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Hello Genetic nightmare produced by centuries of sibling marriages...

*gets cas can

*fills with diesel

"Here yah go there bud"

Well do you want your son to look...

A pleasure to serve haha

Heaps ah room in the ute tho @Ald

@Nerv - VA I think perhaps some French Legionaires may have contributed to the genomic makeup here - a wild theory

Imagine being a marxist loser and watching the actuall USSR turn into a Nationalist state...SAD!

No calories

EVROPA embraces the age of the machine

Bruv we should out china the chinese and steal the crispr child

Jokes on you, we already built the dome, its just a secret because the illuminati invented globe theory

*record scratch - to protect us

Probably the better to "pass the mortal coil" than be red meme

"Its all so tiresome"


@SuperTomPerry -RI give it a few years our companies will do just that

All members shall render esoteric tithes to furnish our holy capital

IKEA = Identitarian Kingdom of Evropean America

The threshold of every IE home should be inscribed rubicon

Nathan will return to us as a brother and elder in time

Legend has it, this lad once flyered the wailing wall, absolute mad man

Welfare is such a tricky beast, alot of guys (myself included) hate the idea, but in an ethnostate it may actually work, it does certainly serve as a terrific measure of societal health

I remember my parents having a serious fight when I was a small child because my father wouldnt even use the church foodbank

@The Eternal Anglo thats primarily what I mean, we really can't look forward to a state operated welfare system we can ever depend on in our lifetime, but as a policy it could be a hallmark of our people when we have our own place in the world

I imagine it being like Norway...but with a totalitarian natalist policy

The Swiss have some serious failings, but more often than not they opt out of EU suicide

Duginist Reconquista is my bet lads

That or a neo-finnish khanate

Honestly the opiod crisis is GOPe kryptonite - men out of the job medicate to death aka corporate migration kills white men and consequently profits big pharma, don't expect any traction there in mainstream politics essentially only we can fight it metapolitically

Another thing we have to come to terms with is the demographic winter of Evropean Americans, while depressing in numbers the fact is this selective pressure can -hypothetically- serve us quite well, the diseased, degenerate, and pathologocally altruistic have no contribution to the Evropean future, we'll be much stronger once we win

Well...degenerate produced super bugs will probably sort that out...

When the cocktail fails my dudes, that will be a ticker tape day

Needs a sign that says "not trash"

I would love to see what your could actually hide in an art gallery, like actual bags of rancid garbage with "art" written on it

If an "artist" can't produce photorealism with a brush and canvas they should be flogged with a cat of nine tails - figuratively- and banished to mining colonies

Underlying understanding and mastery of skill is necessary to express ideas beyond the bounds of it, in my humble estimation

The funny thing is how many people openly agree from all walks of life that modern art is hideous trash, while anyone can enjoy and be taken in by the beauty of a gothic cathedral, or renaissance art

Beauty is the natural order, we know how to express it

Sadly I heard that modern art was a Pozed project of le CIA in reaction to socialist realism

Traditional soviet artworks meant for mass inspiration

It was actually terrifically beautiful

Let me try an find an example

@PatrickAZ I am not sure

This is an example that comes to mind

Indeed he has alot to offer a mind that has nuance

I think the creator is the name on the jpg line

Well I am certainly not marxist, but art as a tool of inspiration to the ideal is not necessarily a bad model @The Eternal Anglo

Sheeeeit I just pulled that image from le googel

Meh, mid 50s on they really went Russian nationalist in opposition to early leninist ideology

Look what the west did to western Evrope

Like I said I am definitely not a marxist, but I can see the benefits of other thought systems

There are painters and particularly certain sculptors, unfortunately associated with failed regimes of the early 20th century that I admire deeply but thats not a conversation for gentlemanly IE discord

Fabulous, I am often dissapointed in the lack of contemporaries expressing Americana, we can't only love the 40s and 50s like rockwell

Prints are available to the common man

There are beautiful instances in life at all times even now

Imagine a painting of you interacting as a child with your wisened grandfather, sounds great to me

Real art posting hours

Colorado brag..hiked mt bierstadt this year

Anyone remember the artist tht did neo-art deco for original blade runner?

I like the neo classical myself

Ministry of agriculture in russia

Most agreed, art as inspiration is probably is most vital use, being leveraged by a state is essential

@Ben Rainsford - OH its expensive and doesnt require rebuilding in 15 years

*modern cannibalistic economy intensifies

It was an inefficient distribution system, but we can see that a healthy economy is not the end all be all of a healthy civilization

LOTR future is the ultimate goal of humanity @Wood-Ape - OK/MN


Tasteful edit

Any you gents read the wheel of time or lionessa yet?

WOT can get /tiresome/ but it really is worth the time

@godric I have seen Blind Guardian live at least 3 times in Denver 10/10 great shows

GRRMartin seems to be using western cannon to defame itself not sure if I can get onboard with game of thrones books

The techno-medievalist feifdoms of New Evropa will require careful stewardship to preserve and distill genetic variagance

Planets will be gifted to culture groups, planet Whales

...idk feels heretical

Although I guess it has technically already happened, Icelanders didn't exist 1500 years ago

Or the glorious spacefarers of Ohio

Who will rule the moon Evropa?

Probably should be the seat of the aeternal emperor

Varangian belt, the Dardenells of the solar Empire

"Basking in the light of a tidally locked sun, the people of Ultima Evropa raided the inner system for centuries until total subjugation of human and human descended species was attained" LARP history circa 53k


The natural progression covered the best topics

*Myfarog pill

That is an absolutely blessed image

The spirit of winterchan


*las vegas - those future members of the ethnostate will be deposited into a trash can sadly

*sips ale...America

I often hear the IQ of orientals being higher than Evropean extraction people, do we think this is purely genetic or a cultural effect is at play? I feel like alot of whites are being completely undereducated while Orientals succeed due in large to cultural value of avademic success.

Thats another component, even the more clever orientals never strike me as definitively more intelligent than applied and disciplined whites

Idk I think the asian apocalypse is a meme, if anything they are an intellectual equal in aggregate but focused on entirely different aspects of intelligence, bravery and creativity being the worst aspect in thier repetoir

So basically we compete with the world elite of Asia even in this country's absolute state of academic and social bankruptcy

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