Acadian Adventurer

Discord ID: 280732608223248385

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I've been hoping for an actual ๐Ÿ…ฑloog server for a while

I also was hoping for a minecraft server

Needed a place to slot some, uhhhh endermen. In minecraft

Anyone have a few spare emeralds?

@แธคayal Boded IDF If we come to the abandoned turnpike event, are we coming armed? I mean other than CCWs?

Good morning Tony

I was thinking we should have people with knowledge on certain topics marked with roles. Like "Medical" "Tactical" "armorer"..... Etc

Fill them with ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ annerite for a explosive surprise to unwanted guests in minecraft

Alright, just checking. I also CC

I would imagine that there are already Alphabet boys in this group, and i also imagine there is no way to keep them out. Just something we have to deal with

I am a ***certified*** instructor, I just received my certs in January. I have not been able to follow through with employment with them due to the whole Covid thing. But I am certified to teach, yes. Erie County.

I can teach CPR/AED/First Aid, and BLS.

I had to go all the way to Cleveland to take the instructor classes too

The first aid I can currently teach is very basic, but I am supposed to be taking wilderness and remote first aid soon. (I'm trying to become a DCNR Ranger) I'll try to load up on useful courses to teach other bois

And as far as I know, the Red Cross will not teach anything involving TQ's (At least not on any levels I've been on) the instructor instructor said that the Red cross believes there is too great a danger for a civilian to fuck someone up worse

I don't know how many ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ oogle bois are in PA though

An event like that might be hard to gain attendance

Oh okay that makes sense

Uhhh acktually its ***865***

That's cool! I also probably couldn't hand out the certs. Or else it would get expensive quickly. I'd also have to source some CPR dummies which could be interesting.

***The Red Cross always gets their money*** ๐Ÿ˜‚

One wouldn't fill the "Golden Ratio" for instruction we were taught. They say people lose attention if you assign more than 3 per dummy. But it might be possible to make it work

Hiking and camping still might not please the crown lol

But hey, it sounds fun

That's not too bad then

Wtf is Riot? And also, im fairly certain you would still end up letting feds in. They're pretty good at being shifty

@Abe Clark That's the message it generates to Feds

You've been outed my friend

I vote we just liberate Ireland and keep it

@Bogs_Bunny Jack Septiceye?!?! I didnt know you were a ๐Ÿ…ฑoogy boi!!!

Whelp, I probably did a BIG DUMB last night

We' re doing distance learning at my college now, so I was at home after work. During my criminal justice class we were talking about Less lethals and bean bag guns. The teacher (Chief of a larger department in our area, and head of the police academy I'm going to have to attend) prides himself on running a non-militarized department, and the only non-militarized academy in our state. So they don't even have bean bag throwers. So I said "Hold up a minute" and went and got mine to play show and tell. (Don't worry folks I don't have the bean bags, just the flares and gas and other legal things) He was appreciative, but wow that was retarded of me.

Looking at parts for my M11 Cobray online and see this:

Haha that's not a Cobr......... OH GOD MY EYES

Im in Erie as well

I'm thinking about your receiver too ๐Ÿ˜ค soyboi

I'd go grab the lower

Just buy an 80% and mill it yourself

Eh, just start shaving stock off where you think it needs it

Thats a good project for a rainy day

I'd pull the fuckin pin and get out of that state myself ๐Ÿ˜‚ I don't even like when i go and visit my sister out there. It feels like im invading a comm-block country

"The dude?" You mean commander Ian?

I say we take Australia from the Britts

But we could all get Ford Falcon GT interceptors if we took Australia

I need to form a Ford Bronco mechanized Calvary unit. Any other Bronco bois here?

Let's build some technicals

@Anonymoose just buy a 37 MM launcher with flashbangs and concussives. I love mine

It's not even legally a firearm sir

They shipped it to my door

With a big bag of atomic fireball candies

Hang on i have a video on my YouTube of one of the concussion rounds

Yeah, you aren't allowed any anti personnel rounds

But you are allowed tear gas. Good luck finding a supplier though. Exotic ordinance ran out, and other companies are stingy LEO only bastards

I would love if I could

The best introduction I've ever had (and probably ever will) was at work when the boss was introducing a new employee around. "This is Bobby, he has goats and a grenade launcher"

I used to be quiet and secretive with talking about firearms at work, but I found out that if you're the gun nut at your workplace coworkers bring you unwanted firearms

I've gotten (for free) a super nice flintlock, and a shitty pistol, (for dirt cheap) my M11 Cobray, a WW2 Springfield (bubba'd unfortunately) and the nicest Lee-enfield ive ever seen in my life

All feds are retarded, and he's defs a fed

I passed on a gun at work once. It was an AK. He took it in lou of some money a guy owed him. But he wouldn't guarantee his buddy didn't steal it

Tell me if the cerakote is worth it! I'd really like to get my launcher, and my Subgun done

If you guys are so hell bent on giving money to someone, I'll take your subscription and buy more ammo

If you don't give me money to fight for your rights, then obviously you're anti gun @MrCaviar

I remember when I was an NRA member. It's hard to think I was even more autistic than I currently am.

Protesting doesn't fix things overnight dude

I hear they give a shit about ligma too

Is that the real Gungrabbingmemes?

I vote we all buy puppies

I'm not doing infantry, I didn't learn how to use cannons for nothing

@Drunk Trooper Nope! Local live shoot artillery battery!

Racists would shoot civilians. Anyone who purposefully shoots a civilian gets put down

Pedos need to be put into a pit and made to rape each other to death. The survivor is told he gets to live, but instead we blow him up.

I can only put a 3 inch shell into a bedroom window at about a mile ๐Ÿ˜ญ

What if we keep the pedos alive, and just give the politicians to them

Wait is that a legit thing?

Dude, that makes me very angry

If I'm being honest to my morals. I do believe everyone has a right to a fair trial. I do believe if they're found guilty they should hang, but everyone shoupd get their day in court

I wish I was allowed bean bags

I wish I could do more airsoft

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