Lawrence of Eurabia

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CMRโ€™s painting fill the MT State Capital building

Mรฅrten Eskil Winge

Wasnโ€™t Evola and artist for a short spell?

German scientists sure helped getting the Soviets to space

Same with the US though

Since my father is a stonemason Iโ€™ll put in a pitch for brick and stone buildings

Anyone read Bronze Age Mindset?

I really enjoyed it, Iโ€™ve just started Ride the Tiger and they both seem to have a similar theme so far

Iโ€™m studying abroad in Estonia next year. I bring back Eastern Europe wife

Neanderthal Nationalism

Itโ€™s too dangerous with all the sand people about

50% Irish
50% Italian
0% White๐Ÿ˜‰

I used to have blonde hair when I was a baby

Carrots are great

Cooking vegetables should be a crime

I thought the Tsar set that up?

They just never took the law off the books

Israel could never survive without Western backing. Theyโ€™d be overrun in a year

I doubt the Saudis would stay on Israelโ€™s side if we were out of the picture

I love Duolingo! It helps with my German class so much

@Asatru Artist - MD they have Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish

Donโ€™t learn the language of invaders or youโ€™re cucked

Everyone should learn Polish for when the Poles come for us

Russian is good to know

Iโ€™d like to have a conversation with Putin

Putin owes me money

CNN said Putin payed people to vote for Trump, and I havenโ€™t got my check yet.

Iโ€™d like to see Western Europe be great again

The Baltic countries seem like really nice places

They just look nice @Jacob

There will never be a union of all Europeans. Once we save ourselves weโ€™ll probably go back to killing each other

Monarchy sounds great just out of nostalgia, but probably wouldnโ€™t work here in America

@netgearblackhawk were you in the military?

I was tricked into the National Guard and ROTC

I feel like Iโ€™m really young in this crowd

Iโ€™m 20

I think the posters before is a good idea

I'm surprised at how many Mexicans we have in the MT National Guard. The only time I ever see Mexicans here is when I'm at Drill Weekend

Probably near that refinery between Bozeman and Billings. Can't remember what the place is called

@Isabella Locke-MT nice too meet you too!

I'm not really religious, but Christianity pisses me off when I see people adopt Hattians or some other shitskins and bring them to America because their Church told them too. Christianity is a religion for everyone, and that's my big problem with it. I personally don't care much about religion.

There's a few in my area who do it. Also the Church has a horrible history of corruption and destruction

I've got some weird Churches in my area, so I don't know if it's the norm

I've never been able to wrap my head around paganism. To much of it is unknown I feel like. I enjoy learning about the old stories, but I just think too much has been destroyed for it to ever truly recover. Maybe some form of a reconstructed religion will exist in the future; I think some people are onto something but they're not there yet.

I think that certain concepts exist in the minds of Europeans that influence our culture. Culture is downstream of DNA, but I think there's a little more that goes on in our minds. If you've ever read Carl Jung's Essay "Wotan" the essay covers some interesting ideas about the "Gods" or whatever being a part of us.

It's kinda weird, but it's interesting. Jung basically says that Hitler was the living Avatar of Wotan and that he was possessed by something inside all of us.

@โ˜ฆ Slouch โ˜ฆ most pagans get lots of stuff from Hinduism, since it comes from the Aryans who invaded India.

@Sam Southern - TN It's weird stuff, but having it come from a guy like Carl Jung made me look into it.

Hinduism has gone down a different path for sure, but some of the old Vedas can give a little insight

Varg pointed out some interesting stuff with the "Bear Cult" that Neanderthals worshipped, where the tradition of removing the skull and thighbone from the grave of an ancestor was practiced by the Germans and Celts until Christianity came. There are Neanderthal Graves missing the skulls and thighbones.

From a Christian perspective I guess

That's a Christian way of seeing things I guess. I'll try to find a chart that explains some of this stuff

Evola is an atheist then. Cause he saw Gods and God as human creations

yes, but he didn't believe in a higher power. Varg is also spiritual, but barely

Hereโ€™s that Chart

Some guy I know made this

he's autistic so

I've never put to much thought into it

I guess, I don't think it really matters to much. Some nigger can be a devout Christian or Muslim, but in the end their biology matters more than what they think

"I took 6th grade science, so I believe in evolution and God isn't real. Yeah I'm cool."

That's basically most atheism

Tucker doesnโ€™t have the money to run

Jiu-Jitsu is the best hobby

Iโ€™d love to go to Russia

Anyone here been to Estonia? Iโ€™m trying to study abroad there next year.

@Nemets Iโ€™m hopefully going to Estonia next fall. This next Summer Iโ€™m being sent to Nepal for ROTC

Are you sure Russia is good optics?

Is most flyering done during the day?

It might look good with Christmas lights in the background is what Iโ€™m getting at

Itโ€™s shows weโ€™re not scared during the daytime

Yeah for sure.

I'll be holding off on flyering until I'm a full member, besides nobody pays attention to things that happen so close to the weekend

To think Israel wonโ€™t turn on them as soon as possible

The Eternal Dutchman

James K. Polk was best

Is atomwaffen even real? I just thought they were a dumb meme

I bought civ5 with all dlc for $12

I think we should just have one big Montana

Hutterites speak a dialect of German

I have an ancestor who came from Germany to Pennsylvania in the 1700s

I like eastern Washington

One year ahead of me

@Nemets Columbia Falls is a meth town

That high school has a huge drug problem

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