KungFlu BatSoup
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Last trade deal with Chi-na: We will take the trouble making people of Hong Kong who want freedom and you can have the lefties who want Communism.
It says general memes
I did
Just putting this here since it includes a helicopter and there is no boat section
I would love to own a original Model T Pickup just because it is the first pickup ever made
Does anyone know where I can get cheap Phantom 2 Vision+ smart batterys?
Two of mine are bloated and where I looked new they are 100 dollars a piece so I might as well just buy a mavic if im going to buy 2 new ones
Yes papa
Meanwhile in the Chengdu Embassy
I dont get the joke
45-70 Government thicccccc
Why I made this post idk. I just saw a 45-70 in my desk and though "Look how thicc that beauty is"
I wonder what the school would do if your pencil broke and you pulled out a 45-70 and used it as a pencil
I mean kids would probably shoot each other less in school if they all had guns than the nfac shoots each other
We need to protest under 2A we should be allowed to own GAU-8/A Avengers
And I thought the Democrats were bad
We went to the gun store today cause my parents had to buy 50 rounds of .38 Special and 9mm to go take concealed carry class. While they were there my dad was gonna buy bullets for out rifles he was which are .30-06, .270, .243 and .223 and they were out of all of bullets except 3 boxes of 38 special and 2 boxes of .30-06.
They are having trouble getting ammo and guns cause everyone is buying so many and these big chains like academy, walmart, and cabellas gets the guns first cause they have contracts
@HUNTER4639 My walmart sells shotguns
and pistols
but thats it
I love this man someone please give him a award
Where did I post it?
Oh that was an accident lol
I meant to put this
I got put next to friedman.
I took it a few weeks ago and got like 5 on the x axis and 0 on the y axis
So we have been having this dog, JJ, for about 6 years now and never knew what he was. We got him from a man that had to move for family reasons and couldnt bring him into the city so he was gonna shoot him instead of making him live in a shelter unless someone wanted him so we took him. We always thought he was catahoula mutt mix but didn't know. Google Lens says he is a New Zealand Heading Dog which he does have the same characteristics and look and face patterns but we are not sure because pictures from the sides and back says he is a hound but he doesn't have the right ears. What do y'all think?
He's nice and likes small children and out 6 pound dog like New Zealand Heading Dogs. He is also very strong and has a work ethic, when it comes to breaking cables he also pulled a pole out that was cemented in the ground.
Lol yeah
These pictures are from the USAF museum in Dayton Ohio from when went last year. Sorry about the bad pictures these were taken on my old Motorola e5 cruise that didn't have a good camera and also didn't have a ultrawide camera.
The first air force one you see is the one that JFK's casket was flown in and where Lyndon b Johnson was inaugurated.
The one after he f22
The independence is Truman's air force one
And the gray one was Roosevelt's
Every plane is real
They are all real planes
I had a bunch of other pictures but they were on my old sd card which snapped and some reason didn't upload to Google photo
It's cool they probably have more planes now we went like a year or two ago
When we went they had like 300. It takes two days to go through if you read every plaque and stuff. We also went to the one in Florida but I don't really remember it cause that was like 5 years ago I was like 8.
@DeButcher where was that?
I went to the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi
We went to the maritime museum of the Atlantic in Halifax but I didn't have a phone when we went so I couldn't take any pictures.
We also went see the bluenose full size working recreation
And we saw Micky Arison's yacht. It was docked next to the bluenose.
I would like to go see the USS Constitution and the HMS Victory.
Some pics from Hurricane Laura in Southwest Louisiana.
Just wondering what y'all think of the cybertruck? As we know the pickup truck market is already very established with brand loyalty being higher than any other type of vehicle I believe it will be very hard for Tesla to make this suceed like they are saying it will. With that being said the pickup market is a very lucrative buisness, with 5 of the top 20 best selling vehicles in the US last year being pickups, and most of the time when you satisfy a customer with their first purchase they are likely to buy another one of your trucks. I will use my dad as an example he had a Ford Ranger then got a Ford F-150 and now he has a F-250. I think Tesla has a oppurtunity to hit a gold mine with the Cybertruck but they will have to play their cards very carefully.
@ThatShadyVandal I agree, If you wanna work on lets say a deer stand but only wanna put it together close to the woods so you dont have to haul it on a big trailer the F-150 has a built in generator to power your tools as with the cybertruck you would have to bring a generator or use weak battery powered ones.
actually I am wrong about that
the cyertruck has a built in generator and air compressor\
I live in the country and some people have old trucks but most of them are newer
Ah I live in Louisiana
Personally I wouldnt get a cyber truck cause on the F150 has built in pencil holders, ruler, places to clamp things down without damaging the tailgate. It is nice that the cybertruck has a built in air compressor but it is rare that your gonna have to use a nail gun or something like that and if you do you can bring a little one.
yea but you can buy a little portable one
Yea true
The real question is does it have the ability to back up your boat into the water or back you up to a trailer.
Its kinda a must because the new F150 has it
Shots fired on India-China border
They aint shooting at eachother they are just shooting at eachother to try to scare each other
Or to be more specific chinese soldiers are shooting towards chinese soldiers
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