Message from @kalala
Discord ID: 758782061933887558
There was a question about assuming someone’s sexuality
Like what?
I like them, I think they are fun, I just take the results with a grain of salt
thats good too 👌 more power to you if its something you enjoy
It makes me think about what I believe, and answer hard questions
Screw what the results say though
Im down with that. its good to have views challenged so you think about why you believe what you believe on that topic, and either change or get even better at defending, justifying, and supporting your position.
My support on blm was like 15%
and thats my test
It says foreigners so im guessing it doesn’t mean citizens
Yeah although I wish they were more clear
well nationality is citizenship... they are just implying that you hate immigrants....
The issue with many of these tests is the creators aren't without bias. They'll try to make you feel guilty about your answers and trap you.
Their hope is that if you take it and it shows you on the left, then you will identify as left and vote left.
Got caring, so I retook the test and got liberty
took it a few months ago and didnt feel it represented me, i took it again today and this seems to be more accurate
though the test is still stupid, the lack of a neutral is annoying, and not knowing what solicets a strong vs very strong
so i just put very strong on ones i only really agreed with
and strong / disagree on most
I feel like Bc I took a strong stance on things like abortion, prostitution, and border security, it ranked me pretty high authoritarian.
I hate questions like this
Because it’s either no one is a slut or only women are
I think I’m more conservative then it says
I wonder how the come to these conclusions when Biden hasn’t put out many policy positions.
That’s very lib-right
@Reddog000013 I've definitely called other guys sluts.