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We men gain satisfaction by achieving goals. So set goals and achieve them. The goals can be anything you want . It could be being able to do 10 pullups with perfect form, to speak Mandarin Chinese, to earn a side-income as a freelancer. Anything. you like . You have more freedom than you know.

@Reaper I totally agree. I got rid of all my stuff. I sleep on a yoga mat with a sleeping bag on top. I cook all my meals. My living costs are less than what they were when I was a student.

@|DESPAIR|Percy| Do harder exercises. Try one-armed pushups, one leg shrimp squats holding the ankle of the passive leg with one hand. Do pullups with strict form, with a dead hang between reps. Glute-ham raises with your ankles tucked under a pullup bar a few inches above the ground.

There is a strong disincentive for women to report rape in Muslim countries. If she is unable to produce four witnesses to the rape, the Sharia court will find that she was not raped. Now, given the circumstances, they may go on to find that the woman committed extramarital sex for which the penalty is stoning to death.

Don't ask me, ask an Imam. But it's an effective system for Muslims to say there is no rape in Islamic countries.

Quran (24:4) - "And those who accuse free women then do not bring four witnesses, flog them..." Strictly speaking, this verse addresses adultery (revealed at the very time that Muhammad's favorite wife was being accused of adultery on the basis of only three witnesses coincidentally enough). However it is a part of the theological underpinning of the Sharia rule on rape, since strict Islamic law does not recognize rape if there are not four male witnesses or a confession.

Copied from thereligionofpeace website's page on rape and adultery.

Are you sure about that? Surely his wife would have been stoned to death if what you say is true.

There are more appealing topics to me than Islam. But people need to realise that Muslims are using our ignorance about Islam to deceive and ultimately dominate us.

Meditation might help. People don't know how to relax their mind - but if you meditate that's one of the key things you learn.

A good diet probably helps too - stick to whole foods, avoid processed foods. Eat lots of veg - I have 3 cups of veg with every meal.

I've learned to love veg. For me my enjoyment of food derives more from the way it's cooked and seasoned than the intrinsic taste of the food itself.

Even if you hate vegetables, you might try Indian vegetarian cuisine. It's so delicious you won't notice there's no meat in it.

Due to my health conditions I follow a keto style diet. That means I get about 80% calories from fat, 5% calories from protein and 15% calories from carbs.

It's a vegetarian version of keto - I don't eat meat.

I believe eating keto or paleo style low carb diets are much closer to the way our bodies were designed than the traditional food pyramid which is heavily weighted in favour of carb-dense grains.

I agree 100%. It was very hard for me to eat this way though. I was addicted to pizza, chocolate, biscuits and crap like that. I thought that I could get away with it because worked out and had low body fat. However I was wrong - I developed several health conditions.

Not a fan of the DNC but I respect Andrew Yang. He actually has well thought out policies, is able produce facts to support his positions and he doesn't play divisive identity politics.

Don't know. Will have to look into it. I still support Trump more than any other candidate. He actually wants to end wars. Look at the peace talks with North Korea, the collapse of ISIS.

Barack Obama was conducting more wars that almost any other US president in history.

Trump may not be perfect. But if Hillary had won, we'd have war with North Korea and Iran, and near-civil war in the USA.

Perhaps Bin Al Salman is a force for positive change. He did imprison Bin Talal, sponsor of terrorism, and also payee of Obama's Harvard tuition fees.

Obama and Hillary were agents of the Muslim Brotherhood via their handlers Valerie Jarret and Huma Abedin. Their level of corruption is something the American public is not aware of. If you follow Qanon, you will discover more.

If you follow say prayingmedic he outlines many Q proofs. For example Trump tweets and Qanon posts have frequently been synchronised within 1 minute of each other.

Also Q predicted the North Korea peace deal, McCain's death, Allison Mack giving evidence for the prosecution in the NXVIVM case.

If you look into it deeply it's hard to conclude it's nonsense.

Also look at how hard the MSM and also Mike Rothschild are trying to discredit Q.

They are afraid that Q is real. If so, they are going to get exposed and prosecuted.

Well if Q isn't real, i firmly believe that Western Civilisation is doomed and will fall to socialism or Islam.

watch prayingmedic on youtube

I tried to do an undercover journalistic expose of Scientology many years ago. So I said I wanted to join them. They subjected me to a detailed psychometric test. I knew what they were up to so I answered as if I was a mixture of Jesus and Buddha.

They were amazed at my test results - they said they were the best they'd ever seen.

But they still said I had deep seated psychological issues that needed to be resolved - by joining Scientology and signing up for one of their $5000 courses.

No one publication wanted to publish my article. Good thing really. They could have been threatened or firebombed. Same with me.

Their mythology is straight out of a bad sci-fi comic - it almost defies belief that people buy into it.

I wrote the article but my editor didn't want to publish it. Good thing , in retrospect as Scientology have attacked journalists and publications for trying to expose them. Such as firebombing.

I was young and a bit naive at the time.

No don't have it. Basically they give you a psychometric test, tell you you have serious issues and try to get you to sign up to a $5000 course. It's very unnerving and all their members act like brainwashed zombies.

Their mythology is that we humans were originally a race of immortal space-faring aliens that were banished to earth by an evil alien tyrant. Only through Scientology can we regain our alien superpowers.

What is op_scientology, were you trying to conduct cyber-warfare on scientology?

I wonder how they get all those celebrity advocates. Maybe they have dirt these Hollywood stars that they can use for blackmail? Or maybe these celebrities are really that stupid.

I've heard that the "deep state" controls its actors in the media, politics and industry through sexual blackmail. The nxivm case may well expose this.

Also Rachel Chandler may have some interesting information on this.

I once went on a water fast for 5 days. I definitely lost weight. Most experts say a 3 day water fast is safe for most people. Do your own research though and consult a doctor if you have any concerns.

Or just water fast for 24 hours 1 or 2 days a week. I believe people have lost weight doing this.

If you're really driven and you know your niche, you can succeed through self-learning alone.

Sometimes if you can prove you can deliver your product or service to a high standard, no one will ask for your certification. Doesn't work in all fields, obviously.

Or if you need certification, you could self-study then do the test, without bothering to pay for college.

I'm clearly not talking about medicine or engineering. Just as an example, I recently met a builder who was unable to work as a builder any more due to injury. He taught himself to build guitars and now that's how he makes his living. There are other examples - you just need to think outside the box.

Yes, but self-study as a viable career path is not limited to working with your hands.

Come to think of it I think the market for guitars has been in decline for many years due to EDM and modern electronic pop.

@KenneticEnergy I think the prosecutions are coming. Watch prayingmedicsโ€™s latest YT video.

Never watched "The Red Pill" although I listened to lots of interviews with the filmmaker Cassie Jaye about it. I kind of assume that I already know what it covers. I was hopeful that "The Red Pill" would shift the mainstream narrative but I don't think it changed anything. I applaud Cassie Jaye though, she was viciously attacked by the MSM in several countries for making the documentary.

I hope Sargon gets elected. Watching him in the House of Commons would be epic.

They should get Tommy Robinson to run. The establishment would shit themselves

Candace Owens should fun for Congress. Maybe challenge Ted Lieu


Before I divulge any personal information to someone, I ask myself, โ€œIs there anyway this person could subsequently use this information against me.โ€

I used to be very trusting. But Iโ€™ve been burned too many times.

I donโ€™t even have one person I can trust to bring me a plastic fork at lunch time.

In todayโ€™s society a Frodo/Sam relationship between two men would be shamed as gay.

Iโ€™ve been to other countries where friendship between men was much closer. Even to the extent of holding hands. But there is no gay subtext.

Women hate male friendships as they want all the attention. They break them apart with shaming just as you said.

So what was Napoleon's quote about women?

What surprised me was what Buddha said about women (in the Jakata texts): โ€œNo man who is not possessed should trust women, for they are base, fickle, ungrateful and deceitful."

Here's the full passage: โ€œNo man who is not possessed should trust women, for they are base, fickle, ungrateful and deceitful.
They are ungrateful and do not act as they ought to; they do not care for their parents or brother. They are mean and immoral and do only their own will.
Though a man may be their loving, kind and tender companion for a long time; though he may be dear to them as their own life, yet in time of distress or misfortune they leave him. Therefore I do not confide in women.
The mind of women is like that of a monkey, going from one place to another like the shadow of a tree. The heart of a women is unsteady like the rim of a wheel.
Women are [sticky] like gum, are all-devouring like fire; they are clever deceivers and impetuous like a river. They go both to the man they love and to him they dislike just as a boat goes to both banks of a river.
They do not belong to one man or two: they are laid out like goods in the bazaar. He who should think โ€œthey are mineโ€ might just as well try to catch the wind in a net.โ€
โ€”The Jakata

@Space wix If you can, please share. Always interesting to find out what great men of history had to say about women. Interesting also to realise how our education and media cover up the opinions that don't fit their narrative.

@Rhunespire True, but I never learned about what they said about women until I found MGTOW. This stuff should be taught to boys at school!

@Space wix Not bad. There are better "famous men" observations on women out there. Schopenhauer's "On women" is particularly scathing.

The French government tried to suppress the details of the Bataclan massacre. The men and women had their genitals mutilated with knives.

@Happy Humble Hermit I read that article. Truly horrific.

@The-Free-Monk No, they're pretty smart. Look at the way they're undermining our institutions. Children in the West are being taken to Mosques and taught how to pray and recite the Shahada (testimony of conversion to Islam).

Muslims may not be smart in science, philosophy or the arts. But they are smart in politics, subversion and conquest.

Ayan Hirsi Ali wrote a great paper for the Hoover Institute called The Challenge of Dawa. You can Google it. It's all about how Muslims have been plotting for decades how to take over the West by taking over our institutions. I'd highly recommend reading it.

@conker You are right. Read the linked document above if you're interested.

@conker Sent you a direct message. Have you got it?

@conker The Hoover Institute is a high power think tank. The paper is no joke - very well written and thoroughly researched.

Do people in the USA realise how well Muslims have infiltrated politics? Huma Abedin and Valerie Jarrett are both agents of the Muslim Brotherhood and they had access at the highest levels.

Senior advisors to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama respectively.

@conker They will TNMRA (take non-Muslim's rights away) too. Maybe behead/rape a few.

In the UK if you say mean things on twitter about Islam you will get visited by the police.

What's the best way of staying anonymous on twitter? If you don't use your real name, give a burner email and use a vpn, you'd be safe, no?

China is not going to let itself get taken over by Islam. I'm learning Mandarin... maybe I'll move to China.

@conker Thanks for your advice.

@conker VM is virtual machine?

@conker You mean social credit score?

@conker You just have to stop talking about politics. I think their "racism" is exaggerated. You don't think a Chinese man with broken English wouldn't face "racism" in the USA?

Sometimes I think democracy is doomed to failure. Only authoritarian regimes can survive. Like Islamic theocracy. Or Chinese style totalitarianism.

@conker Yes, that's true. But you'd have limited property rights living in an Islamic Europe. Non Muslims have to pay the Jizya tax to Muslims - up to 50% of their income.

@conker You're right. Everything TFM says is unarguable.

@LOGICWINS How much cash will you need for retiring to Thailand?

Yes, I just chose it at random. I liked the film with Takeshi Kitano

Good call

It was a famous TV series in Japan I think.

I've only seen the film version with Takeshi Kitano.

@Xychotic So your name is from League of Legends?

@sensei_J Yes. Iโ€™m on a vegetarian keno diet. About 50 g carbs per day. Doing great.

@LOGICWINS Although Rollo's not MGTOW, Rational Male has some solid insights into female psychology. Reading it was an important part of my Red Pill awakening.

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