Message from @taekahn

Discord ID: 514476077121536000

2018-11-20 02:37:54 UTC  

Sounds like we have a medical discharge in common

2018-11-20 03:06:16 UTC  

My perspective has been shaped by my parents, I guess. High school sweethearts who recently celebrated their 50th. This may be a rarity these days.

2018-11-20 03:06:35 UTC  

But the best-friends-growing-old-together model is what I know. 🤷

2018-11-20 03:06:39 UTC  

I have neighbors like that.

2018-11-20 03:12:24 UTC  

I'm the sort of person who probably would have done that had I met someone in HS. I was told once that the expectation was that I'd just drop by to visit relatives and already have a wife in tow lol

2018-11-20 03:13:07 UTC  

Finding someone compatible who isn't already taken and is willing to go for it is a bit of a hurdle though

2018-11-20 03:31:52 UTC  

Marriage is damn hard work. Worth it, but hard work. My parents celebrated their 50th this year. My sister has been married once, faithfully, since 1984. We've been married since 1990. My wife's next eldest and youngest sisters have also only been married once and are still faithfully married. We've all had tough moments, my wife likely the worst, but we are stubborn and refuse to let it go.

2018-11-20 03:40:07 UTC  

I hope that my marriage turns out like that.

2018-11-20 03:40:14 UTC  

When I get married.

2018-11-20 03:50:42 UTC  

👰 <-she's out there somewhere 😃

2018-11-20 14:09:53 UTC  

"she's out there somewhere"

possibly having died or having yet to be born

2018-11-20 14:10:30 UTC  

"Having yet to be born"


2018-11-20 14:12:12 UTC  

hey, 50 and 30. it happens

2018-11-20 14:12:38 UTC  

also 80 and 18 but if she wants wrinkly dick for money, who are we to judge.

2018-11-20 15:40:07 UTC  

Sigh...romance really is dead, isn't it? :p

2018-11-20 15:40:28 UTC  

I'm a romantic. Let me have my illusions, okay? :p

2018-11-20 15:53:04 UTC  

If you're older than someone, there was some point in your life at which you could have said "they haven't been born yet"

2018-11-20 15:53:47 UTC  

And why do you assume its wrinkly dick for money.
Maybe she's found her true love.

2018-11-20 16:17:18 UTC  

then the universe is cruel to her for giving her maybe 10-20 years with this "true love"

2018-11-20 16:24:15 UTC  

The universe is indeed harsh

2018-11-20 16:26:59 UTC  

And sometimes people die young and a marriage lasts only a few years whether it be childbirth , cancer or whatever else. Adults can make their own decisions and I'm not gonna tell them what to do with their lives. I'll ask to make sure this is what they want and then move on.

2018-11-20 17:43:40 UTC  

Communism is gay

2018-11-20 17:44:21 UTC  

The ultimate criticism of communism @>_

2018-11-20 18:41:51 UTC  

Tim's recent video on his Timcast channel where he opined on a Daily Mail article about UK hate crime legislation. He felt USA has things much better than UK. I'm not sure the gulf is quite so large. I think UK is not as bad as Tim believes and USA is not as good as Tim believes. Although USA is still better, I agree there, I'm contending the size of the gap.

Every case in that Daily Mail article didn't even result in a prosecutuon let alone a conviction. So they weren't evidence of bad laws. Rather I lay the blame at antiracism campaigners misinforming the public into thinking trivial events can be considered hate crimes. That's not to say the laws themselves aren't without their problems, as the Count Dankula case proves. But the laws weren't to blame for the stupidity detailed in that Daily Mail article.

Then about USA, the recent case of the witch hunted Chipotle manager absolutely fucking stunk. Americans should be seriously concerned that social media lynch mobs can influence your society so much. Being smug about your state being effectively subdued has perhaps left you complacent to non-state threats to your freedoms.

2018-11-20 19:34:32 UTC  

@Sarah Jessica Farter#2704 there is a difference because the Chipotle thing can happen in the UK where as, to my knowledge, the Dog thing wouldn't happen in the US. At least not as a hate crime, it might be violation of local ordinances but that is hardly treated the same as hate crimes.

2018-11-21 01:13:11 UTC  

I have a topic I wanted to discuss here

2018-11-21 01:14:10 UTC  

Dinesh D'Souza argued (convincingly) that Richard Spencer is on the left, and that is only using the media to label him as Far Right because it's the only way for him to gain popularity

2018-11-21 01:14:27 UTC  

does anyone here disagree with this point?

2018-11-21 01:15:14 UTC  

That sounds about right. I don't think horsehoe theory really matters here. He clearly believes in authoritarian and socialist ideas. That doesnt make him far right.

2018-11-21 01:15:19 UTC  

It makes him far left.

2018-11-21 01:15:22 UTC  

that seems like thats kind of out there

2018-11-21 01:15:57 UTC  

You can't be so authoritarian that you're libertarian.

2018-11-21 01:16:00 UTC  

also im pretty sure left or right doesnt matter with authoritarianism

2018-11-21 01:16:01 UTC  

I bet there's people that disagree here, so let's wait a bit

2018-11-21 01:16:40 UTC  

This is where the left/right simplification falls down

2018-11-21 01:16:45 UTC  

because I think that if this fact gets out in the wild. Most of the outrage from the left loses it's edge

2018-11-21 01:16:53 UTC  

look at the Philippines, duarte kills people committing a crime without due process

2018-11-21 01:17:06 UTC  

extremeism is never good

2018-11-21 01:17:17 UTC  

There are many people who are on the left for libertarian reasons

2018-11-21 01:17:29 UTC  

It more or less does. Don't ancaps fall in the furthest right, and ancommie the exact opposite