID HE MEAN BY INSURGENTY?!?!
I knew that fat fuck was probably working with those men in black
God every time I see @TheMafiaProject on twitter posting it makes me think this fucking dude is paranoid as all hell
Hey Tim. Anonymous is having a jihad against Qanon and his supporters
https://twitter.com/MafiaProj/status/1027957314723012609 what the fuuhh
Look at "deep ties" and they just link to a IGD tweet lol
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