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1. Link from the "Right Cafe" channel
2. Euromutt
3. Fascist
4. Undecided
5. Should be watched
6. Roman Imperium
Fascism is ideally rule by the strong and responsible, with a good record for steering nations well. Democracy is vulnerable and feudalism/theocracy is obsolete, so there is no other option for modern powers.
The problems we have result mostly from democracy's incompatibility with modern technology. Ease of travel and information exchange make it very easy to sway casual voters or just import new ones. A government that is answerable to a higher power than its people would not be vulnerable to such manipulation and would have the potential to do good things.
Distrust was a strong enough measure to keep jewish subversion in check for our forebearers
Oh was that a trick question that gets me banned
it's got the usual crazy jap shit but it's generally respected for how it demonstrates the folly of being a weak faggot and trusting women
I think you'd find that hedonists would change before dying
which other societies do you mean
That's why I favor the roman model
"Rome was so weak"
yeah you're right they were a husk at the end
they had a good run though
the best yet
british empire did less for themselves and for the world
temporarily *maybe*
Roman conquests and puppets were technologically and culturally improved for all time
British colonies reverted to savage backwardness immediately
looks to me like he means that brutality is necessary to some ddegree in any successful culture
those tests are spooks
I think you misunderstand what "feminine" means in a society tandaney
He's talking about how domestic and stable a society becomes as it gains dominance
we were already fucked in the 60s lmao
that's unlikely to work. Most systems that has worked historically have now been rendered obsolete by technological advances.
you expect much from your people
the fact is that most individuals are not enthusiatic about politics or ideology, and will make decisions based on their immediate economic and social wellbeing
that's why we have modern progressive politics. (((Media))) has made it social suicide to be traditionalist
great firewall maybe?
I think the balkans would be a better place to look
that level of control is impossible to reconcile with economic success
fascism is a sound economic system, look at modern China
This politiscales quiz assumes that no user is unapologetically racist or sexist
that's what I said
these personality tests are spooks
gives an idea that is twisted by whatever jew put it together
trust it at your own peril
here, these french fags made politiscales
says so in their "about" page
where does iran go on this list 😂
Yeah, it looks a little less imperial now
Aren't our people too comfortable to fight for anything? Most of us are satisfied with the abundance of food and drink and entertainment to be willing to die for any cause.
cheer up @Deleted User
aren't you looking forward to the race war
Yeah, this channel is only for garbage memes
What if the nation's total wealth and gold supply do not grow at the exact same rate?
What if the US actually has the biggest stockpile of gold on the planet, and reverting to the gold standard gives them new and exciting ways to jew the economy like never before?
Not to mention how much entrepreneurship relies on readily available loans. Changing to hard currency would change our entire civilization.
No part of modern civilization is "natural"
modern civilization and capitalism are the result of technological advance
I guess that's not true then lmao
sure they do
capitalism is the most sensible way to leverage wealth, and wealth only proliferates through technological advances to production efficiency
I agree, I'm not a libertarian @Bogatyr Bogumir
@el pebble you are right that capitalism requires the deliberate support of the state through contract enforcement and other enabling laws
but it is no more artificial than any other government support economic system
it's just a decentralized approach
yeah I'm pretty much there myself
a government at least has a duty to benefit its people
even if it only honors that duty a little bit, it's favorable to living under a corporate state
are you sure you aren't idealizing the virtues of the masses
Yeah, and we should appoint some people to make sure that nobody goes forming government anywhere
they'll need a budget too, so we'll need to appoint someone else to collect contributions from all the people
it'll be awesome
capitalism absolutely requires the state
you misunderstand the concept of capitalism entirely
look up and read about "enabling law"
you aren't prepared to argue abotu this
enabling law as in economics you retard
holy fuck
go read you philistine
listen, I'll put it in bite size form to accomodate your attention span:
Capitalism requires enforcable contracts to function, and the state is the only body that can effectively or efficiently enforce them
Capitalism also often requires trade controls to favor domestic producers and consumers, which only the state can effectively enforce
The "Free Market" as we know it requires significant maintenance by the state
not if I get him first @el pebble
listen kid, take a fucking intro level econ course
you'll enjoy it
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