Discord ID: 411373786794033152
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@LeSwede 😂 they’d just say the car is mostly intact.
So I hear you guys like the ar15. Here’s me w mine.
Thinking of getting supplies and teaching my young boys how to make a faraday cage. Any tips?
So I stream cooking on twitch. Figured I’d share a roast chicken that we had recently.
I’m also half Greek- so I stream a lot of Greek food. Here’s pastitsou.
For which ones?
Here’s my silver cocker puppy named Odysseus. He’s 9 weeks old.
Ya- he’s so white (silver) that it makes his eyes look like black holes.
Ya I’d think a bolt cutter would be both more effective and time efficient. Something you could snap off easily if you needed to get away quickly.
How do we know if someone is deleting tweets?
Common Colorado wth.....
@^The Image Above Is Scary^ — your moms a hoe.
Scared the crap out of me. I want you to know that. I wasn’t expecting that. I just wanted to chill before going to bed, and now I’ve got spicy arm pits
Phone was all close to my face Bc I already took my glasses off. Thing bore holes in my soul.
Any coney Barrett rn
^^ that is probably their next move rn
Red wave in November
I’d like a small compilation of TIK Tok idiots losing their minds over RBG.
@KumquatLord the judge was Judge Peter A. Cahill. Remember that name and vote that judge out.
I figured I could try this again. Haven’t moved since last I took this quiz.
I feel like Bc I took a strong stance on things like abortion, prostitution, and border security, it ranked me pretty high authoritarian.
I wonder how the come to these conclusions when Biden hasn’t put out many policy positions.
Ok serious question - let me start out by saying that this COVID nonsense needs to end. People need to get back to work. And I see no reason why people can’t all begin to open up with the same safety precautions and whatnot that big companies are doing.... my question is - why are we not joining together and giving the big middle finger to China over all this? It feels like we’re being divided over anything to keep us from uniting against China. — on a similar note — given that we know the virus isn’t in some way extremely deadly, can we perhaps be over-looking the long-term bodily harm that is being done to people who recover from it? (I’m not saying that it is a justification for staying shut down). And yes- the double standards are egregious.
I made World of Warcraft T-shirt’s for me and my kids. With their toon names down their arms.
@SnowWhite❄ I have a horde toon on illidan!!! I joined The Struggle Bus guild....
I messaged you my battle tag. Let’s go play!
Trump is being transported to Walter Reed Hospital
I’m more prone to touching my face if I’m wearing the mask tbh.
Wish Polis (Colorado) would do the same.
@kyzercube That is what is happening here in my town too
Our local PD says they won’t respond to calls of people not wearing masks. They won’t enforce it.
Thats outrageous
We should consider a meme channel just for California nonsense. The stuff they’ve been passing lately has been outrageous.
Tonight I got in a conversation w a Biden/Harris voter. Talking about the VP debate this week, and they said “I hope Harris brings up the ‘does your mommy know you’re here?’ line”. (Apparently it’s something Harris thinks is a big burn to Pense; Bc of his propriety w women.) and then I got to enlighten them that Harris slept w her boss Willie Brown, to advance her own political career. So basically if someone is going to make fun of Pence for being extremely well-mannered and conservative regarding the opposite gender- PLEASE let it be a hoe like Harris. (Needless to say that was the end of the conversation when they found that out).
Anyone see trumps tweet to Pelosi a few minutes ago?
Pelosi is nasty for sure.
But good for trump for calling that out- for real- idk how Pelosi gets away w things like this; after she was caught wo a mask.
@Deleted User Susan Page is the moderator tonight
@Soulman the media is saying they’re right wing militia groups now.
NYT saying that they were part of “wolverine watchmen” whatever that is.... of course there are a ton of headlines for it now..... where was the news for the previous MONTHS of riots?
To the highest degree though. It can be concentrated so dramatically that even the smallest amount can kill you. Coming out of Gina and across the Mexico border typically.
Has anyone voted yet?
So my husband and I voted- took our ballots to a secure drop box. He was notified that his ballot was accepted- and I was just notified that mine was received. (I voted for geotus— but my husband didn’t)..... think there’s anything afoot?
I am concerned it was received right to “the round file”
@Kaladin short-hand for “greatest ever” potus
No..... he picked up TDS recently.
I haven’t been able to talk him out of it
@Kaladin he contracted it from Rachel MadCow
His dad died this year..... so he went home to spend him w his mom- and that’s all she watches.... so.....
@Split_beard (PS4) we’ve been together since I was 15. Had 3 kids together. We ain’t callin it quits over this.
No- he doesn’t treat me badly.
He does think zeducation is funny.
Interestingly enough- there were several republicans he voted for- but had to lie to his mom about it.
Biden laid out a plan “back in March” he says. And pense brought it up at the VP debate. He said it looks a lot like what trump is already doing
You have to elect him to know what the plan is.
Ya but the virus numbers are so high Bc Dems shipped grandma back to the nursing home w COVID. It’s like 80k people dead right there
I made murloc onesies for my kids - it’s their Halloween costumes as well.
Murloc are a world of Warcraft characters.
(Don’t really- it’s just a meme, not actual life advice).
@LoneWanderer101 🇺🇸 I agree. Where are the arrests?? Wth is Barr doing?
Ya a table top channel might be cool. I started up a little home brew w my family. My kids are super in to it.
Basement Biden
Trump has a much better message for this- optimistic. Biden wants us all to hide.
Sure - die WITH IT- not OF IT.
About to loose 200k more people? I don’t think so.
Moderator doing ok job thus far.
Look fat
Soooo Biden says shut everything until a vaccine. But don’t trust a vaccine unless you can see through it.
Parents scared to send their kids to school? I think they’re not concerned w them starving to death or being homeless Bc parents can’t get to work!
“Walk and chew gum at the same time”—? Joe wants us shut down!
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