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This is egg-cellent!
What is that that looks good
It's eggs, mozzarella, sausage, bacon, red and green peppers, onions, cheddar cheese, and a bit of buffalo sauce baked.
I never use a recipe for it.
That sounds so good
Coconut cheesecake with oreo crumble crust
I want to plan a bbq but over there in Canada you'll get arrested for it
arrested for bbq?
Yeah cause covid
yeah thats dumb
When you legit have people "protesting"
ya but as long as they're protesting leftist ideas
protesting stay at home orders is a nono
Wrong emoji
There's the one
I agree with Gordon
It's raaaaaaaaawr!
You forgot the best part of that sentence
The f word?
Yeah haha I just love his cooking shows could've swore he was a sailor
Gordon Ramsay added salt to hot fritos in one of his videos
The dude will literally season salt
bread time
__River Valley Grill Burgers__
- Ground beef (amount varies)
- Salt
- Pepper
- Basil
- Oregano
- Marjoram
- Onion powder
- Sliced cheese (preferential)
- Condiments (preferential)
Thaw out your ground beef and place it in a sizeable bowl. Add together the spices listed above in a separate smaller bowl. Only about an ounce or so of each spice will get you the taste you need. Dump the spice mix in with the ground beef and mix the components together until homogenously spread throughout the meat. Begin shaping your beef into patties and place them in a 13x9 pan. Light your grill and wait for it to preheat to about 300ยฐ F (it's preferred that you use a charcoal/wood grill). Once the temperature has been achieved place the patties into the grill. For medium rare, I recommend cooking them for 15 minutes, flipping every 5 minutes. For well done, I recommend 25 minutes. Once the burgers have been grilled for the desired length of time, top and serve appropriately.
Thats probably cheese that smells like sweaty feet
OK cheese hater
Pardon my Wisconsin upbringing
Even when i was not vegan, i still disliked cheese
i miss burgers though
I love most cheese but can't stand Brie.
I can't stand cheddar
What's that?
Oml those are pretty
Has anyone ever seen pride and prejudice?
I just made the "excellent boiled potatoes" and they really are excellent.
Maybe scallops
I think you are right.
I heard pineapple actually decomposes your mouth/skin. Basically it eats you while you eat it
Eat it faster than it eats you
Also makes your nut sweet
You a squirrel? Eating pineapple for its nuts? Idk if thats how you get pine nuts...
Sounds gay
Those are the frogs. Not the squirrels
Gonna sleep, Iโm questioning my sanity rn
And I have the horny
You get pine nuts from pinecones @[TDE] Smokie
They're quite good on salads and roasted Brussel sprouts
So basically I got eaten by those pineapples?
All Iโm good at is cooking up memes
> All Iโm good at is cooking up memes
@CommunistScum67 I can teach you how to cook up good food that you can eat while you cook up memes.
Yesterday I made brownies, it was my second time making them and they are delicious. They are a little bit too overcooked for my taste.
I made burgers yesterday. Those brownies look top notch.
Oh, burgers.... ๐คค. Thanks man, last time I made them, they were still literally a liquid.
Toothpick test
Poke it near the center. If it comes out clean. Theyre done. If there's brownie stuck to it, put it back in.
Thanks for the advice!
@OffensiveTaco do you like black ones too?
Only the red
Which other snacks do you like?
White supremacist!
Red supremacist!
I like _white_ marshmallows
Rocky mountains type
Absolute best
Math is also racist so I totally support removing it from schools.
And anything thats vanilla
Dude i have a math exam on froday
They are amazing
I should protest that
And no exam
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